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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Wow, Bannon out. Is there any precedent for this type of turn over? After the election I was like, "Ok, gotta give the guy a chance to do his stuff." But it just seems to be getting worse and worse every week. How about just stopping with the tweets? That would seem to be an easy first step.
  2. I'm the first to complain when history textbooks get politicized (interestingly enough, California and Texas tend to be the worst offenders in regards to this.) I'd even go so far as to say I'd vote against removing the statue of Lee if I sat on the city council (I'd suggest alternative ways to change the message of the memorial.) But I don't live in Charlottesville, and I'm not on the city council, and if they want to change their public parks, that is their right. And honestly I have a very similar view of the Berkeley protests against conservative speaker. The difference is I'd say the Berkeley protesters (Black Bloc excluded) seem to not understand that they are increasing the exposure of the speakers by trying to shut them down, and the alt-right seem to be more interested in attention than the actual cause.
  3. Well said GD. I find it interesting that all the people defending Lee's statue seem to know nothing about the guy.
  4. My attention span is about 3 weeks and caps out around 40 hours.
  5. Ducktales, woo-ooo, is on sale for Steam. I might need to grab it.
  6. 24% think the ideal length of an RPG is 100+ hours? Those people need to get a life.
  7. Heh, always interesting to hear from the actual subject of all the controversy. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/robert-e-lee-thought-confederate-220734970.html
  8. Also just because someone isn't a conservative, doesn't mean they are a liberal. We could do with a heck of a lot more moderate voices out there.
  9. There is a pretty big message difference between a group protesting against police brutality and racism and a group of white supremacists, though. Police brutality and racism are real issues that need to be addressed, and so Obama condemning the BLM movement is a much trickier situation. Nazis, KKK, and the like should be pretty easy to condemn. That should be an automatic thing. They think moving a statue is some sort of attack on the white race. It's ridiculous.
  10. BLM should definitely do more to distance themselves from extremism, but their message is pretty dang tame compared to Neo-nazis and the KKK. Here is a look at what they say they stand for: http://blacklivesmatter.com/guiding-principles/ As I said, not exactly crazy stuff. Now when that message gets overridden by violence and vandalism, they need to respond better. Just like I want to see Trump respond better.
  11. Extremists gonna extreme.
  12. I had an interesting conversation with my wife about the job situation this morning. She doesn't like that they are losing their jobs, it seems like a slippery slope. As a teacher, there are a number of things that can put our careers at risk that have little to do with our effectiveness in the classroom. Of course, as a parent I also see why you don't want a white supremacist teaching your kids. That being said, go back 20 years and I'm pretty sure I could lose my job for being in a Gay Pride March. It's a tough situation. Hard to sympathize with these guys, but it's also hard to preach tolerance when you are blacklisting people.
  13. yeah hippies sure are prone to violence and firestarting, rioting and demolishing public property... Ah, you are talking about anarchists. Yeah, those folks are terrible, I don't think you will find anyone here defending them. You do seem to have a few people here defending the white supremacists.
  14. For the Berkeley crowd, the insults are usually more smelly hippy based.
  15. I'm no fan of removing statues, but it's pretty hard to prove that they aren't symbols of racism and discrimination when the group protesting their removal looks like a bunch of white supremacists.
  16. Let me know how the new story mode turns out.
  17. They probably drink cheap beer too. But I don't think I would want to drink with those black bloc folks either. They would probably roofie you.
  18. These don't really look like good drinking buddies to me:
  19. It's a trap!
  20. I don't know, it's hard to really find anything on his running game, and all I remember is the last half of his career where he either walked or hit it out of the park.
  21. Well, we burned the grain bag and created a mess, so I threw it out and will try again next weekend.
  22. My IPA has definitely gotten stronger after a week in terms of hoppiness. I was going to pull the hops out of the keg, but it fell down to the bottom. Next time I'll know to use a bit of string and tie it off. It's still delicious. Today we are brewing a Vanilla Oatmeal Stout. It uses a ton of grains that I need to steep, and then it goes into the fermenter for longer than the IPA. For the vanilla, I am making extract by cutting up vanilla beans and soaking them in bourbon for a couple weeks. When I move the beer out of the primary fermenter, I will dump that in. Exciting!
  23. I'd lose sleep over it.
  24. Bonds stole over 500 bases in his career. He didn't start to slow down until he was in his 30's, so I'd say that is an unfair characterization. I mean, unless you are arguing he was just a smarter runner.
  25. So predictable.
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