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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I can't imagine becoming a cheater because my mates keep accusing me of that. You'd have to have super low self esteem to just become something because people say you are that.
  2. This year we decided to dress up for a halloween party as a family. We went with Power Rangers. But then my daughter changed her mind and decided to be Sheila from Army of Darkness. I'm torn between happiness and sadness. She does look great though.
  3. To be fair, the Houston owner did apologize pretty quickly, and it sounds loke a number of people in the room were quick to point out how bad it sounded.
  4. I would recommend everyone watch Timbuktu to understand more about the situation in Niger.
  5. Yeah, but even taking it in the best light, referring to employees as inmates at an asylum is a bad idea. Sure, there is obviously a big divide between players and owners, but stating it that way when there is already a ton of tension is asking for trouble.
  6. Yeah, I traded in my Vans for comfortable sneakers years ago. Old age.
  7. History for 12-13 year old kids.
  8. The standing desks do drop down to be regular sitting desks, by the way.
  9. After many years of using terrible desks, some with loose electrical wiring and jagged edges, I am getting a chance to order new furniture for my classroom. I'm torn between a couple options so I figured I'd bug you guys about it. I would really like to get some furniture that students can stand at. I hate sitting for long stretches and I know it isn't easy on middle schoolers. It would look like this: My concern here is that they seem like than can break pretty easily. Given my current furniture is older than me, I don't know when I will ever get replacements. They are also pricey, so I don't know if I can get the funding. They come with nice chairs though. My other thinking is something that is easy to move and can connect together well. I move my furniture somewhat regularly depending on whether we are doing group work, tests, etc. https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/248/9086/10h/origin-d5.scene7.com/is/image/KLog/MAD-60W_1 They connect together well and look durable. They also are about half the price. Anyone have any thoughts? Should I go revolutionary or traditional?
  10. The President is a bit of an oddball...
  11. I think you are overthinking the gun fu movie. I mean, you can also wonder why people only have kevlar suits when it fits the plot, but that would be silly.
  12. John Wick 2 - it was a ton of fun, can't wait for the 3rd.
  13. Crazy that he did something similar for the Giant's in 2010. Some guys are just clutch.
  14. Where is that Spectre1 guy? We've got a cheerleader story in the news. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/campus-anthem-battle-cheerleaders-vs-sheriff-powerful-lawmaker-232611605.html I think the best line is "Why is a sheriff policing cheerleaders?"
  15. That is surprising. Although the story seems a bit vague, it may have been partly his choice as well after what he said about family.
  16. It's clearly India. Hmm, my parents never really talked about the starving kids in India when I wouldn't eat my vegetables for dinner, so I don't believe you. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AppealToWorseProblems
  17. I was on the edge of my seat for the last hour. Crazy game.
  18. They aren't destroying the Civil War memorials though, they were moving them. I believe a number of them were going to museums.
  19. Monuments typically honor an event or a person. While I'm certainly not opposed to monuments to slavery in the US, I can see why there are small ones scattered across the country instead of a massive one in one place. In a lot of ways I consider it more powerful to have a specific monument to Mount Vernon slavery on the site where it existed.
  20. Both the Smithsonian and the Civil Rights Museum have sections devoted to slavery.
  21. Crazy how quick people are to label those that criticize Trump as fake Republicans, considering Trump's history with the democratic party.
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