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Everything posted by Katarack21

  1. Tyranny and PoE 2 are *both* really good and I've played both multiple times. I'm really sad that Tyranny is unlikely to get a sequel.
  2. Literally *just* downloaded Stick of Truth since it's on a steep discount, so I'm probably going to start that here in a bit. Currently have DA:O, DA:I, and Borderlands 2 all on the back burner.
  3. Yeah the sequels were definitely noticeably worse. It's like the focused more and more on the least enjoyable aspects.
  4. Eh, Fable was fun. It's shallow as hell, didn't follow through on it's promises, and doesn't have a whole lot of replay value to me, but I enjoyed playing it and that's really what's important.
  5. I mean, if there was a police report filed and a judge issued a restraining order, then yeah it should be pretty easy to verify.
  6. Just came to note that I'm really, really happy that it keeps me logged in now. Super glad.
  7. Am replaying Dragon Age: Origins as a female city elf rogue. Forgot how freaking *brutal* the female city elf origin is.
  8. I'm very, very excited by this. Particularly the fact that the guy who is writing Bloodlines 2 is the same guy who was designer and lead writing on the original; that gives me some hope that we might get the same quality of storyline, atmosphere, and characters which, let's be honest, were and are the main draws to the original Bloodlines; the combat was *crap* lmao
  9. True, but what I'm saying is you can RP in both positive and negative spaces. The players RP is no excuse for ****ty writing, but you can adapt your RP based on what does *or doesn't* happen with your character.
  10. Yes but remember the whole point of Romance in RPG is to actually succeed in the Romance, this may sound obvious but it has nuance If the Romance could fail, and they can fail, then you cant RP or imagine that aspect of the RPG journey. So for example lets say you wanted to join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim and you go on these quests that possibly allow you to do this but then you are denied actually joining the DB your character is simply not part of the DB so on the rest of the journey in the Skyrim world you cannot RP this development Romance is a small part of the character and party interaction in almost all RPG but it still should exist so we can explore this avenue of immersive party and or follower interaction But you could RP somebody who failed to join the DB and now has a vendetta against them for not recognizing your greatness. Or any of a million other things related to failing to join the DB. In a romance, you could roleplay unrequited love, or that you hate them because of rejection, or a million other things. RP isn't limited by failure to achieve a goal.
  11. I have *so* man hours in Pillars 2. And the romances are not nearly as bad as all that. Xoti is awesome and I will romance her every damn time. That's because you secretly enjoy a zealot with 0 intelligence. We're not all like that my friend Pfft. She's naive, not stupid. She has four more points of int than Eder.
  12. I have *so* man hours in Pillars 2. And the romances are not nearly as bad as all that. Xoti is awesome and I will romance her every damn time.
  13. might also be a generational thing 'cause Gromnir, and most o' our contemporaries, were not needing a push out the door. never even discussed with family as we just assumed that w/i a year o' graduating high school, we would be independent. actual happened sooner as we went away to University and then had summer jobs in california as 'posed to returning back home. woulda' left regardless... join military or go back to working ranches in the dakotas or perhaps do wet work in se asia. we listen to millennials complain 'bout their terrible families, then find out they is 25 and still living at home? HA! Good Fun! That is very much a financial thing. A lot of us Millennial's hit "just after highschool" or "just after college" right in the middle of the big financial collapse in 2008. Add on to that the rent crisis hitting major US urban cities, the cost of tuition, the stagnation of wages, the increased costs of tuition and medical costs, it creates a very different financial environment for people of that age today as compared to thirty years ago. It's not just "leaving home" that's been impacted by this. Millennial's have children later, get married later, buy cars later, buy houses later, etc. All of this can be traced to Millennial's have less money and less secure finances at the same stages of life than prior generations. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/01/13/millennials-falling-behind-boomer-parents/96530338/ (Wrong thread for this discussion, but . . .) Calling BS on this. Grew up a ward of the state, graduated '06, had $150 to my name, immediately moved out of home, and never had to move back in. Congratulations, you bucked the trend. As I made clear in an earlier post, demographic statistics do not apply to *individuals*, but are broad statements about large groups of particular cohorts. Just because it happens to a large percentage of people in a particular cohort, and there are statistics that indicate why, does not mean it will happen to *you*. Conversely, your story doesn't change the broad trends or the reasons for them.
  14. Taken *as a demographic cohort*, the Millennial generation *is* significantly less financially stable than prior generations, and part of that is because a lot of us entered our prime productive years during the crisis. It hit Millennial's harder than any other demographic group; that's not "applying the financial crisis to an entire generation", that's just statistical facts. Demographic data like that doesn't apply to individuals; it's a broad brush that gives a general picture of the status of a large group of people over all. Millennial's *still* haven't recovered financially from that, and most likely never will, because of the conflux of when it it and how it hit. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2019/feb/03/millennials-pay-still-stunted-by-financial-crash-resolution-foundation As for the military thing, I'm skeptical of anybody who suggests that not signing up for the military means you should be skeptical of their financial issues. There's a whole host of reasons one my not sign up for the military, not least of which is the fact that we've been bogged down in wars in the Middle East for 20 years now and lot's of people don't see "go shoot people" as a good pathway out of financial difficulties. Regardless, Millennial's *did* sign up for the military, and in *huge* numbers. Not everybody qualifies for the military, not everybody has the skills or capabilities the military is looking for, and some people simply have moral and ethical problems with the military. I myself was bounced out during the application process; they were intensely desiring of my test scores, but not so much of my mental illness or my physical disabilities. I do agree with you to some degree about the gaming issues, but just because these are old complains doesn't mean they are invalid complaints. Exclusivity, in particular, has been an issue in console gaming for a long time, and just because it's been there forever doesn't make it any less anti-competitive or anti-consumer.
  15. might also be a generational thing 'cause Gromnir, and most o' our contemporaries, were not needing a push out the door. never even discussed with family as we just assumed that w/i a year o' graduating high school, we would be independent. actual happened sooner as we went away to University and then had summer jobs in california as 'posed to returning back home. woulda' left regardless... join military or go back to working ranches in the dakotas or perhaps do wet work in se asia. we listen to millennials complain 'bout their terrible families, then find out they is 25 and still living at home? HA! Good Fun! That is very much a financial thing. A lot of us Millennial's hit "just after highschool" or "just after college" right in the middle of the big financial collapse in 2008. Add on to that the rent crisis hitting major US urban cities, the cost of tuition, the stagnation of wages, the increased costs of tuition and medical costs, it creates a very different financial environment for people of that age today as compared to thirty years ago. It's not just "leaving home" that's been impacted by this. Millennial's have children later, get married later, buy cars later, buy houses later, etc. All of this can be traced to Millennial's have less money and less secure finances at the same stages of life than prior generations. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/01/13/millennials-falling-behind-boomer-parents/96530338/
  16. The narcissism debate is far from over. A 2017 study actually found a *decline* in narcissism through the generations. "In contrast to popular opinion,we did not find that today’s college students are more narcissistic than college students in the 1990s or the 2000s,at least in the three universities examined in the present study. In fact, we found small decreases both in overall narcissism and in the leadership, vanity, and entitlement facets. Importantly, these decreases already started between the 1990s and the 2000s and only continued more strongly in the late 2000s and 2010s." https://kar.kent.ac.uk/62391/1/Wetzel_et_al_(in_press)_The_narcissism_epidemic_is_dead_long_live_the_narcissism_epidemic_final_accepted_version.pdf
  17. Prove it. That's my only requirement for believing that Obsidian knew. Provide some evidence.
  18. Before the Microsoft purchase, Obsidian actually cared about their fans. But Microsoft doesn't give a **** about you. So. Money.
  19. "This useless garbage problem has been a common issue over here in this other market since forever. Why do people have a problem with them bringing it to this other market?"
  20. Pretty sure you know it's already optional since it was stated a few posts up. It's obvious that you're trolling. Yes, because it's *IMPOSSIBLE* for somebody to miss a post and the *ONLY* option is for somebody whose been here for years with several thousand posts to be trolling for giggles.
  21. I *strongly* dislike systems like this, and if it does exist I hope that it is *optional*.
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