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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. I like the prototype better.
  2. Here in the US, we even have to warn people that hot coffee is hot.
  3. We adopted two calico kittens yesterday and they are lil rascals! Already playing and chasing each other around the house and Ive had to institute countermeasures to keep them from gnawing the mouse and power cord cables of my laptop. Also became litter box trained in one day, which is something I really appreciate about cats in general. Just drop them in the litter box and...BOOM...they are trained. I humored myself by making a "cat trap" (empty cardboard box) and theyre both in it right now wrastling with each other. Its freaking adorable.
  4. Collapsed star proves another of Einstein's theories.
  5. I was thinking about the song from Inner Circle. The may also cancel Live PD! I leave that on as background noise around here.
  6. The only reasonable next step is to destroy the master recording of Bad Boys.
  7. Did Facebook Shut Down an AI Experiment Because Chatbots Developed Their Own Language?
  8. And 2-6x the crime rate. Crime in Finland. Crime in Los Angeles.
  9. I love watching poorly thought out, knee-jerk reactions, play out. Weapons, equipment, buildings...those are already sunk costs. "Defunding" will only result in losing the boots on the ground. Just wait for the cacophonic qq-ing the next time tings go sideways and nobody comes to the rescue. "Waaaa, why didnt the police come save us!"
  10. Protests could spur coronavirus outbreaks, and protesters should get tested, the CDC chief says.
  11. 1,250 Ton Base of the Cryostat Installed, Fusion Reactor Reaches Major Milestone.
  12. Combat drone to compete against piloted plane. Yas!
  13. LA Mayor Slashes LAPD Budget As Calls To ‘Defund Police’ Slowly Pick Up Steam.
  14. We'll have to ask Canada and France.
  15. Scientists Gene-Hack Human Cells to Turn Invisible.
  16. Holy moly, this guy is going to have a higher body count than Harold Shipman before this is over!
  17. Hold up, so the theory goes that police of these countries are purposely trying to infect their citizens with Covid-19 because they are "rallying" over a US police misconduct death? Per @Guard Dog, is Chauvin also singularly responsible? *blows snot bubble*
  18. Im waiting on pins and needles to see if there are Covid-19 spikes in the countries of these rallies.
  19. Schadenfreude mostly. Various countries citizens are furiously qq-ing into their beers over the actions of another, then get blasted with gas.
  20. Police fire tear gas at Paris protesters. Police fire tear gas in Montreal to disperse crowds. Hilarious.
  21. Black and Asian people in England more likely to die from COVID-19, says report.
  22. Did she get swallowed by a Kraken on her way down from jumping off a cliff? Awesome!
  23. Luckily Amsterdam is rally'in too.
  24. No, thats all the looters "concerned citizens". In my case, as I left the facility, the line was outside the building, turned a corner, then continued into the parking lot. I heard there was something like 1.7M cars with expired plates and another 700K people whos drivers license had expired over the course of the state closure.
  25. Rallies in London and Berlin?! Bwahahahaha.
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