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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. I'm not sure I understand the request to explain what each stat does for each class given that they all do exactly the same thing for every class.
  2. Sensuki messed around and discovered it's possible to order the generic npcs to attack and kill themselves.
  3. Just suggesting that things were starting to get a little heated and we should probably relax and cool off. I mean EA? We're about two steps away from Godwining it.
  4. Anyone who types in size 18, yellow, non-default font has no right to be casting judgement on others. ...also uh, beta...
  5. The devs have said that the beta takes between 3 and 6 hours. They've been reluctant to say how long it takes to play the game but from what they've said about the number of maps they have I'd say its less than 10%, maybe 20% tops.
  6. It might be worth tempering all the excitement with the reminder that this is a beta, not a finished game, and it's going to be rough. We know from the gamescon footage that path-finding is dodgy at the moment and probably will be for a little while until Obsidian can get their fix in. We also know that auto-attack was bugged and it may not be fixed in the initial beta release. Anyway with that said I hope everyone enjoys it and helps obsidian make the game <Lephys> beta </Lephys>
  7. There's some confusion over Wasteland beta keys and PoE beta keys.
  8. I think we need to remember that the fighter was drawing basically all of the agro and taking something like 75% of the damage done to the party in those combat encounters. Making him any tankier would mean that you could use him to soak up all the damage all of the time which would make combat encounters fairly trivial and result in the use of boring, static tactics. His current "fragility" means that you will have to chose between expending some camping supplies or switching your tactics up by protecting him a little more and using other characters on the front line.
  9. The demos they did for ign, giant bomb and others showed that picking slave lets you further define yourself as a galley slave, a slave on a farming estate or an indentured servant.
  10. I wrote "no more expensive" not "the same price as". In any case international shipping varies wildly so I didn't want to make assumptions. (fwiw for me PoE boxed would be at least $65 and DAI is $80.)
  11. There's still the option of getting a boxed copy of Pillars of Eternity through the website. At $50 plus shipping it's definitely no more expensive than DAI.
  12. @Sensuki It might be worth making a new thread to share that information. Also I'd promised myself I'd save my money but that is really, really tempting.
  13. *Sigh* Repost: It's not for everyone no. It's for those who either backed at a tier that cost $110+ OR bought beta access as a separate add on for their pledge. (Regardless of whether you backed via kickstarter or the obsidian website.) If you haven't purchased beta access as yet: At the moment the only possible way to add beta access to an already existing pledge is to see if support can reset your pledge. Otherwise, as diabeetus indicated above, you can wait for them to add the functionality to the website. (Personally I'd wait to see if they can get the functionality up and running before the beta - if only to avoid adding to the workload of what sounds like a very busy support team.)
  14. Josh has said that it's not going to be released on Steam. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66405-being-locked-into-steam-because-of-beta-participation/?p=1468909
  15. I think there's a good chance that the first conversation with attribute/skill unlocks would have a wide range of unlocks so that most players would see some locked and some unlocked and thereby be introduced to the system. As such I don't think it's a given that later conversations will have the same broad range of options.
  16. Folks, this discussion would be so much more interesting if one of you would go into some detail about what sets Trails in the Sky apart/makes the game a shallow clone of Final Fantasy. What kind of tone does it strike? How does its battle system work? Why is it worth buying/not worth buying? At the moment all I've got to go on here is several posts of, "Yes it is." "No it isn't." "Yes it is."
  17. As they said in their last update they're focusing on getting the game out the door now and as such will be releasing fewer updates on an irregular schedule. Source: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66456-update-82-creatures/
  18. Like I said (but maybe I'm being too cynical here): It was a good way to encourage people to pledge more money. The challenge with these things is the logistics of value (they threw in a cookbook, for christ's sake). People desire beta access, therefore beta access has value, therefore beta access can be used to help differentiate tiers without having to really produce anything. Replace "beta access" with anything else of value and ask yourself if the argument you made above still makes sense. Did they add beta access to some tiers so that people pledging at those tiers were getting something more for their support or did they do it to "bilk" more money out of people who were already pledging anyway? Oh I have no problem with it and I certainly don't think people who paid for it are being hoodwinked or anything. I imagine they will have fun messing around with the game systems early. I just don't think that Obsidian were deliberately seeking a higher breed of beta tester as Lephys suggested they were.
  19. Like I said (but maybe I'm being too cynical here): It was a good way to encourage people to pledge more money.
  20. I think it might be simpler than that. Beta access was a desirable reward during the kickstarter process that encouraged people to pledge more than they otherwise would have. Now that the kickstarter is done it would be rather unfair of Obsidian to devalue people's pledges by opening up the beta to everyone. (Full disclosure: I did not pledge for beta access and do not intend to change that.)
  21. Co-sign this. I'd like to be able to give the two a degree of similarity and this would be the most efficient way to enable that. Shadowrun Returns did it rather well.
  22. It's not for everyone no. It's for those who either backed at a tier that included $110+ OR bought beta access as a separate add on for their pledge. At the moment the only possible way to add beta access to an already existing pledge is to see if support can reset your pledge. Otherwise, as diabeetus indicated above, you can wait for them to add the functionality to the website. (Personally I'd wait to see if they can get the functionality up and running before the beta - if only to avoid adding to the workload of what sounds like a very busy support team.)
  23. Dear malignacious, Have a read of this article and note that it only covers women warriors in Medieval Europe: http://www.strangehorizons.com/2009/20090406/ingstrand-a.shtml I can not be held accountable for any head explosions you may suffer. Regards, MasterPrudent
  24. I think that interview may just have inspired me to redownload FO:NV and try a run with Sawyers mod. This: basically fixes all the (minor) issues I had with the game. EDIT: Oh, and they buried the lede: BIG HEAD MODE CONFIRMED!!!
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