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Gorgon last won the day on July 2 2024

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About Gorgon

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  1. One thing i noticed was that there is basically no texture swapping at all. You can zoom in on a geometric shape with no loss. I think it might be the first time I've seen it implemented ever. I can't wait for that to be the new normal. But yeah, it's pretty, and responsive, except for unsolved micro stutter during exploration. The visual presentation is really good, but it's also definitely missing a layer of mechanics in being a Skyrim or the like.
  2. There is a lot of money in it and there is a lot of rebuilding to do. I would say it's more likely than not now that the negative connotations of having an arms industry are set aside by necessity. We have enough know how for a European defense consortium to be a serious player, especially one including Ukraine.
  3. Trump really screwed the American arms industry long term though. Europe will want to build their own rather than be dependent on American hardware and parts, now that free availability is not guaranteed anymore, we will need to match the Russians in production capacity. Europe will wind up competing with the US on the international arms market, rather than being mostly customers.
  4. Anyone seen Alien Romulus ?
  5. I'm pretty convinced vaping is better than smoking for your lungs, and still bad for a lot of other things. I also think banning both might be a smart idea long term, given how hard it is to quit for a lot of people.
  6. It's completely mad, they are expecting more protests maybe more violence this weekend. How is this still a thing a week later ? In the middle of everything Elon Musk tweets "civil war is inevitable", like he's trying to boost X's share price. He's literally making money by throwing gasoline on the fire.
  7. The revolution is over mr Lebowski, the bums lost.
  8. Indeed.
  9. the problem isn't transgenderism it's transhumanism. Remember back in the 90s where all the Russian gymnasts were so hopped up on hormones that they took all the medals and no one else could really compete. After that they developed a test to rule out competitors with extreme muscle density, I don't know the exact details, but a failing the test would disallow people from competing as females, she failed the test. which means she is either a genetic anomaly, or a cheater, i.e. doping. She hasn't failed a doping test to my knowledge, but they aren't perfect.
  10. Well, not completely senile after all.
  11. Republican grifters are so low rent.
  12. I'm gonna go lone nutter, Donald is the king of nutters after all. What are the nutters themselves saying then, Antifa, Peta, Furries, Swifties, Furry swifties ?
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