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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. they are supposed to be integrated into regular army
  2. I honestly doubt there is much of it either. It was more common during USSR for sure. These days... who knows, doubt there is much political power in those far east regions
  3. thats pointless discussion from ethnicity point of view. People were deported left and right to Siberia because they were opposing cummunism, Stalin or russification. He cared very little what ethnicity they were (exception might be jews)
  4. I would say Old Gods, Holy Fury are best ones even tho Norse is OP as hell with it
  5. I was hoping NPCs would finally react to your look
  6. I have done same until I find out that you get horse in ACT4!!! then I speed runned to that point so I dont have to walk everywhere
  7. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/eu-gas-supply/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1298031/dependence-on-russian-oil-in-the-eu-and-uk/
  8. Diablo starting tomorrow morning for loosers, so I guess I will be occupied by it
  9. oh you sweet summer child there is only one werewolf in the game, and I think you didn't met him yet if I read well where you are in the progression
  10. here is some socia-cultural 'study' which I find pretty decent on eastern europe if anyone is interested
  11. Well I think those dead people in Ukraine would probably prefer if Russia still thought they are too weak
  12. Funny enough. I can't remember any good black actress but I like a lot of black actors - maybe they just can't play? edit: ok I googled something random and I must say I am not impressed - except Hale Barry I don't know any of them (but Hale is good so) https://www.discoverwalks.com/blog/world/30-most-famous-black-female-actresses/
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