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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. TOW seems to have a fair amount of perks for not having companions with you, so I plan on playing through that way after my first friendly run.
  2. I was getting the JA itch, and stumbled across some recent articles written by Vice on the Jagged Alliance series: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mb88wa/20-years-later-jagged-alliance-2-remains-an-irreplaceable-tactics-game
  3. I'm curious how all the crotchety old people who complain about millennials being ruined by participation trophies will spin this one: https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/greta-thunberg-climate-prize.html
  4. So why not just play it for the story first and then mess around on Supernova afterwards?
  5. I hear they have invested in a few rakes. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/matier-ross/article/Trump-s-claim-of-poor-California-forest-13400503.php
  6. Sure, but the goal would also be to bring the medical care costs of our country more in line with others. Right now we pay close to double.
  7. Did you guys watch My Name is Dolemite yet?
  8. I'm with you a bit on that. All of the Bethesda games tend to be lacking in the way they pull me into the story. I tend to enjoy them as sandbox exploring games, but rarely remember much from the main campaign. TOW already is way ahead in that regard. It's a fun story. You aren't a kid looking for your dad or a parent looking for your kid, so the premise alone is less hokey.
  9. Fair enough, although I'd argue it is way too early to know exactly what they plan to do with the release of TES 6. They have plenty of time to change plans and react to the debacle of Fallout 76. Not saying they will, mind you, but they've got enough equity with me through a couple decades of Elder Scrolls games to get some benefit of the doubt.
  10. I don't know, a lot of those companies either were in a downward spiral, or never really got off the ground. Kind of interesting to think that Troika and Bethesda were both competing for the Fallout license, actually.
  11. I think I'm the opposite. I love the vibrant alien worlds and views of the cosmos. I got pretty tired of the browns and grays of the Fallout games.
  12. Yeah, I don't really like the idea that one bad game tanks a company anyways, even though I got burned by Fallout 76. I mean, Fallout 4 and Skyrim were both very good games, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for a bit longer than one bad title.
  13. I went for a group trail run today on a mountain. We meet at the bottom, then drive about halfway up to the end of the paved road. Then we run about a mile and a half up to a trail head and run through the woods for awhile. It was beautiful and not too smokey, but the wind started picking up in the last couple miles. We started hearing a ton of trees creaking, and dirt and dust was kicking up all over. It was pretty intense. We saw a couple trees fall and tried to regroup near strong redwoods. We made it out alright and got back down to the car, but on the drive down, a tree had collapsed and blocked the road. Thanfully we got out and were able to push it aside as a group. Quite an adventure!
  14. These games aren't competing with one another, people. They are all coming out years apart, so I am pretty sure they can all exist and be enjoyed in the same marketplace. We aren't exactly saturated with these types of games.
  15. Oh, forgot to add that I rewatched part if Dolomite today with my wife, and it definitely hold up as the best movie I have seen in ages. I didn't realize how much I missed Eddie Murphy on screen. How is thia movie based on a true story. Go watch it people!
  16. My son is full swing into the hockey season. I love watching him play the game, but I also love that they built a bar above the rinks where you can watch all the different practices and games. So I am relaxing with an IPA, watching him skate after my long and cold bike ride this morning. It's a good Saturday.
  17. I get the Scorcese sentiment in that these big action movies are not leaning on acting and direction the way more traditional films do. They do feel like theme parks, but I don't see that as a bad thing. They are big and fun, and they still require decent acting to seem believable. Honestly, there should be different categoeies for them. There shouldn't be a best picture. You should have different genres that stand on their own. Scorcese is a master of a specific type of film. Why does he need to tear down other types?
  18. You were a brave soul to try it. I figure I will try it after my first play of just enjoyong the story and setting.
  19. I mean, assuming you had the right computer, floppy disk drive, video card, sound card, ram, OS, and ability to configure that stuff when the game didn't run.
  20. Buying it on the Windows store would be a fairly direct gain for Obsidian, though, since they were bought by Microsoft.
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