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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. I like save points if they are done carefully. Not just before an unskippable sequence obviously. If I know that not too far back is an autosave or save point, I can immerse myself more in the game and not have to press quicksave every time I feel I have done something slightly noteworthy. There is no call to disable independent saves though, Save points only work if the game gets the difficulty setting just right. Often that is not the case.
  2. I think that's the reason we turn into slobs. Psychologically it starts as a statement of identity.
  3. She is really bad at costume dramas and usually good in everything else.
  4. None of the women I have known could ascend, or stoop, to my level of slobness. Of course all this proves is that I am one.
  5. Gorgon


    So that's what the weird flash of light is. Yes, try switching off the light and peeling some scotch tape.
  6. Go further to sell your stuff. Also the heavy military fighter you have access to in the beginning is the best overall balance between moveability and firepower. You could shoot more stuff and take more damage, but moving around slow is a sure way to catch a lot of missiles.
  7. I accidentally killed all her companions. Should teach them not to stand between a flamer and a ghoul anyway.
  8. Gorgon


    Well surely if you believe in God you believe in satan, angles, miracles and ghosts by extension.
  9. Gorgon


    Whenever my boundless pessimism and skepticism regarding spirituality comes up as I'm talking with my friends, I am always berated with the knowitall phrase 'there is more between heaven and earth', and the smug bastards all fall over each other priding themselves on being more open minded than me. It's not like it takes any effort to believe in Santa, Jesus, Asmodeus or the tooth fairy, and they never qualify why it's better to jump to conclusions you can't support.
  10. Virtue in brevity. I generally ignore posts that take up an entire page.
  11. Wing Commander had Mark Hamil as the protagonist, or was he just commander hero.
  12. Something drastically awful has happened. It's been days since I finished the game, and for some reason I have one of the Radio Free Wasteland songs on the brain. Bongo bongo bongo I don't wanna leave the Congo oh no no no no nooo.
  13. Well there's EVE online I guess, if you are interested in a game that does on for ever, and ever, and ever, with no conclusion, emotional investment, or dramatic curve.
  14. Anyway are we counting Fox News as part of the 'liberal media bias' now.
  15. So is she your mother or not. She seems to suggest there was something between her and dad and you, and if you go to the Lincoln memorial and listen to a few project purity tapes before you head to Rivet City you get the dialouge option 'I have been doing some poking around'.. she will then tell you that she is really your mother, but other tapes point in another direction. Maybe an affair.. Also in the opening scene, doctor Li appears to be helping to deliver the baby.
  16. Gorgon


    I think it comes back to subjectivity, philosophy, the very definition of what is 'real'. We aren't a completely empirically based species. In response to what we can't explain, we make things up, then we perpetuate them through suggestion and tradition. How else could organized religion have survived this long. I can't help but notice how paranormal encounters always seem to happen to people who are already believers, logically enough since paranormal phenomena are part of their available solutions to unexplained phenomena. A skeptic would not be satisfied that an unexplained sound is indicative of a poltergeist after all.
  17. I think I played freelancer 2, if there is such a thing. You shoot around in your little spaceship and trade goods, shoot pirates and such. The NPCs are dumber than Morrowind. Is that it.
  18. You know this feels an awful lot like when John Kerry was transmogriffed into a waffle. People are stupid, and if you find a caricature that's good enough, it trumps political message every time.
  19. Some weapons work better outside of VATS, most heavy weapons, and all mele weapons, because they consume too many action points. VATS is mostly for sneak shots and splattering heads over the ground, said sneak shots are vastly overpowered compared to anything else. It is NOT go anywhere any time though. The largest urban area has faulty maps and boulders blocking your path, you will be lucky just to guess the right path for your quest, much less go to a station you know where is, but haven't discovered.
  20. I kinda missed chapters, although I suppose that was kinda hard to fit in the pip boy, and overall the 'quest journal' is thankfully free of lengthy prose, a much better solution. Although, to take a recent example, in The Witcher you knew there were 7 chapters and an epilogue, it was right there in the journal. I kinda like having an inkling of how far along I am.
  21. The main quest though, feels like one half of a main quest. A tolerably good opening act that ends after what, 5 or 6 consecutive episodes. Stay away from it until you have had enough of exploring.
  22. Well I finished the game,
  23. Can't post mine, it's a somewhat naked woman.
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