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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Millions of fans? Try to remember that PoE only managed 80k in terms of pledges. That means it is pretty unlikely that millions are crying out for isometric games versus the next action fest. The numbers do not support that.
  2. I don't see why they'd run back to Shadowrun immediately? At least one expansion is likely I think. Sure. I didn't say they would not stay with Battletech for awhile. But they are a pretty small studio, so I imagine they keep the bulk of their staff on one project at a time.
  3. I expect HBS to get back to Shadowrun after Battletech. They still have a lot of content they can hit from the game.
  4. RV is better, you aren't stuck in one place.
  5. "So dark...are you sure your not from the DC Universe?"
  6. Are there a lot of classical Greek statues hanging out in public parks?
  7. He's one of only two people I've ignored on this forum, or any forum ever for that matter.... Am I number 2?
  8. The slow motion space chase was silly, but Star Wars has always been pretty silly. I actually really like the Kylo and Ren dynamic. There were basically three movies happening in TLJ, and the Luke-Ren-Kylo relationship was easily the most interesting and had the best acting. But really, it's space fantasy. I've said it before, take it way less seriously people.
  9. Not even Deadpool?
  10. That's sad, he was pretty young.
  11. Oddly enough I skipped Thor in the theater, but made the time to go see Black Panther because it was the better film. So maybe TN is at fault instead of Marvel for skipping a good movie.
  12. Hard to ever bet against a player that has made the finals for the last decade or so. If they miss this year, rather than harp on not making it, I hope people are able to reflect on what an amazing run Lebron has had.
  13. When you espouse a radical ideology regularly, you can be expect that everything you say will be held under that lens. I doubt Sharpie or Terminator would pay any mind to a well-known liberal pundit.
  14. Another EuroTruck Simulator success story.
  15. Putin apparently won the most recent election by over 75%, so I'd hardly say the West is alone in misplacing trust.
  16. Evidence is only acceptable if it fits into the narrative, people.
  17. We have 2 by 4's in all of the classes with a strap that we attach to the door. Pretty simple, and the 2 by 4 makes a decent weapon if things escalate.
  18. Vegas wins their first playoff game, awesome. They even staged a little Renaissance Faire at the start.
  19. Resident Evil franchise is the best video game to movie series in existence.
  20. I had to cancel because we moved. I actually made a pretty good profit on the tickets though. Vegas is just killing it on tickets this season. I'm cautiously optimistic that the Sharks will have a good showing. It will be a physical series.
  21. Hanging out in the emergency room with my son, who might have a fractured clavicle or a dislocated shoulder. We have had a pretty good run, it has been a number of years since I have had to make a visit to the ER. The place gives me the heebie jeebies.
  22. My guess would be the 26 percent actually knew the answer was 10, so they chose the closest option.
  23. Wasteland 2 was fantastic though. I'd actually rank it ahead of PoE as my favorite game to come out of kickstarter, and probably tied with Shadowrun. It helps that I enjoyed the combat and character advancement system more than PoE. It wasn't overly complicated.
  24. Who said this? I'm quite sure that most people who praise Original Sin played for ~10 hours and then moved on to other things. The game was really good at leaving a nice first impression, with the pretty graphics and and interactivity. Then you find out it has drivel for story, the combat is always the same, it's slow as molasses, quests are unexplained, broken or plain boring, and the companions might as well be made of cardboard. The worst part is - it's all. So. Excruciatingly. Generic. I got a few more than 10 hours out of both, but there is something about Larian games that enthrall me for act 1 and then totally lose me after that. It is usually enough for me to feel I got my money's worth though, so there is that. DOS2 did a good job of fixing quite a few of the issues with DOS1, but I wouldn't recommend it if the original bothered you that much.
  25. I'm sure the Chinese would be protesting more if they got shot as often. And the Irish became the police, so that was a nifty turnabout by them.
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