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Everything posted by Felithvian

  1. Offtopic here. The people from gog are the worse ass***** I've ever seen. Most, if not all games they release come with old Dosbox versions. They don't even bother updating the open source DOS emulator. Games are terribly configured for most users, and they don't personally give any kind of technical support for "their" products. They simply leave it to the magnificent community. Users from the computer platform deserve better.
  2. Sharing is caring. It's simple, I buy a product, and I have the common right to lend it anyone I desire. It could be either, friend, foe, family or stranger. I bought it, it's mine, and I decide whether to keep in my hands, or give it to any other person. Simplicity at its best. I WOULD vulnerate a law, If I received any sort of income in return. Anyone who disagrees, has no friggin clue about constituional laws (At least of Spain). And If I use the net to fulfill my destiny as a humble deliverer, so be it. What's the point in having so much megabytes if you're gonna end up downloading countless updates on an unfinished product? Most telephone companies never raise a hand against these false accusations. Why don't you ask yourself why?
  3. Language alone doesn't make someone Latin. As I said before, the cultural influence must be present to determine their historical identity. While you may consider some spaniards as Latin people (Not the case for me), their cultural roots from the roman empire would never be established correctly during an occupation (Colonization). I'm from Spain, but I'll never consider myself as Latin, for the same reason I stated for the South Americans. If Spain failed in America, Rome failed in Hispania. But we'll all agree, that Latin in Spain is less adulterated than in South America. We're more closer to the "source". But that still doesn't give us the right, to call ourselves llatíns.
  4. Woah! Hold on a second. WTF is that? Castilian is the main language in South America (Many Castilian users in North America as well). Just because most people don't know how to write/speak correctly, doesn't mean you should call it by a different name. You're not related to ancient Rome, its people, or its culture. You're not Latin. Most Americans might describe you as "Latino", but we all know how ignorant they are in foreign culture/history. Some people from Spain may call themselves as Latins, because most cities from the Community of Catalonia and Valencia (Plus several others from the Kingdom of Castile and Lion), were founded by the Roman Empire. By the way, I voted for Hebrew.
  5. No such thing as personal will. One either follows Satan's "free will" (Given by the Father/Son until the final days), or God's will. Why does one ask such questions, well, Adan ate the apple, and that nearly lost our relation with God. Because by God's will, we we're tempted to eat from Science, and from Satan's will, we are punished to seek infinite questions on every single matter related to God/Christ. There's no such thing as a middle point where one decides his destiny. The possible choices of good and evil are nothing more than a mere ilusion created by the Tree of Science (Old Snake). What exactly is the difference? Most, if not all people (Including myself) are slaves to the World, the Demon & the Flesh, while very few others, are enemies. Yes, a Saint/Prophet is an enemy of the World, because he's not acting by himself anymore, the Man from before has died so that God can be within him. Nevertheless, he will always be martyred, for we, askers of questions cannot accept the full radical truth. David would've lost if God didn't intervene, because by the laws of the World, the Demon & The Flesh, the strong survive, while the weak die. By the laws of this world, an army of 2.000 men can take on a group of 23, but once God gets into the equation and destroys Math, one will clearly see a different point of view in terms of victory. Evil is born from the Heart of men. You can't visualize an "Italian Stallion" doing "good", because that's simply a lie. He's either God/Christ or Satan. The common saying "I'm a Good Guy" is a dreadful statement.
  6. 1. Uhmm, hello? We're talking about the Old World, not the decadent society we live in today. Religion WAS the only purpose of a fight. No such thing as atheists champions . Every one based their strength purely on their faith. Champion of the God of Israel? Hmm... I don't know, it sounds so terribly wrong. Did David win some sort of trophy or anything? Champion is Campeón in Castilian, and I've never read such thing before in the Holy Scriptures. 2. Men never based their trust on raw strength. Goliath was chosen because Baal, Astarte and Dagon willed it. Goliath was tall because his Gods willed it. David threw the stone and defeated Golitah, because he was following God's will. David never choose himself as you stated Merlkir, he was chosen by God to defeat his enemy. Do Saints speak in tongues because they studied at the university? No. They speak in tongues because they are blessed by the Holy Spirit. 3. Paladin is more accurate than Champion. You said it yourself, someone who excels from the multitude is a champion. A winner. This is not the case. And you should know as well, that most translations done in Spain, simply grabbed the Latin form to translate it to their respective dialect. Words like Paladin are nearly impossible to change. For all we know, Paladin might even come from the Old form of Hebrew. For me at least, Paladin means "Per a dir", to say. To say WHAT you may ask? Well, to say what's right and what's wrong, perhaps?
  7. Good guess, but I don't really think it means that. A "man of the betweens" is simply implying that, A MAN IN THE BETWEENS. Surely doens't mean anything related to a champion. More like a CHOSEN one. A Man blessed by the False Gods. An important figure among a extremely religious society. We have to think about it as a religious battle between the Devil and God, between Christ and the World. It's a religious fight between two men who were directly chosen by their Gods. David was never chosen by the people, nor was Goliath, they were chosen by their God/Gods, therefore they should be called Paladins.
  8. Any questions? Nor the word "champion". By the way, it's been some time since I read Latin, I'm not very familiar with "Spurius". I always thought about it as a common roman name. The actual meaning of Spurius is unproven. The name was used by the Etruscans in the form Spurie, and it was used by several Roman families that had Etruscan roots, so it has been postulated that it was either borrowed from the Etruscan language, or was a cognate of an Etruscan word meaning something akin to city dweller.[4][5] Popular etymology, however, connected the name with the phrase, sine pater filius, that is, son without a father, and the explanation that it was given to children born out of wedlock. This was the opinion of Festus, which is accepted by Chase, perhaps surprisingly considering the unlikelihood of anyone deliberately choosing such a name, or passing it down within a family for many generations. This explanation is almost certainly wrong, and is an example of false etymology. However, it probably contributed to the decline in the use of the praenomen, and gave rise to the modern adjective spurious.[6][7] While it cannot be proven that any Latin praenomina were borrowed from Etruscan, and Spurius was used by a number of gentes of indisputably Latin origin, the explanation that it was connected with a word meaning city or citizen appears reasonably likely. This latin translation doesn't mention anything about a Holy Warrior, however the "son without a father" (Son without God) may refer to an idolizer. A man who follows Baal, Astarte or Dagon, implying a religious background. Anyways, I'm through with this Merlkir & Kenup, we all know Obsidian are heading for different direction.
  9. We all know that the Philistines were extremly religious, along with the Israelites. A simple "champion" doesn't meet the requirements for a religious (Yet brutal) fighter belonging to the Philistine army. Simply put, the English translation is completely wrong. St.Jerome's latin translation belongs to the 4th century. Castilian, Valencian, Catalonian & Gallaecian are all dialects from the Latin form. Most, if not all translations hold very little difference from Latin. If you lived in Spain, you would clearly know what I'm talking about. You searched wrong.
  10. I'll put it in Castilian ("Official Spanish"). 1 Samuel 17:23-26 “23 Mientras él hablaba con ellos, he aquí que aquel paladín que se ponía en medio de los dos campamentos, que se llamaba Goliat, el filisteo de Gat, salió de entre las filas de los filisteos y habló las mismas palabras, y las oyó David." The giant philistine warrior named Goliath, is described as a "Paladin". Goliath, the Paladin of the Philistines, comes out between the lines and challenges the Israelites to send out a Paladin of their own to decide the outcome of the battle. Since David won, and Israel was considered one of the weakest armies of the Old World, David becomes the one and only "Paladin of the Weak". Goliath was a Paladin of Baal, Astarte, and Dagon, while David was a Paladin of God.
  11. Of what purpose does it serve a man to gain everything in the world if in the end he looses his soul. Our Father and King declared this World as their enemy. If Jesus Christ never raised a sword to defend it, how will a mere servant like yourself do so? The King of men died as a martyr, so will his servants. A sinner cannot depose a sinner. DO NO RAISE THE SWORD, for you will enslave your soul to the eternal gehenna.
  12. A true Christian would never joke about his Faith. You make fun of yourself just because you're afraid of the community. That's like trying to save your own ass right before being martyred. Anyway, as you, I celebrated this "Holiday" while I was living in the States, and I highly regret it. So instead of "Happy Thanksgiving", I'm gonna leave you with a "May the Father, God of the Armies, The Son, our King & the Holy Spirit be upon you".
  13. English this, english that... You're not the center of the world, you know. The word "Paladin" has been applied long before the Arthurian legend. As I mentioned previously, David of Israel was considered the Paladin of the Weak. And it somehow makes more sense than the Round Table nonsense, because he clearly establishes a direct relationship with a God, granting him the necessary powers to hold such title.
  14. Ahh, I see these people as true Christians once they abandon Satan's "free will", unlike catholics which will be consumed by the terrible judge if they do not escape from the seven hills.
  15. Never played Risen or Risen 2, but I surely know they're superb games, along with the Gothic series. And yes, anything coming from those games is a MUST.
  16. What's the point in working out, if God can give you unbelievable strength in any moment of your life? You'll never rip a lion's mouth apart without the spirit of God, divinely empowering you. So why work out? You people really wanna impress females with your muscles? Is that the point? Cause if it is, you're nothing more different than whores who seek to wear the best makeup/dresses, for the sole reason to impress their prey. Trust me brothers, I'm 27 (Gonna be 28 soon), I know what I'm talking about, I've been there, I've done this & I highly regret it. Don't waste God's patience and infinite mercy on such absurd things. Instead of working out, you should start fasting.
  17. To hell with the morale codes & the chivalristic ideals! This will not save your soul, nor grant you any sort of power from your God. Only an unquestionable & extreme source of Faith can produce such thing as a Paladin. Death to the False Orders! Death to the False Paladins! Martyrdom and Sanctity for the win! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzvjOg9zBSI
  18. Yes, yes & yes! Throw away Black Isle's combat system (Pause/Unpause) and bring some Xcom to PE. Realms of Arkania or Fallout Tactics are good examples for a decent xcomish system.
  19. Sure, furry fetishists are absolutely disgusting. We all seem to agree with that. What about men playing as women? How sick is that? The World, the Demon & The Flesh, horrible enemies for our continuous battle.
  20. You would consider Catholics as religious people? No, right? Most religions are formed by terrestrial wisdom, which by no means hold any sort of relation with a God. Therefore, they cannot be viewed as religious people. You've never seen Crusaders perform miracles, right? Those who are more favoured than others in the use of divine magic, have clearly established a new sort of relationship with their God/Gods, not their Orders. Most of you people tend to simplify the case with an Arthurian order of knights who follow a moral code. This is not the case, mainly because none of these knights have any sort of Magic/Spells, therefore they are nothing more than mere warriors following a common traditional (Yet sinful) goal. They are not Paladins. Rome - Vatican City, Vatican City - Rome It's the same thing. When I mentioned the "Throne of Rome", I meant the Pope. Someone who has clearly mixed politics with religion, leaving Christianity with no Saints at all. Same should apply for an Order which emphasizes in the world, rather than their God.
  21. It simply fits me general view of a Paladin. I wouldn't view them as lawful at all, that's why I hated Baldur's soo much. All those are governed by a political institution which use a false religious/philosophical image. -The Knights of the Round Table: First World Order, World Peace, The Light of the World... Hmm, reminds me of something. -Jedi: Corrupted by their own laws, they never sought the true source of the force (Midi-Chlorians), that's why none of them resurrected but one, Qui Gon (Which could easily be the only true "Paladin" figure). -Captain America: A guy who operates under the United States of America with the President at his side? Give me a break. -A Jihad leader: Murderers with a political background, same as the Crusaders (Obeying the Throne of Rome?) -Samurai: These guys are the worst examples of a Paladin. -Star Trek Captains: Guys who follow the Federation of Obey us or you'll be Destroyed. What are we really aiming for here?
  22. From my point of view, a good example of a Paladin would be the figure of David from the Holy Scriptures. David was even called the Paladin of the Weak. Being a Valencian like myself, I could even say the El Cid fits the descrpition quite well, but I'm afraid he murdered too many people in his "crusade" against the moors.
  23. We do? I must check this at once.
  24. The whole point of Xcom, was to lose your squad members and never reload. Each loss counted as a terrible, yet joyful experience for the player. There were no such things as predefined characters with predefined backstories. It was all based on a random generator. I'll never understand why we've never experienced such things in the rpg genre. Perhaps developers could include a random character generator in every inn? I mean, we could have predefined characters, but we could also have random characters appearing at the tavern to substitute our fallen party members.
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