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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I'm thinking you're right... Well they already decided to overload the Wasteland with a ton of people in Fallout 4, so I guess a flood of chosen vault dwellers makes sense.
  2. Do you have the rise of the perpetually offended without the rise of celebrities posting self-important garbage on social media?
  3. Did people think Obsidian would get the next Fallout? I thought it was pretty clear that wasn't going to happen.
  4. Huh, I think the expectation that the man pays is because we are all ugly and lucky that the woman is even giving us the time of day. I don't even think about the salary situation. My wife and I make the same and I still pick up the tab most of the time because I am the one in pursuit. But hey, maybe we are weird.
  5. Went on a crazy 50 mile ride with 2400 feet of climbing on my road bike. I was hanging pretty well with the group until the last 5 miles or so, so I am getting better. Time to relax.
  6. I'm not sure I understand the last part here. Clearly the meaning of Chivalry has changed quite a bit since the days of Charlemagne. But words have been changed and co-opted throughout history to fit the times. This isn't just a modern practice. Etymology is a fascinating subject. Avocado literally means testicles in the Aztec native tongue, so remember that next time you eat guacamole. Also your salary is probably not literally a payment for salt, even though you may be the salt of the earth. Salud.
  7. There are other parts of these boards? Honestly though WoT and C&C are all I can really keep up with. The individual game sections have their own thing.
  8. https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/chelsea-clinton-donald-trump-degrades-meaning-american/ I don't know about that. I mean, if that were really true, then you would find few presidents that didn't degrade what it means to be an American. Whatever your political beliefs are, everyone should be able to recognize that the Lewinsky scandal degraded the presidency, as did Bush throwing up on the Japanese Premier. We've had internment camps for Japanese Americans and a Civil War. Trump has his work cut out for him if he really wants to degrade what it means to be American, but honestly I'd say American's shouldn't expect the President to personify the country.
  9. Heh, bit surprised to see you post that joke, Sharpie.
  10. You've just got to find the silver (screen) lining. We are getting a ton of good content through Netflix, HBO, and other small screen content producers. Honestly I'd say we are in a major sci-fi renaissance. Westworld, Altered Carbon, Moon, Mute, Bladerunner, etc. There is bound to be something out there that will hook you. If you can't find it, there might be a deeper issue at play.
  11. Hey, I said we had others, I didn't say they were all gems. The thing is if Solo does well, the odds are you will see more movies like that, because writers will basically market it as being like the adventure of Han and Chewbacca. Of course I'm pretty sure Solo is supposed to be like Guardians of the Galaxy but with Star Wars (even though I haven't seen it. ) Just like when Harry Potter came out and we ended up with every decent kids books getting a movie.
  12. There is a pretty good documentary about the Portland team that Kurt Russel's dad owned. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3445270/
  13. Wait what? I can't remember any since Serenity (which was 12 years ago). Serenity is a good example, since it had a lot of buzz and an established brand and still barely broke even. Cowboys and Aliens is another very clear Space Western that did little at the box office. We've also had a string of Space flicks that aren't quite westerns, but fit the space adventure category like Jupiter Descending, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Yawns, and the aptly named Oblivion. The best of the bunch is Westworld, which isn't in space but definitely is sci-fi, and that one has also found the most success. Actually we've been fairly lucky with how well Westerns are doing again on the small screen.
  14. I have held doors open for people all my life and never been lectured. That is just a silly myth.
  15. Rape is a good deal more than terrible. That's why we send rapists to prison, typically for a long time.
  16. No, that is terrible behavior. In what world is it alright to try and lift up a lady's skirt? I couldn't even doing that to my wife outside of a private setting. It's completely terrible.
  17. Minestrone is too soupy for me. I cooked down all the broth so it was just a pasta.
  18. I get pretty concerned over the accusations against the elderly, because there is a lot more at play than abuse of power or misogyny. Mental capacity does change as you get into your twilight years. If Freeman has decades of this type of behavior, that is one thing. But if it has manifested itself late into his 70's, odds are this is more of a sign of diminished capacity. What behavior, did you seen that video? he was just nice to her, maybe little flirty or flattering, ITS NOT BAD BEHAVIOR, and its definetelly not worth shaming man by associating him with rapists. Jesus I'm not sure who is associating him with rapists, but trying to lift the skirt of a woman would qualify as terrible behavior.
  19. I get pretty concerned over the accusations against the elderly, because there is a lot more at play than abuse of power or misogyny. Mental capacity does change as you get into your twilight years. If Freeman has decades of this type of behavior, that is one thing. But if it has manifested itself late into his 70's, odds are this is more of a sign of diminished capacity.
  20. Yeah, but then no one would go see it. It's not like we haven't had other space westerns recently. None of them did all that well at the box office. This is as close to a guaranteed hit as you can get. edit: I'd like to see them make some movies in the Star Wars universe that do not focus on the core characters, myself. That's part of why I liked Rogue One. They stepped away from the standard arch types. But the further you get from the established lore, the more risk you take on at the box office, I suppose.
  21. Ugh, this whole anthem thing is so frustrating. It's one thing to disagree with the way they are protesting, or disagreeing with what they are protesting. But this whole political theater act where you make the protest about something completely different is incredibly ugly. I can't believe how many people buy into the blatant narrative change that is going on here. What a mess.
  22. Well if they weren't immensely successful, they wouldn't have the opportunity to wreck the world.
  23. That sounds very pro-union from you. They do have good leverage in states where unions aren't considered a dirty word. California gets bashed over the power of the CEA pretty regularly by Republicans.
  24. I wouldn't say it is misplaced. I mean, it is excellent that Canada has that kind of earnings mobility. I would love to see the US make improvements there. But US companies still dominate the global economy. The tech industry was basically born from that 'misplaced' attitude and it still continues to be driven by US entrepreneurs. The world is saturated in products that were born in the US. Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Apple...they were created by self-made men. Why is that? Why doesn't Canada have more of those stories?
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