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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. Okay, okay, I've got it. You start out as a meager Nebulae Tours Star Ferry pilot, chartering exotic flybys of black holes and other galactic attractions. One day these government types come in to do the mandatory retinal and fingerprint scans that are required for you to renew your liscense. When you go home, you find another person that looks exactly like you is living with your family, and there's also these assassains after you. You go to your friends, and while you're there, the feds crash the party again. Eventually through an uncanny chain of events, you find that there's a high up Czerka Corp. official who has broken the 'Seventh Day Law' and has started cloning research. He originally did this to ressurect his wife who died of a childhood disease after having been cloned several times (after all, if you can't find someone to love you, you can always make one); but some corrupt scientists under his command decided to take it up a notch, and when you were getting you retinal and fingerprint scans, they were actually scanning your brain to make a clone of you and your buddy. The REAL twist comes, when you find your buddy, whom you thought was dead for good considering him, and his clone had already been killed off, shows up AGAIN in a third incarnation and is the Dark Lord of the Sith.
  2. Heh, I always liked the part where she threw the $1,000,000,000+ diamond into the ocean, throwing all that money away, because it simply wasn't worth losing the love of her life for it. I also always wanted to come up and bitch slap her and take at away and say something along the lines of "WTF are you doing Grandma?!!" <_< JT
  3. shall i begin termination, meatb- i mean... master? No, no, no, you did it all wrong. It should have been Query: Shall I begin the termination meatb- I mean... Master? P.S. I had to vote for Jolee, that guy cracked me up, as well as having good depth of personality. HK-47 was a close second though. I think my favorite dialogue has to be the one where his owner tries to kill HK by stabbing him, after HK had carried out his intended, albeit, misunderstood assignment, and the master ended up electrocuting himself.
  4. Don't ever call FO or FO2 a mistake. You're just asking for a flame war. If you're this huge, loyal fan, then am I to assume that you've been following this game? Have you read the FAQ, or Questions to the Devs? Have you even read this thread? The Dev team said Romances will be in, and furthermore, you will also be able to have non-romantic relationships with the other party members. Obsidian has promised better interaction with your party members. 'Ere 'ere, you tell 'im Ender.
  5. As do I, it just sounded like you had somehow made it out to E3 was all.
  6. What's all this inside information you appear to have Ms. Maria?
  7. That hasn't been decided yet. That would be up to Lucas Arts. Yes.
  8. Or a water-hooka out of T3-M4. :D Hell yes.
  9. Will you have the ability to make weird ass McGuyver contraptions from ordinary objects? Like making a runway out of mud, a ski hand hewn out of a log, and a little bit of ingenuity? Or a stun gun out of a glove some electrical tape, and a disposable digital camera capacitator? (Okay, the last one was something Kevin Rose did on Unscrewed. )
  10. The way some people tell it, the bad plot twist, NPC, romance, dialogue, breach of canon, etc, ruined the game in its entirety. It's likely that he's replying to those very same people, and not those who write an eloquent and critical opinion regarding an apsect of the game they didn't like. Logic dictates that he was talking about the former, not the latter, thus your questioning of his logic is illigocal. You questions his conclusions, yet you draw conclusions regarding his intent that likely aren't present. Indeed Mr. Spock.
  11. Weenies, I still can't figure out everyone's beef with the minigames, I enjoyed them, and the only one I found even remotely difficult was Pazaak. The turret game was kinda lame though. ^_^ P.S. I haven't seen one post that Darque has made that could be considered utter spam. Maybe humorous, but not spam. Sojiro Seta on the other hand... <_<
  12. You do know the only reason for the low price, is because they eat the price of the hardware by jacking up the price of the software. Really though, it is a PC. Have you ever heard the review from the head designer of it? It was on Maddox's website for awhile. "Well, I was on a jetliner, playing around with my new laptop my g/f had gotten me, and I thought, what if, we could make a console with the computing power of a PC, but as small as a gaming console?" Um, that's called a small form factor system, or a notebook you douchebag.
  13. Look. I'm really anti-Microsoft. But, it's hard to hate the X-Box. It has a nicer DVD player than the PS2. It has nicer graphics than the PS2. It ships out of the box with network support, a HDD, and support for four controllers. Graphics are better on the X-Box. It's not huge, but play the same game on the two platforms and you'll notice the difference. (Madden, Baldur's Gate: DA, whatever) That is called a Small Form Factor COM-PUT-ER. Which the Billy Gates Box is, albeit a proprietary one, that doesn't patch, and has it's balls cut off. The simple truth to the founding of the Xbox is, 1. Bill Gates saw that the PC industry was rapidly moving away from Microsoft. 2. He decided to make something that was a computer, but appealed to console gamers, but would also work with his much of his preexisting resources. 3. The Xbox is born. Sadly, as soon as I'm out of my parents house (they have a no console rule), I will probably buy one, along with a Game Cube and PS2. Damn my Gaming addiction. <_<
  14. I just thought I'd ressurect this so there's two of the same topic floating around cluttering up the forum to piss Tyrell off.
  15. 1. You find out that the entire galaxy is just a little marble that a giant alien plays around with. 2. You find out that the entire Star Wars galaxy is actually a TV set, and you go on an epic journey across it, dodging incoming stage lights and random backdrops to try and escape. P.S. Someone forgot about the reference (not a movie) to the Original Max Payne, the 'You're in a computer game'. That part was awesome.
  16. Kick ass, I had no idea the other consoles were so easily moddable. I've heard you can add a keyboard and mouse to an out of the box Billy Gates Box, will someone prove or disprove this?
  17. ***Whistles innocently and curses Carth and the Onasi Order, walks out of the room.*** P.S. You rock man, I was too lazy to gather up that crapload of info, not to mention it would have been a pain browsing all those pages with my connection speed such as it is. JT
  18. SECONDED! keep in mind guys- we HAVE a keyboard You know, with a little mickey mousing you can make the XBox into a virtual PC. Without hardly any modding you can add a keyboard and mouse. The only way I'd ever consider getting a console is if I can use a keyboard and mouse on it. ^_^
  19. Indeed, Uthar Wyn was a fine Sith for sure. But he should have seen the betrayal coming, then again, all Sith must die sooner or later. Jergan (I think that as his name, the guy who went crazy in the tomb) was a good Sith as well IMHO. I always love it when they cheat deat. But as far as overall, I'd have to say Palpantine was the best Sith ever. Think of the control and micro manipulation it must have taken to keep the Empire together all the years that he did with as corrupt a doctrine as they had. Vader wasn't an ideal Sith because he went good at the end; plus he was always being used as a pawn by Palpantine.
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