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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. The Ice Golems in IWD2 were a nightmare for me the first time around. I dreaded seeing them.
  2. Am I the only one who didn't die in the beginning of BG1 or find it that difficult.
  3. Ok, so it's done in real time, but setting it up is the same. You select the source, type and if it's not static, axis movement, the engine does the rest. You are making it out to more complex then it really is. I was really talking about the amount of animation. PoE is on the low spectrum of quantity of animation in games. Yes but Obsidian didn't make Unity, that is the difference. They are using a made engine which comes with it's own support I would guess. They aren't inventing anything new. So if we were going to compare it I would say that it's even easier then it was in Infinity Engine. Did I not say that it was annual. I just did a little digging, depending on how many animators they have, they are probably using a network license. Meaning they can install infinite amount of copies in the network and depending on how many seats they bought they can use X (number of) computers at the same time. So it's not really just number of computers x annual price = cost. And considering their budget is over 4 million the software is not that large a part of it. The term next-gen is a marketing gimmick. What you are talking about is not called next gen, it's simply advancement in technology, it happens in increments. You can't go and say "well this and this feature in game development is last generation". While it may be "next gen" to the old IE games, it is not "next gen" to the current games that are out there. I don't understand why you are so adamant about this, those "next gen" tools you are harping on about are going to be such a small part of the game and they are there just to add some flavor to the Isometric style.
  4. What other lighting is there? While I may not animate for games, I do it for models of building/houses. The only difference is that while they use use autodesk's softimage I use autocad then transfer to 3dsmax, lighting is pretty much the same in both. Basically you set the source hit render and the program calculates obstacles and reflections. Now that I think about it lighting is probably done in engine, but from a few google searches I can see that it's pretty much the same, set source and type and you are done. Well nothing is simple to those who don't know how to do it(me included). But compare the amount of animation that you need in PoE and the amount you need in GTA5, then yeah it's simple. They aren't really doing anything new. They are only adding to the old. That is why I said company license, which as far as I know isn't per PC. Even if it was, those are essential tools that they had even before PoE. You said "next gen", that means making a game which has new tech which will utilize newest hardware. I think everyone knows that PoE won't be that. As I said I have no idea were you got it that PoE is going to be pushing the envelope for game tech.
  5. Sorry to disappoint, but there will be no multi classing.
  6. As soon as I heard that the art assets were lost and that they weren't touching the sprites and magic effects I was disappointed.
  7. Area being bigger and higher resolution is due to more processing power, I don't get how you think that is more expensive. I really don't get where you are going with this? I do lightning on my own computer, when I make a video of an animation, for free. Weather, 3d characters and whatever else they will animate isn't that complex and while yes it takes time I think it's harder for them to do the 2d backgrounds and polish them for the final product. Maybe they are pushing the tech with the integration of 2d and 3d, but even then I seriously doubt it cost them that much money to figure it out. How is Unity unfitting and why would they pick it if it was? Yes the Autodesk software they use costs 10k a year(likely more as they need a company license), but that are the tools of the trade which they use for more then PoE. I really have no idea where you heard that this game is going to be current-gen and how you think that correlates with the isometric look.... You do know that the 2d is only a picture when they are done with it and put it in the game as an art asset. Opening a picture, you would agree, is not that power consuming. The only things that are going to tax the system are the animations, lighting and maybe the AI. I really have no idea, where you got all this from. Yeah I agree, they are doing some cool stuff, but all the same I still don't think it adds to this being a game that requires a big (bigger) budget (as if over 4 mill is chump change). The only thing, I think, that can really drive the price tag up is the scope of the game, ie. more areas, bigger maps, etc.
  8. Yes. Especially considering they are not pushing the envelope with the tech in this game. Plus the software does much more these days. You are thinking about regular games, where developers push the tech and graphics used in the games. This is a blast from the past game and there is not much they can do with isometric that would cost that much money. Other then whatever KS took as their cut, all of the other things are a drop in the sea compared to the D&D royalties they likely had to pay to WotC.
  9. Don't forget that the IE games were made approximately 15 years ago, or so. Technology is much cheaper now, as is distribution, plus they already have experience making these kind of games, and they also don't need to pay royalties to Wizard of the Coast.
  10. Well now that you say it it's obvious. >_>
  11. It is becoming apparent that this whole revolution lacked the support of the people.
  12. I don't think there is a single scenario where you would need that much memory, except in a professional environment where you need it for rendering for which you would go with the quadro cards. This is literately only for bragging rights.
  13. Might as well post something useful http://www.pcgamer.com/previews/armored-warfare-hands-on-obsidian-brings-storytelling-to-tank-combat/
  14. Doubt it, going against genetics is hard, but hey I'm not immortal so I can't really say to the contrary. And that is ok, but don't expect companies to hurt their profits and pander to the minorities, don't expect people to write roles they have no interest in or know nothing about and most of all don't force your social justice on anyone.
  15. Just so you know I will not let go of those 2400 convicted Croats. That was a pretty big lie on your part. As for the evidence it has been submitted the trial is still ongoing. By the words of your own former Minister who was in office during the war, Tudjman was the one to instigate armed conflict. How is that BS? Do you think that YNA was fighting unarmed civilians? It was an all out battle in Vukovar. You make it out to seem like YNA came and attacked civilians which is nothing further from the truth. The Croats were armed and ready for a conflict, the Serbs weren't, thus YNA came and protected them. Only the Ukrainians weren't burning hundreds of Crimean villages and killing the Russian population indiscriminately. Want proof? Watch the movie I linked to Bruce. There are video records of those villages in it.
  16. I do think it correlates. To have a gay main character in a game, you have to identify him as such, in good games a character identifies him self through actions and dialog. By doing that you lose your connection to the player(if they are straight). Games are wish fulfillment devices and as such (with a gay main character) will fail their purpose with anyone but the gay players. Volourn's examples are stupid and a bait which I took. He compares apples and oranges, or sexual orientation with physical appearances and real with the fantasy. It's wish fulfillment, everyone (almost everyone) want's to be immortal, no one wants to be gay. It's as simple as that.
  17. So by your example, because I don't watch gay porn and it doesn't excite me, I hate gays? edit: To expand, both are a type of media, one is used for sexual stimulation, the other is used for "intellectual" stimulation. By your logic if the media fails to fulfill it's purpose because of your reactions to the characters within, then, by your logic, we must hate those characters and what they represent.
  18. Because the majority of the player base is not gay and thus they could not see them selves in the protagonist, thus I say alienated. Making games is all about hitting numbers, especially in the non RPG genre, it's all about identifying with the majority of your audience. But if you are fishing for my personal opinion on the gays, then sure I'll tell you that too. I am of an opinion that everyone should live and let live, I am also of an opinion that being gay is not natural and that it goes against the genetic prime directive of mankind, to survive ie. reproduce. If you look at it from a biological standpoint, they are parasites (I am up for a discussion on this topic too, but I think that it would be more suited for the off-topic part of the forum). Now this is not meant to be an insult and I believe that they have rights equal to that of any other person (though I am undecided on the topic of adoption), but this is the opinion I stand by and am willing to discuss.
  19. In games where the protagonist is a blank slate, making him fully customizable is not difficult. But in a game in which the main character has an identity and the story is set, it's much more difficult. So is it worth it to have a worse game, just to be able pander to people of all colors and minorities. Not to mention that having the main character be gay would probably alienate the majority of the player base.
  20. -still no link for those 2400 (even though you copy/pasted the entire wiki below) -Operation Storm would tell me that it was a planed operation. The exodus of 200 000 people and the death of over 1000 during Operation Storm, would tell me that those 2 are connected. So planned ethnic cleansing. ******************************************************************** Woah there, take it easy with the copy/paste, you wouldn't want to hurt your fingers. By the admition of your own former minister Josip Boljkovac(during the war), Tudjman was the one who instigated the armed conflicts(you ignored this the first time I said it). So in fact all that you quoted from wiki shows what happened, but with key pieces of information cut out. If you bothered to read the source articles, you would see that the picture is not as one sided as you paint it. Let's not even get started with the legality of the voting that happened before the war.
  21. Aren't those just screen captures from the trailer?
  22. I think it's all black and white in his head. He must think that it's either Russia is bad or Russia is good. In fact I think many people in this thread have that problem.
  23. I think people feel the need to fight for/against something, because it makes them feel like they are doing something that matters, but the problem is that the only thing they are able to do is try and enact change in the pathetically insignificant problems that in the grand ****-hole of things that are wrong in this world, don't even matter. I mean they are not Bill Gates who is trying to exterminate malaria, so they settle for making minorities not feel left out when playing games. Which is not a bad thing, but it irks me to no end when they make it out to be a grand crusade that will save the world.
  24. The point I don't seem to get is that if video-game violence doesn't have an effect on the the player, how is anything that he is "fighting" for going to affect him. I get that everyone has their own battle to fight, but how about you focus on the big stuff instead of making people like gays or w/e else. edit: Further more, you have to be able to portray those kind of characters without them sounding like stereotypes, a white man who doesn't have black/yellow/red/pink/magenta (I am a racist ****) friends or doesn't have contact with their culture isn't going to be able to portray them well. So this more about letting more people from different cultures in to the industry, for which he is definitely barking up the wrong tree.
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