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Child of Flame

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Everything posted by Child of Flame

  1. I liked his explanation for the 'missing sock' phenomenon. Damned cats. B)
  2. You could fight more than one enemy with a heavy repeating blaster rifle. Gott only knows it worked well enough in the Jedi Knight games <Sprays a throng of enemies with his Blaster Rifle repeating fire>
  3. Me too please, sorry for not catching this earlier.
  4. Beyond Good and Evil. A great example on how to mix genres. Stealth, racing, third person fighting/adventure, puzzles... Great stuff alround. The storyline was good too, and the music was great. Too bad it sold terribly. *sigh* Yes, as of the first time I played it it climbed to the rank of my all time favorite game. If anything was hinted at in the first one though, and if Michel Ancel (Ubi's Shiggy Myamoto) has his way, than I expect there will be a sequel. The bad sales were only because of dismal advertising (like two spreads in a couple gaming magazines consisted of 'advertising') and the fact that Ubi released three games that should have all went gold at the same time (XIII, PoP: Sands of Time, BG&E). Anyone who's played it should see that it's something special, from the way they've paid sooooo much attention to every single detail in the game, to the way they pull off a cartoony looking, yet intellectual game, to the way the choreography and voice acting was done, not to mention that this game manages to pull off philosophical and religious implications like the Matrix Trilogy, without becoming boring. I think my favorite moment has to be racing across the rooftops running away from General Kehck, right when the slo-mo kicks in and it looks like all is lost, and then.....well, you know what happens. There is an official petition for a sequel located HERE for everyone who hasn't already done so, sign it, and for those that haven't already bought it, you need to go do so, if you have a fairly high end system, I suggest you buy it on PC, if you have a lower end system, I suggest X-Box, though it's on ALL platforms. The forums for Beyond Good & Evil's Off Topic/General Discussion section is also located HERE, and a review from my most trusted gaming media outlet (Gamespot) is located HERE. Not that you really need one, as every single farcking review I've seen has been in the 8-9 ranges, or the equivalent of whatever scoring sytem the reviewer's are using.
  5. Yeah, you WOULD think that huh Leroy?
  6. You can't be serious; great GL let's just turn it into an incest raunch fest while we're at it. Oh well, at least it'll make Leroy and his inbred family happy. P.S. Leroy=Metallic Falcon
  7. You won't after GL f*cks with them in the DVD release. :angry:
  8. Yes, but he's holding Ordo's Repeating Blaster nonetheless.
  9. I really, really hate you and your optimism towards Episode III. More than likely it's going to suck just like the other two. It's probably best to flee it like the plague......but I'm still probably going to see it anyway. I refuse to buy the Special Special Edition DVDs though, no matter what.....it's not worth it to pay for the OT to be raped by Lucas. :angry:
  10. <cue Hades_One's ideal KotOR ending> Mission: So what are we gonna do today Revan, take down Malak perhaps? Revan: Nah Mission, I'm just gonna sit here with my bottle of Tarisian Ale, the rest of the galaxy can go to hell for all I care. Mission: But what if he comes after us and we're unprepared? Revan: He wouldn't bother, he's too busy taking over the galaxy. <Door Bursts open Sith Troopers march in> <Mission gets shot by blaster, does a death scream> Revan: OH SH!T!!! I HAVE NO POWERS!!! BOY I WISH I HAD CONTINUED MY JEDI TRAINING WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!!! <Sith Trooper shoots Revan, Revan dies> Fin
  11. Off topic: You know you really should submit that to the guy who does the Flame Warriors charicatures. On topic: I think my JEDI will probably dual wield both short saber either the Mantle of the Force, silver (if'n it's not a rumor), or black (if they actually decide to include it). She will probably be wearing anything similar to Revan's robes, or some uber-sh!t armor like Bandon was wearing if they'll just let me use force powers in certain armors like the baddies; and will focus mostly on Strength, Charisma, Stealth, and Wisdom. She will also focus almost exclusively on Aura (it sounds quite posibly worth it), Dominate Mind, Crush, and Force Storm, and possibly Death Field depending on how much of a tank she turns out to be. As far as skills go, Awareness, Persuade, Stealth, and either Repair, Computer Use or Security. That or I'll just debug and hex like I did the first one after normal play throughs got boring, and just completely max everything out.
  12. If they do that, I'm getting me some KKKer robes with a smiley face and 'Have a Nice Day' on the back of them. 10 points for whoever can recall the movie reference. Blazing Saddles, was it not? Yes, yes it was. Mel Brooks at his finest.
  13. Yeah, I'd definitely go as far as to say that it's almost ready now, should Lucasarts want it released ASAP, it could probably be released early-mid fall. But they want to either release it just prior to Episode III to build they hype, or they want to release it during the holiday season so everyone buys it for Christmas, only time will tell really. <_<
  14. I really, really hate George Lucas these days.
  15. If you can't see the joke here, I'm not pointing it out. Irony And for the record, while American public schools vary, many of the finest colleges in the world are found on American soil. Irony.
  16. I got that lying on my bookshelf unread, handme down from one of the staff who I befriended during my stay in the home for wayward boys.
  17. I liked the X-Wing series with Corran Horn, though I only read the first four books because they were all I could find in the used book store, but they were kick ass. It was the first time my young brain was introduced the the Gand, as his wingman was one, you know they can survive in the vaccuum of space? Kick-ass. Don't know how the last (four?) books were though. <_<
  18. If they do that, I'm getting me some KKKer robes with a smiley face and 'Have a Nice Day' on the back of them. 10 points for whoever can recall the movie reference.
  19. He already did that in the little known TV movies "The Young Indiana Jones" where Indi was a kid. :ph34r: I was scarred for life.
  20. Why you dissin' my sister man? I am so dead if she sees that, thank Gott even she isn't that ugly even with the giant scar going down her cheek. :-X
  21. He's a tubesteak connoisseur.
  22. That's fux0red on so many levels I don't even know where to start.....I hate George Lucas, he's killing Star Wars.
  23. Nevermind.
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