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Everything posted by SophosTheWise

  1. I.....must have this hat. I needs this hat. Where do I get that hat? It's a selfmade-hat, albeit a very easy one. Get cardboard, cut a circle out of it, also a circle where your head should be. Use felt in as many colours as you want and put it around the cardboard. Buy a lot of feathers and there you go :D Sir, that is a most awesome hat sir. I weep that such headgear is not worn nowadays. Thank you! Yes, and therefore it MUST be in Project Eternity! Vote for Landsknechts and Reisläufer!
  2. I.....must have this hat. I needs this hat. Where do I get that hat? It's a selfmade-hat, albeit a very easy one. Get cardboard, cut a circle out of it, also a circle where your head should be. Use felt in as many colours as you want and put it around the cardboard. Buy a lot of feathers and there you go :D
  3. This. If there was a character following that song. I would go to the end of the world with that character. I'm getting carried away a bit, but I just listened to approx. 15 different versions of that song and I just love everything about it. .
  4. I have just seen Josh Sawyer's rendition of The Impossible Dream from Man of La Mancha. And I totally want to see a Don Quixote character-type in PE.
  5. I didn't get a confirmation e-mail either, also no-one seems to answer my PMs here. Tried to re-register, but failed the captcha test about 192534590 times...
  6. I live in Switzerland where you can actually study game design, which is a generalist class, so I think you don't really learn something. I'm thinking about gathering some people I know and just start on my own. I'm a writer/journalist with a lot of knowledge in storytelling and I know a lot of people. Writers, illustrators and so on. The only thing I need is a programmer. Or 200. Well, well.
  7. Different question. I got the Retail Collector's Edition tier. It's stated that we get the previous tier (and in that tier it's stated that you get another previous tier and so on...). Does that mean Retail Collector's Edition includes a t-shirt?
  8. Why would 500 pages be a disaster? I can read a 300 page book in under 3 hours. Besides, weed out the people with terrible spelling, grammar, and incoherent thoughts and you'll be down to 50 pages in no time. If it's longer than that, it means you have an unusually coherent, focused, and erudite base. So you win either way. I highly doubt that, because proofreading is something COMPLETELY different thing than just reading through some pages in a normal book. Also the texts must not contradict other lore-specific things. As a journalistics student, I even cringe when I have to proofread others works and those are ****ing linguistics students and not some wannabe-authors. As much fun as creating lore is, most people should just keep those things to themselves or use it in their P&P campaign. To write coherent lore, even if it's just blurbs, requires a LOT of work and knowledge about storytelling. Also: proofreading would also mean a constant transfer of knowledge between volunteers and devs and I think that creates more work than it would if they simply hired professional writers for such tasks. Because this is exactly what freelance writers are there for. Why does everyone seem to think that everybody can write a good book or good text? I just cannot comprehend that.
  9. Well, BOY, you are wrong. Even in a fantasy world with its own rules realism, consistency and credibility is important. For example Two Worlds 2, the first desert-ish world. Town had a great famine, people starving. You could go outside of the town and slaughter a whole damn lot of animals just to cook them. It was like a zoo out there with a big "BARBEQUE FOR EVERYONE!" sign on it. Totally broke immersion.
  10. PS:T Style definitely. But I'd also like simple roleplaying-choices that don't have any effect. I can still think of one from Dragon Age: Origins when you enter that Dwarven Mafia ring. You have around five possibilities to insult that charta woman. No effect. Just roleplaying.
  11. Hello guys There is a thread about clichés we don't want to see in Project Eternity. In this thread it was more or less established, that not all clichés are necessarily bad (because they help us with the identification of the world among other reasons). So, we've talked a lot about what clichés we hate - why not about the things we love? For me: - If there are Landsknechts, make them those typical raping, binge-drinking, morally disturbed, loud and insulting Landsknechts. - Wizards of all sorts are OBLIGED to wearing those classy pointy wizard hats instead of those boring robes-with-hoods. - Drinking dwarves with beards. Drinking needs no explanation. As for beards: I was so damn confused and irritated to see beardless dwarves in Dragon Age: Origins. Scottish accent wanted but optional. - Clever, witty, gold-hoarding dragons. - THE bard like Dandelion from The Witcher 2 or every other smooth talker in a good ol' D&D session. Let's hear yours!
  12. I do not see how random people could write good texts for books, items and such, when I cringed EVERYTIME reading a page from a Skyrim book that was probably written by a professional game designer. Man, that was so bad I could've died out of pain while reading that stuff.
  13. Way to be condescending. I don't see why exactly you are supposed to have any competence to decide what I and other people should make rituals of. I do that whenever I want to. For some it's a ritual to watch the newest episode of their favourite TV show, for some it's opening up a new game they've always waited for, for some it's putting in a CD in stereo, for some it's team-stuff at the beginning of a football match, for some it's eating the same things on a certain day. You don't know what connection people have to the things they have rituals for - maybe there are emotions involved, maybe memories, maybe a single point in life where you have control - I could go on. Quit being such a baby. Not everyone has to be the same - people are different. Accept that. Otherwise I refer to my Avatar.
  14. That's a ridiculous proposal. By that logic you could also argue that the Twilight series is of superior literature quality in comparison to Ulysses... Also this: Clickedyclick.
  15. I want to have an illegal whisky distillery in the cellar. Like in D&D. Good times.
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