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Everything posted by Grape_You_In_The_Mouth

  1. Item VFX are more fickle than ability vfx, but it's trial-and-error either way until you figure out the format. Find the VFX for the cloak and then put it in the same place for the armor you want. Sometimes the VFX is in the statusEffect, sometimes it's on the item itself.
  2. Some of this may be do-able but it would be harder than making abilities and items, and people don't even do that. I would try simple mods then working up to this.
  3. Just take a passive ability like Fast Runner or something, remove the class code to all 0's, then make an Append gamedata file and make an entry as a level 0 auto grant skill, one for each class. The pt_ ability tables will have examples of auto grants, and I already made a walkthrough on how to do the Append (I think it's on the pinned post at the top of the forums). The passive ability could have a large aura size and effect all so that every enemy is affected, but make sure you look at passive abilities that affect enemies, because maybe you have to make one passive for you and one for the AOE effecting enemies, I'm not sure.
  4. You'd probably have to create your own passive ability that only activates with the conditional that the player has a weapon in slot 1 and slot 2. I say this because I think the recovery penalty is not a normal status effect and is in the "base" code that isn't exported into the gamedatabundles, but I'm not sure.
  5. If anyone knows how to remove the initial screens when you start the program, that would save hours of my life and make a lot of people happy
  6. in the data folder, find the output log txt and look for the name of your mod. it will have an error description that basically just says it didn't load.
  7. Be sure to let me know what you don't like or would want to change! Even if I disagree, you never know.
  8. Yes, there are at least two ways the code does this. One via the triggers section in the statuseffect, and I forget the other way. Check the code for abilities where people turn invisible, or avatar, etc.
  9. That looks right. Are you sure you added to the override correctly as a mod? Did you check the output log for errors?
  10. This means the icons didn't load. Probably the Atlases folder is not there or the references in the code could be incorrect. There should be an image in the atlases folder named SpellAbilityIcons, with a text file that shows the file path for those images that are loaded into the game. The ability code has to reference those file paths.
  11. If there are settings that say per rest you could change them to per encounter. Or you could go into the abilities gamedatabundle and do a "replace all" for all Per Rest and replace with Per Encounter. I forget what the actual terms used are but it's very clear.
  12. I believe this was the first tutorial vid ever shown, which changed per encounter to per rest so just do the reverse?
  13. You have to use quotes. It's super lame but necessary. AttributeScore "Companion_P_Donald Trump" Intellect 0 Whenever it's telling you that more parameters were entered than the amount you actually entered, you have to quote something to group it together and prevent it from being counted as a separated parameter.
  14. Yep there's a music text file and I tried to replace one of the songs referenced in that text file, and the music stopped working. There are multiple types of references though so maybe I replaced the wrong file. I think with maybe 20 hours of tinkering around it could be learned pretty easily but the conversion and copying take quite a long time. So the actual testing of ideas is time consuming.
  15. There is already something that does something similar to that. I'd look it up and copy it down. Frenzy has a minor, special characteristic to it because it's part of a group of abilities that is only Frenzy, and only that one ability, but it's grouped like that for some reason and sometimes there's extra code attached to the abilities. No worries about the questions dude.
  16. I just learned how to enchant, but I've been doing ItemMods forever. Any example items that other people have made would answer all of your questions but feel free to ask me. Notice that the reason we couldn't solve your problem is because you didn't take an example and compare it line-by-line to yours--which is exhausting but better it's better than exhausting all the other efforts.
  17. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <StringTableFile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <Name>game\items</Name> <Entries> <Entry> <ID>1665000</ID> <DefaultText>Helm of Sux</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> <Entry> <ID>17651000</ID> <DefaultText>This helm really sux.</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> </Entries> </StringTableFile>
  18. in my example, you'd type in "giveitem helm_sux"
  19. Yeah you probably need to change the debug name because it has a different guid so two items with the same debug name are loading into the game. If they were the same guid, it would overwrite the original. { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.EquippableGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "helm_sux", "ID": "2d65bad9-fb0a-45e6-b27e-081c75ebd065", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ItemComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 1665000, "DescriptionText": 17651000, "FilterType": "Clothing", "InventoryAudioEventListID": "3b0b476e-883e-4a9e-9a61-956eabf30b6d", "IsQuestItem": "false", "IsIngredient": "false", "IsCurrency": "false", "IsAdventuringItem": "false", "IsJunk": "false", "CanSellForFullValue": "false", "MaxStackSize": 1, "NeverDropAsLoot": "false", "CanBePickpocketed": "true", "IsUnique": "true", "Value": 300, "IconTextureSmall": "gui/icons/items/head/crimson_plate_helm_s.png", "IconTextureLarge": "gui/icons/items/head/crimson_plate_helm_l.png", "PencilSketchTexture": "", "InspectOnUseButton": [], "IsPlaceholder": "false" }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.EquippableComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "EquipmentType": "None", "EquipmentSlot": "Head", "AppearancePiece": { "ModelVisualDataPath": "prefabs/lax03/appearance/helm/a_lax03_helm302_v01.asset" }, "ItemModsIDs": [ "f87bfccf-53ad-41f1-8c8a-70a9593b5074" ], "OnEquipVisualEffects": [], "RestrictedToClassIDs": [], "RestrictedToPlayer": "false", "EquipConditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "ProficientAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CannotUnequip": "false", "ItemRendererPrefab": "", "ItemModel": "", "AnimationController": "", "PaperdollOverrideRenderer": "", "AttackSummonID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "CannotSheathe": "false", "PropVisualEffects": [] } ] } ] }
  20. you gotta have the initial code at the top that you used to have in your ItemMods file. { "GameDataObjects":[{ Edit: Then add ] } To close it out at the very end. Edit2: To be clear, this code has to be in all gamedatabundle files. Items and ItemMods, everything in that filetype.
  21. It looks like you already gave it a different guid. Did you check the output log? Maybe try giving it a new debug name and then add it via console with the new debug name. Also, I don't recognize that item mod id. 05a417b4-a671-425a-a209-766f00ffa3cd Doesn't show anything on my items.gamedatabundle. Where'd you get it? Try f87bfccf-53ad-41f1-8c8a-70a9593b5074
  22. Cool, dude, thanks for the pics. Try adding an item mod that already exists to it and then if it works, replace it with yours?
  23. Did you do this? Also remove this: <NextEntryID>1</NextEntryID> <EntryCount>3</EntryCount> Why is this here? Bmac did a tutorial on how to make icons for a weapon. He added that mod for download on the Nexus. In that mod, it has a stringtable file, and it doesn't include this text. I'd use that as a reference point for making new items, because he's a dev. And did you check the output log? It will tell you if your mod didn't load. Sometimes it even has a nice reason why.
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