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Everything posted by Barothmuk

  1. After a quick look at the wiki I decided just to roll a dwarf with a healthy contempt for the mages however at the end of the day will simply side with wherever the money is. Cliché but meh, it's a Bioware game.
  2. Or more accurately for their economic and geopolitical usefulness. I made a note to reference a source more cuddly like the U.N. Before “fixing what needs to be fixed” it must first be ascertained what needs to be fixed and how it needs to fixed. Correctly recognizing the impact of colonialism, imperialism and capitalism is a part of this. For example... Spreading your third world country’s thighs to e dominated by foreign capital is not the way to solve issues of poverty and inequality. Mugabe has a **** tonne of faults but his anti-colonialism is not one of them. Worth noting is that said president, Blaise Compaoré, overthrew the Marxist leader Thomas Sankara and undid many of his progressive policies in favour of more explicitly capitalist/market-oriented policies. He was probably a bad example to use.
  3. It's depiction of the collapse of the Eastern bloc seems questionable but it looks like it could be cute.
  4. How arrogant. Young people are simply preoccupied with REAL problems like ethics in games journalism.
  5. So basically after the ex-colonial powers were kicked out of the region rich with natural resources they and the imperialists kindly sat on their hands whilst the dumb brown folk rolled around in the mud unable to sort their **** out. So we're basically going to dismiss decades to centuries of slavery, genocide, slave-wages and racialized economic subordination and exploitation as inconsequential? And are we stating that meddling by, and subordination to, the imperialists simply did not exist or that their are we stating that their "involvement" wherein they cripple African markets through subsidization, forcibly liberalise them under the pretences of "aid" that at best allows them to meet the conditions attached to the aid received and more explicitly when they don't tow the line have their democratically elected progressive leaders overthrown and replaced with corrupt, military-dictatorships somehow had no effect on these countries economies or was somehow in their best interests?
  6. What do you believe are the reasons for the current state of Africa?
  7. Oh, and something something "ethics in game journalism".
  8. Like "ethics in games journalism"?
  9. I remember that game, it was one of the classic games you had to beat to progress through Donkey Kong 64. I'm young.
  10. Yeah! And those bastards who lock their houses and cars and don't freely share their pin-numbers are all insulting **** too!
  11. Can't be certain but I'm pretty sure most if not all would accept the definition I provided. Where they differ is how they identify oppression and the praxis they use to combat it. That's internet discourse for you.
  12. Yes, being cat-called, demanded to "smile", objectified and followed is harassment.
  13. ”Opposition to sex based oppression and equal rights and/or liberation for the female sex.” That’s basically what it’s always been about. You ask for a defining stance of feminism and then dismiss it because feminism ‘has no defined stances’. I’m not sure what you’re expecting here, there’s no high-pope of feminism to decide what feminism is and isn’t. It does not. My definition was worded to include them. Therein lies your problem.
  14. That's what I meant. New characters are stuck with their default name as far as I can tell.
  15. What should have been a simple checklist is a bitch to navigate and buggy as all hell. Good job Bioware.
  16. Tbh, I thought games journalism had moved passed the score thing years ago. From what I can tell this anti-ideology in score deciding is less to do with scores being lowered for ideological reasons and more to do with scores being lowered for SJW ideological reasons. Nothing. I'm completely indifferent to the actual 'heart' of the controversy (i.e. ethics in games journalism and the issue of rampant misogyny in the games community). They're both issues sure but it's completely asinine to be wasting this much energy on them when there's greater issues that these things are merely a tiny symptom of.
  17. Doesn't this conflict with the supposed 'anti-censorship' stance of the GG movement? Its the journalist's review so they can mark down a game for whatever reason they want. It's hardly as if we've hammered out some objective method of reviewing. Pffftt. I'd like this in real journalism. Woosh!
  18. Seeing that you didn't directly quote the section you're responding to I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to be countering. Well this is not true. A conservative can be an atheist and pro-choice. Despite the prevalence of religiousness in the American right-wing it is by no means inherent. Their defining stances would be their economic views and the role of the state. Opposition to sex based oppression and equal rights and/or liberation for the female sex. Lol, yes there are, it just sounds like you're ignorant of them. That would be the third-wave, liberal "sex-positive" feminists. Likely the second-wave, radical-feminists.
  19. Hoping for Day of the Tentacle and Grim Fandango.
  20. Then what is the point of the hissyfit that is Gamer Gate? You demand that the "SJWs" shut-up and only influence through consumption yet the GG side can piss and moan and launch a 'campaign' demanding a change in games journalism. So you made it up? No ****ing ****. There's disagreements with feminism just like there's disagreements in liberalism, conservatism, socialism, etc.
  21. Gosh, that's quite specific. Source? And yet their half-baked undergrad 'critiques' are apparently a monstrous abomination worthy of this ridiculous campaign. Can't we all just be good little free-market consumers and simply not consume their journalism or even better "make your own". This vocalization seems to blaspheme the wisdom of the free-market.
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