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Everything posted by injurai

  1. I loved it too, it was one of my favorite design choices from pillars 1. Injuries are basically just a discrete version health, and now endurance has been renamed health. So I think things will work somewhat similarly, just conveyed in a different way.
  2. Shame government isn't like sex.
  3. I doesn't seem to me that anything which went down involved Josh or the Pillars project directly. The team understands the reality of the industry, and I don't think Josh has so much control over Pillars that there would be any jealousy on him leading a dream project. Plus they seem to remain on amicable terms, or at least Josh has a positive view on MCA. Whatever happened, it seems multiple things must have come to a head. It sounds like it's related to the other owners, and he was forced out to remove a friction. What all was involved in forming that friction we can only guess, and we'd probably be better off not doing so. I can't imagine Avellone is faultless, but it also seems like he's upset that he's the only one that suffered repercussions.
  4. To be fair, those started off as achievement unlocks, then eventually they added random drops of actual items (not crates) in addition to the unlocks. Then if you weren't getting what you wanted they added the ability to craft things into other things. It was all free updates adding content beyond the base game, and continually responding to criticism from new players who had less "generational wealth" who wanted the ability to get the items that they wanted. All the way to up to adding an item stores and going f2p eventually. Which was certainly necessary at some point if they were to justify free updates. Imo TF2 is one of the all time greats, especially before it went f2p. I respect basically everything Valve did with the game until the stupid Golden Wrench bull****. Which was an attempt to get people to craft away their inventories before they godfathered all items in under vintage status and started to have item rankings.
  5. Jackie was phenomenal, even more so when I saw it's scenes compared to real film archives are real conversations. Other than camera angle and color, it's almost a cinematic recreation of documented history.
  6. Eder: "Weren't you a dude?" You: "Weren't you on svef?" Eder: "I gotta get clean..."
  7. I'm less thrilled about all this expanded BG stuff. Torment is a spiritual successor. I have no interest in Tton, but It's not like I wish it's fan didn't get a follow up.
  8. Never forget that 24 had a Democratic Black President 7 years before Obama was in office.
  9. HOA's usually existed to maintain the value of homes in the neighborhood. If you don't have the wealth to do your part in maintaining everyone's hard investments then it's strongly suggested you get out. I think the basic premise is fine on some level, but it get's murky because people can get really ****ing petty. Especially from people who stay at home or work from home, they become little socialite vigilantes. If someone has kids and works full time, they're roll in society is more important than some childless or empty nesting stay at home, and certainly deserve some slack. Usually if an HOA is really laying on the bull**** you can go to your local news and break the story. HOA's usually have more power if your doing something wrong, as opposed to not meeting the basics.
  10. I guess things change. Every publisher contract is different, and depending on how much Obsidian brings to the table themselves, that could change their bargaining power and control over content. Obsidian is also much more proven these days and has a better read on their customers. There are publishers that know how to trust devs, usually because the stakes are lower, and they tend to work with proven developers. Deep Silver and Devolved, for example. I should probably add them to my list.
  11. Both, but I'm far more invested in Steam. I prefer GoG from a point of principle but I just still tend to use steam... example I have PoE_WM1/2 on steam. I also have The Witcher games on steam. GoG I really only used for really old classics, but I might start switching over that they have a nice client. Plus GoG Galaxy isn't on linux, so I just have a tendency to fall back to steam.
  12. My Watcher definitely had an eating disorder. Used drugs and drink more than food really. Glad Obs is taking this health crisis seriously.
  13. I'd be very pleased if Disney slaps EA around a bit for their transgressions. But given Disney's treatment of theatre's I'm not surprised if they put EA up to all of this in the first place.
  14. I'm assuming the end game only save imports only endgame choices, and not all the choices you made earlier which represent the character you played through as? Or is it the all-encompassing final state that is generated upon hitting the credit roll? Because it sounds like if you want to change your race/class then your losing the bulk of your character for merely the final decision. But it's too ambiguous to really get at what is meant.
  15. I've only ever had one viewing of Eternal Sunshine, and I think was was drinking, so unlike some other movie opinions I can't say I'm really confident in my recollection. I just know I liked it. Maybe I just liked the character acting between Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey. I owe it to myself to check it out again. Yeah, The Thing isn't entirely devoid of camp or technical flaws. But It's a classic for a reason.
  16. Are you on a backlog kick? Those are always fun. I enjoyed Leon for what it was, but it wasn't really a stand out film for me. If I was younger when I saw it I'd probably find Portman cute, but I saw it when I was older and it's just a bit creepy. Knowing about the production of the film, it's best elements were constructed by Reno and Portman's parents who curtailed some of Bessons more insipid desires that were leaking into the film's production. The way everything turns out, it's a sweet film, but you can tell it's on a razor's edge the entire time. Which is largely the point, but it had to be encouraged to run that line. Eternal Sunshine is easily in my top 50 (yeah I know that's a lot, but I still consider this high praise.) It's been a while since I've seen it, so I can't remember being all that annoyed by the side characters. Though I do remember them. I think they help to hang some of the mixed up memories that the movie plays with. I think more than anything I just enjoyed the mystery of it all, and the slow reveal. It's a bit like Momento and Paprika were mixed together.
  17. As a fledgling grognard I appreciate the grognard distinctions, but I think much in the way of change is to do with giving ranged magic a reusable bread and butter weapon much like rangers have bows and of course melee with their steel. But for wands, what are they to be under your reign? Eye pokers? If you really want per charge stuff, you have scrolls that can fill a similar feature. Harry Potter seems to win the day in my eyes, which are yet to be poked out.
  18. Here's hoping. They are also on a newer version of Unity, which goes a long way as well.
  19. Is this supposed to replace GoT? I'm not so sure how I feel about a LotR television series...
  20. I imagine they'll stick with the pre-rendered graphics when they are doing infinity-style games. (Hopefully for a 3rd game.) But once they expand on the Pillars IP beyond The Watcher's story, I'm sure they are going full 3D. Which I welcome. It is their first IP that they control and it will be exciting to see where they try to take it.
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