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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. I don't get why they would have behaved like they did if they didn't get some very hard promises from the west. One of the big reasons why my country doesn't want to cut ties with Russia/China or give up Kosovo for a promise of help from the west. We learned that lesson the hard way too.
  2. Very. But that was always the case. On the other hand in Elden Ring you can farm side content and breeze through all the main bosses with any build.
  3. There is also intentionally supporting corruption and forcing that lower layer to stay low.
  4. Hmm. Hmmm. Hmmmm. Can't make this **** up.
  5. There is nothing about DS games that should make them hard to implement on M&K, in fact it should be easier and not harder. God of War being a great example of a port.
  6. Yeah I remember reading chapter 1 when it came out and it was fairly weird in a furry sort of way.
  7. Give Control a go for RTX, and it's a great game besides.
  8. That would be killing a cow for a pound of meat. They are dying because the Russian generals want to be on the front line and in the heart of the action, same thing happened in Syria, so the risk of death for them is basically the same as for any other solider. Although for certain this will teach the Russians some hard lessons, as they are making many mistakes it seems. Although a war like this hasn't been fought since WW2, so comparatively I don't know if any other country would do better.
  9. You can get an intel ax210 wifi card from aliexpress for 20 buck. You get the latest wifi standard and 5.2 bt.
  10. A stray "drone" from Ukraine "landed" in Croatia... It spent an hour in the air over NATO countries and it wasn't detected...
  11. That was my point. Why would they need to lure Belarus? They can just tell them to attack.
  12. Maybe some Mobo baked in functionality. You could be missing some vendor drivers.
  13. Pulled the trigger on a new CPU. It's making it's way from Pakistan. It's a mighty 6950x to replace my 5820k. Wish me luck.
  14. Got HBO Max instead of HBO Go, thinking of watching Fringe again.
  15. It seem like it will be even sooner than that. Some countries are turning their ships around already.
  16. US still importing Uranium from Russia. Btw, did they set a date for when they will stop importing oil, or is it effective immediately?
  17. That isn't making it sound any better to be honest.
  18. https://www.c-span.org/video/?518355-1/secretary-state-political-affairs-testifies-ukraine&live&vod 40:20 is the mark where they discus the biolabs.
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