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Everything posted by Gorgon

  1. Gladly. I still get to rag on their games though.
  2. Bad sci fi is better than no sci fi. Not that ME is bad, it's a shooter with some small RPG elements. For what it is, it's pretty good. I guess the point was that if you are a sci fi fan you greedily grab whatever is available.
  3. Skilfull marketing, name recognition, the lack of anything better.
  4. I don't understand why anyone could put DA2 on their top 10s. I just finised it, and nothing could make me want to play it again. There was warrick, and the bit with the king of the cow people, and also when your mother gets kidnapped. Maybe 10% really good content to 90% cheesy manure. I can only conclude that some people just have no style. Otherwise who keeps buying the best of Micael Bolton boxed sets.
  5. Much a matter of personal preferences, like food and music. Hard to set up objective criteria for excellence.
  6. Who developed these characters. I wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire. I mean, I can stand having the dwarf and the buxom pirate in my party, they sort of have good excuses for being caricatures, but it does leave me a bit outgunned for most situations.
  7. You can tell it has high production values, I just couldn't get into it. Do you get to truck around in Gotham in your batmobile or is it all just dank corridors in Arkham.
  8. This was in that movie of the book freakonomics. According to the eggheads, cheating occurs with complete inevitability where incentive to cheat is present. It's human nature.
  9. I like it, except the spawning, makes it impossible to plan for anything. It's just a shooter though, don't expect more.
  10. The theory is that this private investigator hacked the phone right ?, not that a journalist told him to do it. I guess it all comes down to what he was expected to to do, whether those expectations were stated or not.
  11. Playing through it now. It would have been so much better if you had the option of re spending all your talent points at level up. Maybe once per 4 levels ?. You get tired of the same build and want to try out the other spells. With all their talk of it being more streamlined you would think they would actually streamline something meaningful, but no. Other than that, pretty standard fare, a whole lot of area recycling. Seen one cave seen them all.... literally. I'll give it a 6.5/10. It has its moments.
  12. I usually perform violence on the keyboard.
  13. My usual reaction to Microsoft Excel, despite having used it on a daily basis for years.
  14. Dragon age 2. It's not so bad. Terrible acting here and there, but still enjoyable. And my mage walks everywhere naked since the undressed state diaper is now a thong.
  15. Didn't like it either. Maybe it was the experience points popping out of beaten enemies like a Mario game, maybe the endless unskipable cut scenes, maybe the lack of proper key remapping. Looked really very pretty though.
  16. I just signed up 2 weeks ago. I don't use it for nothin' per se, other than when it's practical for events and communication. I've checked it twice this week, people should should learn to shut up unless something interesting to ME is going on in their lives.
  17. So true, Hitman series wins hands down, first you go in quietly and when you make a mistake which you are bound to the first few times, all hell breaks loose and you fight to survive. It's like ASCreed cut out half the experience.
  18. Well if the shoe fits. Kids.
  19. Halo is completely unplayable (Halo 1 anyway) and it's a mystery to science why it ever got as popular as it did, give me a recent example.
  20. What I mean to say is that the lousy aiming on controllers influenced gameplay developments towards hiding behind crates, and that that gave us a generation of games that all look alike and play alike, that's worst case scenario, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule though.
  21. Do you disagree that cover mechanic shooters practically all look and feel alike ? I want this game to be good, I really do, and I think the chances are decent, but there is the ever present problem of the lousy aiming on controllers, so you have to think of something else for the firefights. More often than not, that doesn't go much further than crouching behind crates for the duration.
  22. So, to sum up : Hide behind cover mechanics (proudly turning every game into the same boring experience since 2008), not much exploration, yet somehow it might magically still be good.
  23. Fairness is not a human right, it's one of the cornerstones of a welfare society we can't presently afford, but that people understandably have come to expect and rely on.
  24. It's not about human rights, that was just the way to pursue this through the courts. I thought we covered this already.
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