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Everything posted by babaganoosh13
Wadjet Eye's next game is Blackwell 5. I figured I would get that set in case a discount was offered there with all of them. Plus it beats having them all in 4 different sites.
It is a bit steep, considering it sound like it's basically shot. It sound like they just want the money to make it look professional and add music. Still, it's about a big chunk of the games I grew up on, so I've pledge. I wonder if they'll cover Tsunami Games as well...
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/125596-Ubisoft-Reveals-Online-Security-Breach Someone has hacked into Ubisoft. They might have your user name/email address and encrypted password.
They should fire Steve Ballmer, and make me the new CEO. Here's what I would do: The newest version of Windows would look like this: Look at that start menu! Everything is right there! Plus, your desktop is voluntarily clear of as much clutter as you would like. Or, you can fill it up too - it's up to you! It would feature all of the graphical and processing upgrades that are in 8.0 and 8.1, but without the mandatory metro. If you would like metro, you are free to install it as well on top of the desktop. EDIT: Plus you are free to print even and/or odd pages of any document without having to type them all out! For the X-box, I will take it into a bold new direction. I would release a new base model, and chop $125 off the price, because we're using DDR3 RAM instead of DDR5. It would look like this: Oh yeah, and I'd get rid of mandatory Kinect too. That's the other way it would be able to save a bunch of money. Plus it would have a more vibrant digital market place with all of the games for it being available for digital download. And sales too, also the regular prices will reflect the current market value. I know these are bold, new ideas: But I would have the courage to implement them, and take a boat load of money for doing so. I guarantee they would be better off if they did. EDIT: Also, our developers would be free to release their games DRM-free. Especially the ones that we are not giving money to and are just using one of our licenses.
My favorite feature so far of Windows 8: Removing the print even/odd numbered pages only feature. I've actually got to download apps in order to do a function that has been available for as long as I can remember!!!!! Because typing each and every odd or even page in a document is feasible, especially when it is 35 or so pages like one of the horse racing programs my dad always prints out when he goes to the track. Adobe is going to add it in themselves eventually thanks to this person: http://forums.adobe.com/message/5293605 Oh yes, and custom printing page numbers is only available in metro mode.
Don Mattrick is stepping down; going to be the CEO of Zynga? Also, while he was on vacation, he went from the Titanic to the Edmund Fitzgerald. EDIT: Even if this turns out not to be true; it just seems too much like it would be. Kinda like Rob Ford and the crack video. (Although I still believe that's true.)
The beauty of trading Bolland to the Leafs, is that we don't have to worry about that one biting us in the butts in the playoffs! (edit: Now, had their first trade had been for somebody who could play defense instead of another young goalie with potential to be MAYBE as good as the one they have now, MAYBE I would have waited 5 seconds before posting that joke, instead of putting it up right away.) It's too bad he's gone now though. He was a big part of our run a few years back, and he turned it up this finals.
Unlike Jackie Chan, whose death was a hoax; Jim Kelly, who got his big break on Enter the Dragon, died on Saturday of cancer. His movies have been a bit hard to get a hold of. I've only got my hands on Black Belt Jones 1 & 2 (The Tattoo Connection.) It looks like WB released a 4 pack a few years back though that also has Hot Potato, Black Samson and Three the Hard Way. You may proceed to rip me for my fake sympathy.
You can make many comparisons to Windows 8 with the XBox 180. The genesis for both things are the same: Microsoft controlling the consumer. The difference is, Sony and Nintendo could very easily kick their butts in the console market. They had to turn face even though they clearly didn't want to. It's a bigger deal switching operating systems. When was the last time you went to a store and picked up a Linux laptop? It's even a bugger trying to find a new laptop with Windows 7 now using the traditional in-store method. There certainly wasn't one within 50km of here that we could find. People seem to be scooping them up to avoid the Win8 ones. You can still easily avoid it for desktops if you don't buy from big-box stores, which I advised my dad of doing when he bought his last fall. At the end of the day, all you need to know is this: Even though my mom has this brand new, powerful laptop that should knock the socks off of anything else here; she is still using her old laptop with a couple of broken keys, a busted USB port and a finicky touch pad, because it still does what she wants it to do; but will be almost useless for her schooling in the fall.
I could see what they were doing with XP shortly after it came out. With it being based on 2000 architecture instead of 95 which still had some DOS attached to it, and the limitations that went with that. I of course see some potential with 8. It is clearly designed to run multiple programs at once. The main problems with it is: A lot of the time, I don't want to run multiple programs at once. Usually when I do, it's just the calculator or Paint while I'm surfing. Someone could design a program that helps run other programs. That is the only real good, and potential I see in that for Win8. The problem is their absolute insistance on Metro, and gimping the Desktop in favour of it no matter what you are using. If they were to have a dedicated Desktop that did everything the previous versions of Windows had (ie a Start Menu, all programs running are shown in the tool bar or task manager [which some of the metro ones are not I've found,]...) but add in the added easier multitasking features plus whatever else Windows 8 is supposed to do better that is in no way, shape or form just a Metro function: It probably wouldn't be so bad. Win 8.1 doesn't do this. It just makes going to Metro a tiny bit easier (plus the update thing.) It still treats desktop users like a second class citizen. This seems clearly to be a tablet/smart phone operating system, with the other stuff added in for desktops/laptops to try to justify the cost of developing it. This is why it deserves to fail. Unless you have a touch screen monitor, there is NO benefit to Metro, that one couldn't get in a desktop mode. In fact, Metro should still have a xlose button in the top, right hand part of the screen IMO. Closing programs shouldn't be annoying with many extra steps. I'm looking at you too, Apple. Oh yes, and don't block my programs for compatibilty issues. Let me know there could be one, and let me decide for myself. Especially when you are a flawed piece of garbage yourself.
HP is going to look into if the laptop is compatible with Windows 7. Will get back to me tomorrow. Windows thanked me for the feedback I gave them on Twitter. Well, they thanked me for my Windows 9 suggestion about making it XP SP4. Not the other ones. EDIT: Maybe they included the other ones in with the one tweet, and they just didn't want to type it over again. I had excellent suggestions about closing apps the same way from Windows 7 and back; and menu bars from XP and back.
I'd put on the official video, but it's lamely arguably NSFW.
You can make a crap game. No one will buy it and it doesn't matter. You can make a crap console. There are others available. My mom needed a new laptop for school. There wasn't one with Windows 7 available where she looked, or where she ended up getting it.
This 8.1 crap isn't any better. I've never had a real problem with XP Pro. I wish they would give it the new DirectX's; I'd use it forever. Windows Vista was annoying, because I thought its sole purpose was to make you buy new programs because it just made most of your old ones incompatable with it. I don't care for Windows 7, because it seems to like scattered fancy boxes over nice, neat and organized menubars and toolbars. At least I can use it. I hope people lose their jobs and become crack addicts. That's how much I now hate Windows 8. I wish many bad things on anyone being responsible for putting Windows 8 on anything besides a tablet or smart phone. No one will ever be ready for a complete steaming pile of crap for an operating system. It's not us, it's you.
This stupid thing is demanding a MS account. I don't know what hers is, and it wont let me skip it. :banghead: :banghead: /5 EDIT: Got past that by going back and forth a lot that the machine got confused an couldn't get ahold of MS to create an account and just let me by. I've been blaming Norton for some of the problems since it monitors the computer and shut crap down when it thought I was using too much memory. A fudging i7 processor with 8GB ram, and running one program is too much for it. I uninstalled it and go to install Avast. MS blocks avast on me saying there's compatibily issues, but a patch is available. Meanwhile it shuts down Avast, and I have to find it now. This is a new f'n verson of Avast, and should need a patch right away. You are my operating system. YOU ARE NOT MY ****^%$#^%$#^$ BABYSITTER! GO AWAY! This block was probably sponsored by Norton.
That's why Fallout from GOG will always be your friend.
Sweet! Looking forward to them.
I'm trying to download the preview for the second time now - Even though it has now been officially released (not just the preview) for a couple days now; just not to the general public. MS without Gates are just a bunch of fu&^#ards. Same evil, just really, really, really stupid on top of it, and kinda dominating the evil part. MS is now Otis.
Of course, since wep is critically flawed, you might just as well run an open network. A padlock is still something... ------ My mom was yelling at it as well last night, trying to install her camera software. I wonder if you can use the Windows 7 upgrade kit on Win8, or if you have to get the full version.
We're talkin' softball there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEiLZDQ1tGE
I was typing out a story about helping a friend pick up a baby sled that I drove back roads for about an hour looking for, only to save about $5 from the regular price at Home Hardware, when Windows 8 said I ran out of memory, and kicked me out of Firefox. It has 8GB, and I don't think anything else was running, besides Norton. I might have to uninstall that. EDIT: Internet's working, restore discs made. I'm done with it.
And now I've just found out that Win 8 doesn't accept WEP-128. So now I have to change the network settings on all of their devices for this? Not only that, but I have to make sure it's a type all of them will accept. F Microsoft! I'll see if there's a work-around and add it to Win 8. That has to be less time-consuming than tracking down every bloody wireless device here. Dag nab it MS! Not everyone is a young or middle age white dude with all the newest gadgets, while they toss out last years model. EDIT: Got it to work while plugging a network cable in and manually connecting to a wireless network, connecting to both at once, then dropping the network cable. Without hard wiring the first time, I lost all of the available networks and had to roll back the driver. Pain in the butt.
Then I'd probably have to worry about conventional memory again.
Windows 9 should just be XP SP4.
Starting a week and a half of holidays. Gonna fix up the house a bit. Paint the outside trim around all the windows. But first, I'm making recovery discs for my mom's new laptop. As much as I hated Vista and 7 for needlessly changing stuff around; I can honestly say I haven't threatened to start smashing the screen like the way Win8 has. With Vista and 7, I just swore at the screen alot as I try to find "Save As", "Page Setup" and regular old "Print" menu. This takes stupid to a whole new hidden level. EDIT: Who the heck decided that they should get rid of the one menu bar that had everything in it? I don't care how cluttered that is, it's an organized clutter. Yes, I'm one of those people that likes as little clutter as humanly possible on my desktop. Recycle Bin, Windows Explorer, Firefox, 1 or 2 current programs. That's all.