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Everything posted by Sonntam

  1. I think it looks mostly good. It's really just the mushroom scene which is appaling. Either the mushrooms need to be less saturated, or the background needs to be of an appropriate color which would play off the vegetation better. In general there is a plastic feel which makes it seem like the problem is with the light and how it reflects on objects (as in, right now it does not do that well). I would not worry too much right now. The release is one year away. They should manage to make the game look more presentable.
  2. Have they not already justified it in the trailer voice-over? The aumaua doing the exposition dump explicitly calls us out on being a weird kind of OP monster for being able to do what we do. That would be, I assume, our knack for learning various ways to kill people. I myself do agree that class based combat mechanics tend to be more distinct and more fun, but let's be honest, finding a justification in lore is always easy.
  3. Looks cool! Love the intricate details of the ruins and the animations of the spells look nice. Hyped to see what they do with the story. We are fighting some animated skeletons, but why? Another god needs pacifying?
  4. I'm pretty sure you can kick her out. Wasn't there a dialogue option like, "I never want to see you again?" I remember only "Give me one good reason not to tell the entire world about what you did", to which Maia responds with something like "I dare you".
  5. What I really don't get how Aloth's weak confession about how he belongs to Leaden Key can be met with an outrage and demand for him to leave immediately, but with Maia she just shuts you down. Aloth did not sabotage animancers nor did he report to Leaden Key during your time with him. He did absolutely nothing to harm our Watcher or anyone else. Maia assassinated a Huana tribe chief and I can't even kick her out? Why is my only choice at that point to kill her or let her stay with me?
  6. She is a really good friend. Completely unlike our Watcher.
  7. I love it when people make claims like this and back it up with a pile of nothing.
  8. Veteran's Maneuver does not have an art icon and instead it has a red cross.
  9. On the stream Josh said the sword has a romantic angle to it. So... that does sound like a romance confirmation. Or heavy flirting confirmation with a couple candlelight dates strewn in.
  10. You assume anyone got enough self-control for that...
  11. I myself will play on 8th May after I get home from work, assuming the game will be downloaded and installed in about an hour. I could not take a day off on Wednesday, because one of my colleagues is on vacation for two weeks and I am left to supervise a newbie. And I am rather low on vacation days anyway... But Thursday is a holiday in Germany, so I can play whole day. And Friday is a short workday, so I will have plenty of time to play too. You can preload on Friday. Well... at Steam, anyway. I hope that for GoG this is also an option.
  12. And Tekehu was already confirmed as romancable, so we got even more info on this front than what gender romances will be there.
  13. Did... you not see Eothas sucking out souls of people? What did you think happened to your Watcher? It's very unambigious that same thing happened to you. And even if we did not have that, as Baltic said, the tagline for the game confirms it very clearly: ‘Hunt a god. Save your soul.’
  14. I was trying to think of some recent high quality soundtracks, probably Persona 5 but like you say it's a Japanese game. The Dragon Age games don't have particularly memorable soundtracks but they serve the game well enough. I suppose Pillars is the same. Persona's soundtrack made me want to become deaf. After 40 hours of only one single highly memorable song playing during fights (same damn song repeated every damn trash fight!) I could not take it. I hate it. People complain about PoE OST not being memorable? Thank God for that.
  15. To be honest, I really enjoyed reading the books of PoE. They were leaked early through beta, so I go to read them all as I waited for PoE to be released. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Books_and_documents A lot of them are very short and sweet. They give you a lot of information about the world without being spoilery; too. In my opinion, best of both worlds.
  16. I died in ship combat, reloaded and game crashed. I have attached my computer specs and the error log.
  17. When you hover over any other options, a short text explaining what this option does shows up. For Scroll Speed however nothing happens.
  18. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/96109-deadfire-save-game-state-vs-save-importing/ There is already a thread on this on the front page. If you got talents as rewards from quests, they will get transferred in some fashion to the game. Otherwise you get no big (dis)advantages over making a new game state.
  19. Oh man, I really want this pet. Online shop does not offer March edition yet. So I guess I am going to have keep a look out for it in kiosks... or maybe just buy it online once it comes out. Been a while since I bought Gamestar, let's see how good it is these days.
  20. ... that is literally entire point of game design? You always force players to limit themselves, by picking one class or another, force them to decide what they want to trade in exchange. Same thing goes when you are being forced to pick spells you want to use at level-up. You could make chess with many more pieces and many more options. But it would not necessarily create a better game. As I said before, I enjoy generally having more spells. But if even I find it tedious to have so many spells at my disposal, it hints at the fact that many more people would struggle with it. The problem is that I am not talking about my top five spells. I can remember those. I can remember my top 10 spells for each casters. But after that I stop keeping up. And when you have parties with >3 casters it only gets worse. I did remember pretty well at the end of PoE where every spell was, but with WM I could no longer keep up. Spellbook bloated for each class in a very silly way. I had so many situationally useful abilities, but I can not keep in my head more than hundreds spells at a time.And this meant I constantly had to reread what each spell does and try to remember where they were and then try to remember to use them in proper context. Most time when I paused I did not consider tactical options, I was trying to memorize what spells I have and figure out why I don't use them and then use them to remember why they suck. It did not ruin my enjoyment of the game, since I am pretty finicky and am used to pausing every two seconds of gametime to then brood over my spellbook for thirty seconds. But I can very well imagine that it's not fun for many other people. If people wanted to play Memory with spells, they would do that. But they want the big question being "what spell do I use" instead of "uhhh, so what kinds of spells do I have anyway?" P.S. Fixed the post, the formatting for it broke...
  21. This "favorite" spells feature would mean that the remaining spells would never be used. That's also bad design. Good design would being forced to pick the spells you really need and make trade-offs. Not have a lot of trash thrown at you and then having to pick whatever is usable. When you have too many choices, they become more of a nuissance than a help. There is a good reason for cutting down, no matter how great the appeal of big spellbook is.
  22. I am usually a fan of more spells vs. less spells, but after White March having a druid, priest and mage in my party felt like overkill. I could not remember where which spell was. I had to look for 15 seconds each time I had a specific spell in mind, but didn't know whether it was level 1 or level 4 spell. And imagine this for every damn time I wanted to cast a new spell. And not to mention all the times I did not use good spells, because I simply forgot they existed. And leaving a caster class on the bench and then picking them up after 4 levels? I had definitely forgotten by that time where which spell was, needed to learn all their new spells and what they are good for and THEN I just spent quarter of the battle reading through all spells trying to figure out what would be a good match for current situation. Something needed to change. (Though, in my opinion, a good UI overhaul would have likely worked pretty well too.)
  23. PotD is the "hardcore" mode. Ironmode is just something you do for giggles, a bit like speedruns, since more often than not you would first play the game to the end and THEN try Ironmode. Alternatively, you just like restart games a lot, but you don't sound like the type. What concerns your proposed mode, a game mode which favors such agressive style could be interesting, but it sounds to me like it would be easily exploited by fast hitting classes favoring crits (say, rogue... or maybe barbarian with the right build). That would simply mean winning this mode would rely on character creation (deciding on the correct attributes, class and spec), but then you would just breeze through the game because fast attacks + possibility of making 50% damage means that your fast hitters would just decimate your enemies. Not much of a challenge.
  24. Yeah. Although I like th econcept it isn't what I'm looking forward to this game. The ship is the place you hang out and talk to campanions, travel around etc but 90% of the action is gonna be on the islands. Since this isn't a game about managing a ship but about exploring on foot, fighting on foot and roleplaying on foot, I believe it's totally normal to don't give a damn about the ship. Even Obs said that if you don't want to mess with the ship much you don't have to. You stick with oroginal boat, original crew and skip cannon battles to ship boarding battles so... Now that I think about it, I don't know why they spam so much about it It's one of the few completely new features Deadfire offers. You can either talk about ship or you can talk about multiclassing. We heard tons of stuff about multiclassing, but previously barely anything about ships. So it's logical that now there is a stronger focus on ship mechanics.
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