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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Well because you can recover from a depression, teenage depressions are a dime a dozen, it's nothing like a terminal cancer patient deciding he has simply had enough, which I would support wholeheartedly.
  2. I think the problem here is a tendency to make a value judgment about an illness without really acknowledging that it is one.
  3. Yeah you need it to install. I found mine behind the fridge, a bit worse for wear but still readable. How else are they going to force anyone to buy the NWN2 OC. Think about it.
  4. There are already games out there that benefit from 8 gigs of ram. With vista 64, you can have that much. It's wise to try and think a little ahead too. Given the prices and the available modules you might as well get two 2 gig sticks.
  5. Well according to what he said, he probably didn't commit suicide as some kind of twisted vengeance on the world, but because he thought the world would be better off without him.
  6. It's easy to forget that the online pseudo life bears any resemblance to the real thing. I think many people think of it as an alternate reality populated by people who get angry over nothing and spin tall tales on a regular basis.
  7. This is an old report, or the second, or third time around..
  8. It seems to be related to distance. What annoys me more is that the cleric AI can't heal. Casters can now buff, which is great, but you still have to cast 21 low level healing spells yourself, to get the party back to health. That is just retarded. Why not have a script next to 'buff' called 'heal'. Should be pretty easy to do.
  9. Well I got it after all. Still can't get over how cramped the camera is in those games, it's like you are literally fighting it every step of the way. It works tolerably when you are zoomed out maximally, but a lot of areas won't let you do that. Why didn't they assign left mouse button to the camera pans, and why are the camera pans so fast you always seem to wind up short of the angle you were aiming for. Also I can't seem to specify the refresh rates, so it's at 60 hrz or something, there are still people with CRTs out there you know. I also have no idea what I'm doing, seems like I have been stuck on the travel map for ages needing rest after every fight and getting woken up by another one. Too early to say anything about the story.
  10. Some friends of mine actually waited half an hour for noodles., the other day.
  11. Well wouldn't a bullet shot from a rifled barrel have picked up more speed upon exit than one shot from a pistol.
  12. Long story short, does this game work off the shelf or is there some bug that hasn't been fixed yet.
  13. Nice try, but I think we all know who the real Eminence grise has been all these years.
  14. I'm not the one being annoyed by patches, publish now, patch later has been the industry standard for as long as I can remember, putting that all on Obsidian is neither here nor there. I guess it can get problematic with the lack of internet connection, and lets not forget that NWN2 shipped with a fatal bug, but we should all have gotten used to that long ago.
  15. Yes, but thats a history lesson. Most of those problems were solved.
  16. Why do they get the camera wrong for every NWN2 release, my guess would be that there is something fundamentally off with the engine that they didn't think about when they were molding it to fit NWN2, and now it's not practical to fix it. Camera was bad, but got tolerable with patches, if it's back to the 'bad old days', that's a deal breaker for me. Anyway I'm going to wait and gather some more impressions before deciding.
  17. The weapons had 'health' in the old fallouts as well.
  18. It's always a choice between reliability and maximum accuracy. Although I seriously doubt rifles deteriorate with every shot fired, as in fallout. If you want maximum rate of fire outside of VATS you have to carry around lots of spare weapons. I'm kinda disappointed in the lack of weapons, I mean just look at the fallout 2 collection http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Fallout_2_weapons
  19. Whats the attraction. Do you guys actually enjoy it. Seems like a bum job to me.
  20. Fawkes is a 'her', could have fooled me. Yes the ending is retarded.
  21. What do you mean by that, the members elect their reps, whats not fair about it.
  22. I watched Mad Max 2 and 3 last night, and the sheer number of references I was able to pick up surprised me. The male leather armor skin : Exact copy of Max's armor. The raider boss from Mad Max 2 wears a hockey mask, uses a scoped .45 magnum, the prestige handgun of the 3 available in the game. The raider mohawks and piecemeal armor are very similar. Max is called a 'wastelander' by the small community he encounters. The major of Little Lamplight looks exactly like one of the kids from Mad Max 3, down to the colonial helmet. It's only missing the tribals from fallout 2, which were also in Mad Max 3. I'm betting they forced the devs to watch all the films. I kinda miss a vehicle section, or a thunderdome in the game to top it off. just putting together a working bike, or buggy could have been an interesting quest. Also, one of those fancy high tech bows with a pulley mechanism to support the draw would have been a very cool fallout 3 weapon.
  23. I just get spiders, by the pound apparently, they come from the attic above my apartment. The really big fat ones I evict, the rest I am very Buddhist about, although my sister's dog likes to hunt them and eat them.
  24. Did anyone ever figure out how to open the gate at the Mama Rosa factory with the Chinese remnant ghouls. I know there are special versions of the Chinese assault rifle and pistol, but I never found the key, or the source of the radio transmission, assuming they are through that locked gate.
  25. I bet they say that to everyone.
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