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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. I can't plug my dual psu into the same socket, or everything will switch off.
  2. Gorgon

    Prop 8

    You like small flaccid *edited by Walsingham for upsetting his breakfast*
  3. No there are just more crackpots out there than you could possibly fathom.
  4. Mechs, there's mechs. I like it already. I just hope they don't get ludicrously tangled up with the space-time continuum, that was always a weak point of the cannon.
  5. I'll be honest, I am a tourist in this thread, life is too short by far.
  6. So he was in on it, what about the firemen who died, did they fake that too, or were they merely expendable. Also were is Mossad in all of this. You can't have a giant conspiracy without Mossad, those are the rules.
  7. It seems plausible, purely viewing the matter from a point of view of motive, that a plane was shot down and then later on became the 'hero plane', but we are back to scale again. In world as media saturated as ours there are simply too many variables, the risk of getting caught staging a plane crash, staging the attendant circumstances that is, outweighs any positive gains. No, what happened here is that the public, the media, the executive, needed the hero plane equally much and created the myth between them. I mean it's all a matter of degrees, and we don't know what went on in those final moments anyway, so why not call them heroes.
  8. How does that go, I remember the name from a philosophy class.
  9. Gorgon

    Prop 8

    uh, yeah. government sanctioned stealing from one person to pay for another is oppression, i.e., tyranny This is not the kind of response you would expect from me, rather an unusual anecdote. A government economic think tank has recently proposed the following : If you own a home or part of a housing coop, (I'm not sure what the correct English term is here, I'm talking about split ownership of an apartment building for instance where the rent you pay goes to the coop association towards paying back the purchase loan as well as land tax) the government will penalize you by claiming 25% of the profit if you do not use the money to buy another home within a set limit. My apartment is the most expensive thing I own, hell, it's the only expensive thing I own. Some of my friends have payed back their student loans by carefully examining the market and making some smart moves. Everyone has their limits, and I guess this is mine, this is simply too much interference. What if I want to capitalize on the market and rent instead of own for a while, this will cripple my choices in the long run, and I am not an evil speculator hellbent on making owning a house impossible for regular folk, I'm just trying to get along like everyone else.
  10. Gorgon

    Prop 8

    I wonder if you could get out of a tour in Iraq by humping one of your buddies. Has it been tried, was it successful.
  11. I've got a DS lite, but I keep expecting the games to be really really cheap, when in fact they are not, so I only have two games for it.
  12. Gorgon

    Prop 8

    The important thing here is that everyone should be treated the same as regards legal standing whether they are married or entered into a civil union, so that marriage doesn't net you more than anyone else. Marriage is a religious institution, if gays don't like being singled out and discriminated against by the Christian church, I'm sure there are more accommodating religions out there somewhere.
  13. In Oblivion my equipment would start disappearing randomly somewhere around lv 20, there were numerous quest bugs as well, although the main quest seems to have gone free.
  14. Gorgon

    Prop 8

    Why can't these people find something a little more worthwhile to do with their lives.
  15. coincidentally, i had wild rice last night for dinner. my wife brought home some dinners (i still haven't figured out the scoop on that) with wild rice in them. my favorite long-grained rice. tough call between wild rice and the shorter grained risotto stuff, which i also love. btw, have you actually ever quit smoking and if so, how much and for how long? the first 24 hours is, if anything, the easiest IMO. i guess your brain still hasn't figured out what's up. it's the next two weeks that are horrendous while your body withdraws from the nicotine, then the mental addiction takes a few months before the anxiety leaves. even after years of being off nicotine, people still report having desires when they smell someone smoking. terrible habit to get into. taks I must have quit and started again 10 or 20 times. I guess I'm slightly different in that I don't crave cigarette breaks like most smokers. I never smoke at work or at uni. Unless I'm hitting the town, or having a drink, or relaxing in front of the computer or tv, I don't feel the urge. Quitting actually hurts me more because my lungs start to realize what what I have been doing to them and they slowly start to expel the tar. The healing process is painful, you cough a lot and spit up brown loogies
  16. I don't understand people who like Mario and Sonic. I mean we were all kids once, this is true, but those games were never ever cool, not even with the power of benign retrospection.
  17. Quitting smoking is not hard, all you need is 24 hrs of cold turkey and the worst of the craving goes away. The trouble is finding something to do with your hands, they seem to be fidgeting for a smoke long after you have lost interest.
  18. i hate brown rice. it tastes... wrong. just about every other kind of rice is cool, just not the brown stuff. taks What you want is wild rice, the long stemmed kind, it's almost impossible to make that stuff taste bad. Brown rice brings back memories of growing up in a vegetarian hippie commune without a single set of working taste buds among them. Me and my dad used to sneak off to the hot dog stand.
  19. You are getting paid half a pound, wowsa, that's like, almost 5 bucks.
  20. I wonder if it's phonetically based.
  21. And you can't have two prestige classes, either that or the rule is you can't have more than 3 total. I played SoZ with 3 dwarven cleric weapon masters and one Figther, thief, weaponmaster, It was only just possible because clerics are so starved for feats and skills.
  22. Vats had shorter range, you could pick em off as soon as you were able to see them with the scope. Also heavy weapons you were not proficient with still did a tolerable amount of damage as long as you didn't use vats.
  23. Is that the artificial river that runs across Seoul I watched a documentary on discovery channel about.
  24. 57.2% There were a lot of black and whites that are probably considered classics, but that you would never see unless they happened to be on tv.
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