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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. yeah only 3 races seems really underwhelming
  2. thez reallz have mate. I cant believe that that old game is still is one of best i have ever played. I didnt get even that hype for Star Citizen, it looks so mediocre in coparions to EVE. I wish I have again that time to get into space with my corp again
  3. wow, is this that revealing part where Oby finally show up that he/she/it is actually one of that russian strippers Bruce is dating in Johannesburg? xD
  4. not looking much forward to Mafia 3, original script was amended too much :/
  5. yeah same here, best was that one which added personal focus, love it
  6. Yes, people are actually more up in arms about Minsc (and Safana and Jaheira for that matter) than the whole "trans" thing. Because it´s out of character for Minsc to say this line, and inconsistency in a character people know for almost two decades is really miserable writing, just so the writer can take a jab at some online movement. It´s cheap and for roleplayers (we are talking about an RPG after all), it can be an immersion breaker. The CEO of Beamdog also realized this now, and they are removing the line. It´s a small step, not that it improves the overall quality of writing. hmm, no, Fallouts (the good ones) have tons of pop cultura references and was still hell a lot of fun
  7. Interstate '76 is still my favorite vehicular combat game. that thing was just amazing (not a big fan of Carmageddon, Twisted Metal is my favorite VC series though), didn't quite like Vigilante 8, but my second favorite has always been Rogue Trip. Death rally anyone? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4xnXFbvlKoA/UkTfHxrPe3I/AAAAAAAABD8/v2eSX3zasfI/s1600/death+rally.png
  8. Wow you are a strong man because you are using sex to do them your bidding. You've read it now at least. at last my life is fulfilled
  9. I mean, I never ever heard someone to tell anyone. 'WOW you are strong <insert gender>' because you are using sex to do them your bidding' xD
  10. yeah i get it, i thought he was THAT visionary
  11. did he really told that? If so, my deepest respect for him
  12. wow, didn't know Longknife was giving Bruce red pill. I also love Bruce reply Longknife: Seriously though, here's a challenge for you: quote one post for me in this entire thread where you actually make an argument. You'll find that all of your arguments are "I don't think so." That's it. You just disagree without stating why Bruce: So as much as I understand your view of me and I appreciate the effort its misplaced and you have the wrong impression because most people dont follow RL etiquette on a forum so I doubt we will ever understand each other and thats fine ...as long as we can debate just never assume I'm trolling, I can answer anything you ask me Loving it
  13. Hard day ended by few drinks mate?
  14. SJWs are eating their own xD sorry for rubbish site, i dont bother to dig more as I seen it on local news http://stylenews.peoplestylewatch.com/2016/03/30/emma-watson-rep-responds-to-controversy/
  15. ^this is exactly what happened to me, BG1 was the last of the IE games I tried, and it seemed just terrible after PST, BG2 and IWD. That's interesting. When I first played Baldur's Gate, very shortly after it was released, the experience was a bit different for me. I'm pretty sure I heard choirs of angels singing, and the heavens were opened (really), telling me that it was my sacred duty to skip basically all of my classes for the next week so that someone could get to the bottom of why my foster father had been so brutally murdered. I'm pretty sure I also skipped a few showers, meals, and plenty of sleep, just for good measure. Really, I can still almost feel the trembling delight that overwhelmed by body with every moment I played that game. Up until that moment, I had no idea that so wondrous an experience could be had with mouse and keyboard. I was utterly baffled that my roommate at the time -- who had actually purchased the game rather than me -- was so disinterested with his purchase that he decided to gift it to me without a second thought. I naïvely said I'd check it out, completely unaware of the wonderment I was about to experience. Yep, Baldur's Gate was a game changer for me. I must say i got very similar experience with Fallout 2 which I played before BG1. And at that time I even didnt know english at all (not that i improved that much from that time)
  16. I am nearly at end of BG1 with one of my play through so maybe i will pick this up...
  17. bad thing about ignore function on this forum is that you still see their comment when someone else quote it
  18. Stellaris looks and sounds so far like a day 1 purchase for me. Unless they've completely managed to **** up the late game, the game will dethrone Master of Orion 2 from the throne. Which is just about time. I know how to play that game through while blindfolded There is some new MoO but for some reason it seems shallow. They even get rid of best part of MoO2 - single tech in branch - it was cool that some races got access to completely different tech.
  19. well. i think many of members of these forums were patient enough with you, so you still have many people to enlighten, feel free to put me in ignore list, just don't post questions to me if you are unable to understand answer. BTW - nice way to evade hard questions as always, KUDOS mate KUDOS. Like a pro-troll
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