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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. What rigorous vetting process are you talking about? Green Lantern was fine. Seemed like pretty standard popcorn flick fare. It wasn't groundbreaking and I guess they spent too much money on it, but I don't have any problem with it. What was the worst part of the movie? Also good to keep in mind the target audience. Is Captain Marvel really targeting your morning radio hosts?
  2. Odds are pretty slim that the movie actually sucks though. It might be tired and unoriginal or whatever, but these things follow a pretty standard formula. They've got great effects, good acting and directing, solid writing. There aren't going to be a lot of obvious problems with the film. They get focus groups and a bunch of oversight making sure that it is a quality product. So yeah, anyone that says the movie is terrible is exaggerating or trying to make themselves seems edgy. I mean, I have no interest in seeing the movie myself, but I realize that is a reflection on my lack of interest in the character and general apathy towards super heroes at this point. That doesn't make it a bad movie.
  3. Crazy people hate other crazy people, news at 11.
  4. I love Dragon's Milk, but it's a king's ransom to buy it. Also my guess is Gfted has been drinking crappy watered down stouts. There is a lot of variety in the Stout game, so I'm sure there is something for him. You basically have a bunch of different flavor bases: Malt, bourbon, coffee, chocolate, oatmeal...I'm sure there are a few others but those are the most common. I mean, unless you dislike all of those things, you probably can find the right fit.
  5. In an ideological war, is it more important to hold people accountable, or to change their minds?
  6. I played through Guild Wars and unlocked a bunch of stuff for Guild Wars 2, and then I never really got into the sequel. I should probably go back sometime. I even read one of the books and enjoyed the lore.
  7. Any of the distance changes is the biggest concern I see. I can't really decide wear I stand on the auto-called strikes and balls, but it sounds like the system still needs work regardless. For now it's a good way to weed out bad umps, I suppose.
  8. Conan Exiles is having a free weekend, so I'm giving it a whirl. There seems to be a lot to like about it. I wish it was just an MMORPG, because the server thing is wonky. Of course, we did have an almost decent Conan MMO back in the day, so I guess I just have to be happy with this weird survival/building hybrid game, by Crom.
  9. Considering the pet deposit and monthly rent I have to pay on the family dog, I'm pretty sure he's more of a liability than an asset.
  10. But bro! Did my 6th grade Social Studies report on Stonewall, so I'm biased.
  11. KD isn't even the greatest player on his team.
  12. Ignorance is bliss, people.
  13. Stream of consciousness writing makes me question the importance of free speech.
  14. As a real world example, I have $8,882 deducted a year for my family plan, my employer kicks in another $19,998 for the year. Then we have a $10,000 deductible that we have to hit, which we did last year. Add in co-pays we hit $40k for a healthy active family of 4 pretty easily. That doesn't include dental or eye care.
  15. Ask and ye shall receive:
  16. Sure. But the US still pays ridiculously more than everyone else. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#item-average-wealthy-countries-spend-half-much-per-person-health-u-s-spends
  17. Free healthcare isn't a liberal ideal, it's a realistic reaction for anyone who who looks at all the crap our health insurance companies do and how much money we give them every month. Add that to an incomprehensible medical provider billing system and I don't get why anyone thinks the current system is any good, progressive or conservative.
  18. Man, both of those last two were pretty dang young.
  19. My guess is actually that it is being brewed at a large facility with inexpensive bulk grains and hops. You get a lot of attempts nowadays by large breweries to throw out craft looking beers. Let me check.... Brewed by Custom tap brews in New York. Probably some big old brewery that is churning out stuff like this. The guys in the shed probably make better stuff.
  20. I picked up a nice Guinness pack: I usually stay away from the stuff, since the Guinness we get in the US is pretty weak, but I'm excited to try the mix and compare.
  21. I watched an episode of Russian Doll and I think I got lung cancer from all the smoking.
  22. I'd say there is a big difference between intervening in an invasion and being the invaders. We intervened in Kuwait during the Gulf War, and it has been fairly stable since. We invaded Iraq and it is a mess. In WWII you can make the same argument. Japan and Germany were the invaders.
  23. I would say it is a muffin. But that's good, because muffins are considered healthy.
  24. Wear that dented spoiler like a badge of honor.
  25. It would have been nice to see Harper with the Giants, but 13 years is a crazy long contract.
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