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Everything posted by Rosbjerg

  1. No one said they were - but the underlying ethical argumentation is more and more based on religious argumentation rather than humanist secular. Which we saw a sharp decline of in the Cold War era, so it's interesting that it is back. Your quoting a book published in 1997 and claim it's interview with current government?! It's 20 years old book! Name the politician and his position in the current polish government then. I have and the data and links are there for all to see. The cited politician is still active Now if you put even half of the energy into sorting and qualifying your own sources - you might actually have a chance to form a coherent argument. I look forward to seeing it.
  2. Better with criticism, still off as it is an interview of actual Polish people in goverment - and a citation of an actual current polish politicians.. So.. yeah For those wondering why Sharp_one takes this approach. Here's an interesting an indepth view on the rise of nationalism and religiously conservative political movements - Nations under God: The Geopolitics of Faith in the Twenty-First Century. It examines the rise of religiously motivated legislation from both conservative christians and muslims and the rise of religious based political argumentation in the European Union - where the book above talks more indepth about Poland and the eastern countries in relation to Christianity and communism. Interestingly the argumentation techniques of Sharp_One and many of the alt-right are pretty thoroughly detailed and examined. The constant barrage of moral imperative and the identification of 'foe' defined almost solely on religious terms, with converts being the most treacherous of all and the constant attack on the other religious moral core - especially on emotionally laden subjects.. And how right-wing politicians have hijacked the religious narrative and are fueling this division.
  3. I have no problem with people believing their opinion is fact, as I have stated - I have a problem with people giving me links to very clearly biased news sites and saying that it's sufficient to prove their claim. I don't posts links to the Guardian or Breibart as proof, because it most certainly isn't. I cite researchers, books written on the subject or actual papers published. And as I said, half the links he provided elaborated on completely different points that the headline of the article, often meant to be clickbait - if I spend a few minutes actually reading his sources and find multiple errors and inconsistencies, then that puts the entire argument into doubt, no matter how valid the concern. The only factual link he provided that provided data and detailed how they reached their conclusion, almost outright contradicted him... So he's even undermining his own points. I mean - is that the standard we're upholding here? As for Polish conservatives and Christian morality "Regarding morality, I think that law depends on an axiology. There is a positivist attitude that ethics comes from law, that is is, as it were, prior ... that parliament is the root of morality. I do not share this opinion. For me the root of morality is God" - grzeskowiak The Struggle for Constitutionalism in Poland - Chatper: Christian morality in polish law page 198. by M. Brzezinski Interviews with Polish conservatives regarding morality and law.
  4. Well still waiting for you to back your claims, but sure give me an hour - also I see you don't disagree with my critizism, just the fact that you were critizised. Very telling any debate should be baded on facts, which requires source sceptisicm. I demand nothing less from you. If you however want in depth analysis, provide me with quality sources and not quantity crap. 1 billion flies are still sitting on ****
  5. Sharp_one, spamming this many websites - half of them of questionable origin - with the other half merely chosen for their headlines, with clear indication that you have done 0% of critical research as to who produced said news. Try actually reading those articles you found on Denmark and what they actually say and not just the headline - and try checking out who did the surveys and where they were made. I mean a wordpress site called "muslimsstatistics" ? and even a damn Reddit comment... It underlines and illustrates a very serious trend in modern media. That people are simply scouring the web to support the narrative they've been building up over the years. Both left and right.. Although your second source the PEW institute is interesting (and the only one that has actually done real any research to back their claims) But did you actually read their conclusions? Or did you just assume they said what you wanted them to say? Here's the abstract "Overwhelming percentages of Muslims in many countries want Islamic law (sharia) to be the official law of the land, according to a worldwide survey by the Pew Research Center. But many supporters of sharia say it should apply only to their country’s Muslim population." And this is interesting, because this is supported by many other published papers - and definitely something we should be discussing. The paper goes on to say that for the majority of muslims the word Sharia could be replaced with 'religious morality'. Something that should be very recognizable to western citizens, as almost all conservative political parties today say that ethical and moral core of western countries are based on Christian religious doctrine and morality. Now to a secular person as myself, this is no different that hearing a muslim say he wants the laws that govern him to be based on his religious moral imperative. It's a trend that has been on the rise since the beginning of this century, the uncomfortable intermix between politics and religion, just as we are beginning to see more openly in South + Eastern Europe and America. For a good dose of sanity on the question of juridical ethics - go watch Star Trek The Next Generation, Season 4 episode 21 - Drumhead.
  6. And only because a PC cipher can skip going to Hadret House in Eders quest and do it themselves. Giving them a few more dialouge options for their class. But yeah I think the Orlan Cipher gets the most - makes sense, new race and class - so that might've been their default character in testing.
  7. Several Jewish groups of the 1910s, 20s and 30s, inspired by communism, in opposition to aggressive conservative governments of the time, annoyed with their minority treatment and the lack of progress from the world powers, committed a minor string of terrorists attacks in GB, France and Germany - bombings, stabbings, killings.. But coupled with the financial distress of the time, their actions quickly became mainstream news. It created a very lucrative target for politicians of the day, who saw that the actions of radical leftwing Jews could be used to even target nationalists right wing conservatives - and their hold on the financial institutes.. As long as they simply shared religion and outwards ethnicity. It created a common enemy, from Scotland to Vienna, someone which the disenfranchised poor (always the target of both left, right, black and white terrorism) could blame for all their problems. Until someone took it too far.. Godwin's law often prevent this comparison, but it is extremely relevant, because it shows just how powerful scapegoatism is as a political tool. You should be angry and you're certainly allowed to be hateful - but take that anger out on those who are the cause of this - and that's not your neighbor. It's not even ISIS.. Your hate is wasted on the symptom and they're yet another sad symptom of Wahhabism.. And Wahhabism is funded, fueled and exported by European and American money and our dangerous reliance on the petrodollar economy. As long as we keep bombing the middle east AND fund the people in Saudia Arabia training these terrorist, then its never ever gonna end. We've had 15! years of war in that region, with ever decreasing civil rights, more police, more control and more bombs.. are we safer? Do you feel safer? No? then why do you think getting more of this will make it better?
  8. The majority of muslims in the west see it as acceptable to kill women, children and people of different faiths? wow... Do you have the numbers to back that up? Because statistical analysis here in Denmark does certainly not support this claim, at all. In fact, the only place I ever see these claims (unsubstantiated mind you) are on extreme right-wing websites. Let me guess, that's where you read it too right? Not to say there haven't been problems with Autocratic Islamic views, there certainly has and is.. Much in the same way many 'moderate' Christians (especially Catholics) share the view that religion trumps secular law. And in that vein, it's interesting hearing this from a Polish citizen, how do you feel about your current government citing that religious doctrine should supersede secular law? Diminishing women's rights and so on.. and does that sound familiar to you? Perhaps the reason you hate the radical muslims so much, is that they remind you so much of yourself? They just call it Sharia instead of 'Christian moral imperative'. But yes I see all of this as proof that religion does not belong in politics, not Islam, not Christianity and not even Buddhism.
  9. Compatibility implies relational value - I don't disagree with your assessment of your own cultures inherent value to you or the fact that you want it in to be in which ever state you wish it to be in. That's your democratic prerogative.. I disagree with your assessment that Islam (or any other religion) is inherently *something* quantifiable in term of compatibility. I get along perfectly well with my Muslim/Hindu/Mormon neighbors, but not with anyone who seeks to diminish my rights as citizen - and that seems to be a trait that can hit anyone, alt-right and muslim a like..
  10. Yep - and why are they like that? Why did the Arab Spring turn out like it did.. Where did all this mess start? It started pretty early of course, but for a modern understanding, read the transcripts of the UNSCOP committes recommendations of the partition of Palestine in 1947, if you want an idea where to start.
  11. Sigh - again, just because the only culture you've succesfully understood is your own, doesn't mean every other culture is inferior. We are humans first and foremost - to actually think that western civilization is the only valuable, historical and civilized occurrence... is so wrong it's painful, for someone who's actually read history. Read some Jared Diamond or Samir Amin .. for a good antidote of western exceptionalism. Edit: which agains just illustrates the point - if your gut reaction to a terrorist attack is to lash out against a culture or religion, then you're doing exactly what the autocrats on both sides want you too. But autocratic and fascist tendencies in Islamic political culture is certainly somethint that should be criticized. Just don't hate the random bloke next to ya' just because he ain't the same colour as you. Makes you seem like a bit of a ****.
  12. You know, not understand the basics of what a majority and minority is, really discredits any points made on that basis. I wish people were able to discuss this in terms that were actually accurate and not profoundly ethnocentric - but alas, inability to understand that phenenom seems to be antithesis to actually understanding and discussing the phenenom in general and objective terms. Because there are certainly valid critiques of the current multicultural approach in European politics, but these blanket generalizations really kills rational discussion, as we end up having to nitpick the most basic definitions .. In short, your point gets lost, if you hijack a definition to push a ethnocentric agenda - no matter how valid or not it is.
  13. The trick Mr Gifted1, is not minding that it hurts.
  14. Amplitude games are usually better after the first expansion, but yeah quite tempted too. They're not like Stellaris though, more like the Civ series. Streamlined and focused on gameplay replyability.. good games, with a very fleshed out universe.
  15. Did you turn 30 recently? I swear, you're getting more cynical by the hour
  16. Yeah, they're going crazy here too Spring turning into to summer lovely time..
  17. Here s13eps thoughts, musing and dissertations are collected, for all to see and discuss.
  18. Probably 'cause we're old enough to know, there's always a catch...
  19. Any MMO ever, just can't stand the grind.. As for singleplayer games, I've become very skeptical of any newer game developed by Bethesda, Ubisoft, Sid Meier or Bioware, they've generally moved in a direction, with their games, I'm having a hard time finding enjoyable. The emphasis being on smooth, gamey and arcadey aesthetics and gameplay - I don't like the overly polished, makes me feel like the game is too artificial. Bought and played all the Witcher games too, but they never really worked for me either. I always completly lose interest about 10-15 minutes into the games and then never come back to them.
  20. I don't understand American consumer practice at all, you guys let both law enforcment, government and cooperations get away with so much crazy ****. I can't even imagine the public outrage if something like that happened so openly in Europe. Which is not to say stuff like that never happens here. I've just noticed it's always a little more extreme when it's in the states.
  21. So he might've permanently blinded a guy? wow.. Play stupid games, win stupid prices indeed..
  22. Seeing as you didn't use the quote feature I may be going out on a limb in thinking that you were responding to me, but I am responding to you. I am explicitly defining "satisfying choices" here, and my definition is one where those choices have resolution, closure, and engender some measure of positive enjoyment in me. Frankly it's not as though I am the only one who felt that PoE had a somewhat weak or disappointing story. I have read at least a dozen posts from here, GOG, and Steam that echo that sentiment. I am sure there are more. Regardless, in your own comment you mention "meaningful work of literature." Isn't that also "extremely subjective?" It seems like there is a bit of a double-standard in your post. Also, I definitely expect to be "pandered" to or "catered" to in this situation. When something is slated for a commercial release and I am charged a fee you can bet your boots it will become all about me. A lot of game developers (Bioware, Beamdog, Bethesda, Nintendo, etc.) seem to think that they have some sort of inherent artistic right to make their vision irrespective of what their customers want. This is utter nonsense and now with the power of the Internet I'd like to think they are becoming more aware of that. Obsidian, to their credit, seem to have listened to their customers more than most (thus the successful crowdfunding, though there are probably multiple factors at play there). There should be even more of that. A fair counter argument, but a pricetag is a consequence of our society, not an admission or requirement of pandering in and on itself. Art must try to achieve more than mere profit and try to do more than merely entertain, at least from most accepted norms and definitions of what constitutes 'art' 'Meaningful work of art' is subjective sure enough, but I'd argue that most of the RPGs mentioned try to aspire to this tag. I'd argue that they have an almost moral imperative to 'push their vision irrespective of what their customers want' - while you in parallel, as a customer in a capitalistic system, must vote with your wallet on what you deem worthy, In short, wer're muddling defintions - but I agree on many points, except the two above.
  23. "They suggest that for a long period of Earth’s early days, the planet was covered by one solid plate, like an eggshell. Scientists still aren’t sure how we might have gotten from an early solid crust to our present-day tectonic plates." Much in the same way an egg's shell cracks when boiled I would assume? That internal heat build-up, creates a pressure build-up, which cracks the hard surface. I'll send my account information for those 64k$
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