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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I, for one, assume Fenix was quite simply never into adventure games at large. I'm actually pretty sure I did play Monkey Island at some point, but only like first few screens. But, at the time my family actually did have money to buy a computer, Myst was out - and that was an audiovisual revelation ... That I didn't actually enjoy at all. If Myst was out when you started your pc voyage, then you were a generation after the release of Monkey Island. The release of Myst was towards the end of the whole adventure game dominance, whereas Monkey Island was the height. Even though it really was only a few years, the tech was moving so quickly back then that made a huge difference. In short, adventure games were pretty much all you had on the PC in the 80's. I started with King's Quest and The Black Cauldron, so when Monkey Island hit the scene, it was a dramatic jump in everything. If Myst was out when you jumped on board, you missed it. I never dug Myst either, we had way more quality action and RPG options by then (Might and Magic III!). Not that it's a big deal, but as the video you posted showed, it continues to influence more modern games with the way it handled production and many of the gameplay systems.
  2. But Steam really isn't giving you full ownership when you buy something from them. They give you a license. You have to play it through their software, even in offline mode. It is in their best interest to make sure you always have access to those games, but honestly you have fairly limited rights. They are a heck of a lot better than the iTune store, at least. Apple makes it a huge hassle to access the content you have paid for if something goes wrong. I'm actually curious what happens to your Steam library when you die. I know Apple does not let you transfer it. But yeah, don't think of it as ownership. I see benefits though. It is a huge benefit to me that all my games are in one place and when I get a new computer, all I need to do is log in to get them. They are easy to get patched up, and I get spiffy badges. I have a few CD cases buried in my garage and I remember what a hassle it used to be to manage them and try to get them to work on new computers. I'm happy not to go back to those days. edit: I also think we need to remember that these games aren't that valuable. They drop precipitously after the first month or so in most cases. Do I really need to own 300 games, 95 percent of which I will never play again?
  3. Little extreme, I think. Steam does offer a decent service and value to people. Heck, they even implemented a decent return policy. Offline mode has made strides as well. A lot of it comes down to ownership. There is this well established idea that you buy something and take ownership of it, and should have full rights to it. The new model is more of a lease or subscription. This isn't just about digital content, you are seeing it with phones, cars, etc. Both models have value. I like the idea that my car will be paid off and I can just consider it an asset, but I also like the idea that when I tire of it in 3 years I can get the latest and greatest.
  4. All of my doctors are Indian. Did you guys watch Take Your Pills on Netflix?
  5. I just assume Fenix is too young to know what a huge jump the Monkey Island games were in quality. When I got my first soundcard, the first game I went to replay was Monkey Island, and it was nearly a spiritual awakening.
  6. My apologies if I misunderstood you.
  7. Hah, I'm pretty sure you had a conniption when Obama bowed to people, but you call this fake news. Beautiful.
  8. Well we all know that the bible says politics are more important than religion.
  9. Have you played You Have to Burn the Rope?
  10. Really digging Dying Light, although the nightmares when I go to bed in real life are a bit rough.
  11. Get the Switch. I steal my sons all the time, it is great. (I paid for it!) The Xbone just doesnt seem to have any edge over a decent pc. I would rather upgrade my rig than spend money on it.
  12. FFXV was pretty great, though. I'm not sure about the live service stuff, but it was gigantic as shipped and had a ton of content. I think a lot of the live service stuff was free, too, but I didn't follow it closely after finishing it.
  13. I don't really get the anger over multiplayer. If it takes away from the single player experience, sure. But Baldur's Gate had an mp experience and it didn't detract from the game.
  14. I am actually shocked how into it people are. I just come here for trailers and have no interest in the presentations.
  15. Grabbed the full Dying Light game for cheap and enjoying the start of it. I need new batteries for my controller though, mouse+keyboard is no bueno for parkour.
  16. I thought Thor: Ragnarok was radical. I did think the first two were pretty unremarkable.
  17. So...is it just Fallout 5 set in West Virginia? Honestly ain't nobody got time to listen to that guy talk. I fast forwarded to the trailer and gameplay.
  18. Cyberpunk 2077 looks way more interesting to me than the Witcher games. I loved the somewhat 80's vibe.
  19. I've been trying to find a way to get better at open water swimming, and I figured the ocean is the best way to do that since the calm waters of the Pacific Ocean are so warm and inviting. I found a group that does a mile swim every Sunday, heading half a mile out to a buoy and back in a kelp forest in Monterey. It was cleaner water than Santa Cruz and fairly safe from sharks (although not jellyfish) so I decided to give it a try. It also ha da nice beach for the kids to play at. I got there, suited up in my wetsuit (which I regret is sleeveless) and headed out to the group. I don't know what it is, but for some reason I just can't breathe right for the first few minutes of open water swimming. I can jump in a pool and settle right into a rhythm, but out in the open I nearly hyperventilate. I kept trying to steady myself, but I basically had to breaststroke with my head up for the first few minutes. Finally I calmed down and got a steady stroke going, but I still did mostly breaststroke while using freestyle bursts here and there to keep up with the back crowd. I got to the yellow buoy a half mile out after 18 minutes, and they had me kiss the barnacle encrusted thing. Then I asked for an uber, which got a laugh, so I'm guessing the answer was no. Swimming back was actually harder, as the wind and waves had really picked up and the tide doesn't actually carry you in along this stretch of beach. I got out and my legs didn't really work, and I was shivering pretty badly, but it felt good to be done. It wasn't enjoyable like running and biking. It is just such a different feeling to know that there is no stopping on the swim, not really. You can slow down or tread for a bit, but really that just means you are going to get hit by waves and it's not really rest. It's tough, but hopefully I can get more comfortable out there if I do it more often.
  20. In terms of mass market IPA's? I guess they are ok. The thing is, the star of any IPA is the hop, and the larger the batch, the harder it is to really get the hoppiness to shine through. Plus you have a relatively short life before that hop flavor dilutes, and there are so many different types of flavor profiles. Piney? Dank? Citrus? For my money, Stone makes the best dank brews, 21st Amendment nails citrus, and Deschutes has some solid piney beers. Fresh small batches are always going to beat large industrial batches. My best IPA was the one I brewed at home using Citra as a finishing hop. I put a bag of hops directly in the keg and tapped it. It was crazy fresh and captured the Citra perfectly.
  21. Ovechkin is enjoying his time at the top. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJP-oO6fvKY
  22. That narrative bothers me as much as the one where the Warriors have somehow ruined basketball by fielding a super team. They built that team through drafting, coaching, and a smart trade for Iguodala. KD was obviously a huge get for them, but they already had the foundation of a strong team before he arrived.
  23. I think Curry should have got the MVP. He was arguably better than Durant in 3 of the 4 games. I mean, it is close because in Game 3 Curry was way off, whereas Durant was steadily dangerous through all 4 games, but I still think Curry had a good case.
  24. They also have magical underwear, so not all bad.
  25. Yeah, my wife still says she is Catholic but hasn't gone to mass in years.
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