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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. I'm going to try that in my current playthrough. I'm just not sure whether to kill them after getting the ghost ship, or before I go off to snag it. Try killing them both ways and also try siding with another faction after killing them.
  2. Your devil perhaps, certainly not my Watcher's. Vailian Republics ftw!
  3. I think somebody should just try killing Furrante and Aeldys and then going to Ukaizo to see the ending slides to try it out.
  4. lol, I finished her quest and her boss told me that everyone did their mission successfully and I did Tikawara after that and the leader was still very much alive. What part of "ending slides" did you miss?
  5. I dunno, out of three ladies I like Pallegina most, though her bitching about the gods sure intensified in 5 years that my Watcher have known her. But she sure can be a good pal. Xoti started nice and innocent, but my high opinion of her went down the drain as soon as she started hitting on everybody and bringing up Gaun all the time. My Watcher is not very tolerant of blind religious fanatics and clingy people. None of it will be removed in the patch, btw, it just her crazy character. Maia is a cold blooded killer, she sure does know how to ingratiate herself with the Watcher, but realizing she's been complicit in assassinations behind Watcher's back just makes her untrustworthy.
  6. Yep, if you get to the ending slides you will see that the people who were assassinated was the mayor of Port Maje and Tikawara leader.
  7. I've no idea how to get Pim's ending but it's been datamined: https://youtu.be/9U6f83Tjbnc?t=812
  8. If you're too lazy for ship-to-ship shenanigans and just like to board enemy ships - buy galleon, it has the best hull defense.
  9. What opening conversation? When you get him on the ship after Fort Maje and talk about the animancers there is an insight check with an option for you to say that you thought there was something between you and him. Pretty awkward as he's in denial about it. Ugh ugh. Did I mess up? I only remember "I thought we were friends"? No, that's not it, it was something like "I thought there was something between us". But it's ok, you didn't mess anything, it's just a flavor dialogue, not a real romance flag.
  10. I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in the game that trials/experience is what makes a soul stronger. But whatever, I don't even know what to trust in this game
  11. Why not? You can attack anyone in POE2 and there is even an ending slide with both of them dead and Two Eyed Pim taking the wheel by making transportation company out of Principi.
  12. Yea, it's pretty much one conversation until the end of the game, just like most romances in POE2. Everything else are occasional romance flavored one liners from Aloth when travelling between areas and banter between companions with them asking for details. I haven't seen Tekehu's banter but when Eder asked about it Aloth told him not to stick his nose in private affairs as well.
  13. What opening conversation? When you get him on the ship after Fort Maje and talk about the animancers there is an insight check with an option for you to say that you thought there was something between you and him. Pretty awkward as he's in denial about it.
  14. I've seen a chair in the Principi council room with her name on it. For anyone who don't recall - it's a dragon hunter from POE1 who either gives you Scale Breaker talent or can be possessed by adra dragon. But it's kinda bugged: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/100068-one-chair-belongs-to-two-people-in-balefire-beacon/ Is she in the game at all or was swapped with this Mad Morena character?
  15. The inscription on rightmost chair in Balefire Beacon changes every time you click on it: I'm playing a save import where Falanroed wasn't possessed by the adra dragon, if it helps.
  16. No, it shouldn't make everyone hostile unless you cook up two accidents and talk to the leader. But just to be sure - enter from the front door and do all 3 accidents without talking to the leader, because she's onto you very quickly.
  17. Sided with Furrante, killed Master Kua before he gave me the quest. Well, maybe you should complete Kua's quest too. Because the achievement is for a chain of quests and this one is in the Principi tab. And last quest only completes at Ukaizo.
  18. I think they should let beta testers test all the mechanics of the game, not just non-spoilery ones. So many bugs related to save imports, companions, dispositions and relationship system could have been avoided at POE2 release if only they were introduced in the beta...
  19. I didn't have a save at Ukaizo in which I sided with the Principi. Though I did a quick run for it now just to see if this would trigger the achievement - but nope, still nothing. Did you side with Aeldys or Furrante? Also, did you do the slaver quest about the Wahaki or killed the slaver before he could give you the quest?
  20. Loading a save or even completing the quest still does not unlock the achievement for me. Reload at Ukaizo.
  21. Well, if you're not at the end of the game you can still try choosing all the options she likes during dialogues with npcs while she's in the party.
  22. Why bother going through text - all romances are already datamined on YouTube: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97310-companions-and-romance/?p=2022540
  23. For the koiki fruit you plant it during day time and have to wait until night time when the leader goes to sleep. With the construct guy you must convince him to allow you to fix the construct, but instead of fixing him you temper with it to kill the guy.
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