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Everything posted by Chilloutman

  1. I am thinking about that new DLC for WH but I don't play dwarfs at all and I am not huge fan of green skin either. I am hoping they will show chaos some love finally :/
  2. Started new session on Stellaris, I was not able to get from PC for 5 hours, Paradox sure now how to make great heroin
  3. And it took you so long to 'Got it'? xD
  4. yeah I get it, but I can't watch lets plays in work!
  5. Not that I 'need' something, I was just wanted to look how other people using certain units, what they are good against etc.
  6. ehh, was that irony Meshugger? I am pretty sure it is as it comes from you, but oh boy I would love Bruce to hook on that one xD
  7. I am playing on epic as I don't like how fast unique units or general all units get obsolate so fast
  8. The gauntlet has been thrown! Not to brag, but after awhile I tend to become a pesky Deity player, so now I'll aim for Sherman tanks before Christ. On a more serious note, these things are part of the charm of the entire Civ series. In certain lucky games, with the perfect starting place and some beelining, you will see absurdly early techs, at least early Medieval (around 500 AD). Personally, I love that aspect about Civ. For me, it's like a sandbox game, not chess - I'm more of a history buff who grabs the opportunity to play God a bit. I play Diety as well but I usually am ahead of time around 1800 AD by 200 years or so if I b-line for science.
  9. Well I have seen units like bombers being produced in 800 AD so I would not call that good balance
  10. Do any of you guys frequent CA forums? They seems like total mess, I wanted to look for specific unit discussion but there is just 'General Forum' thread. Finding anything there is hell
  11. Really? for me Civ 6 looks bland, boring, cartoony, mobile friendly UI and I am huge fan of civ franchise :/ well, different tastes probably, enjoy
  12. what part is free patch? I dont play dwarfs or orcs that much so I may skip this one
  13. I really don't know. I didn't like D3 to begin with and if there is going to be same team behind it D4 will suck as well
  14. yep, its pretty good (not sure about translation tho)
  15. Well I remember only that Malaysian lady Quistina? - but she didn't stand test of time.. and Lady Crimson
  16. My first playthrough was on vanila, so no Veteran's Recovery for him, aslo I dont like idea of monk in full plate
  17. Its same as with shirts with Che Guevara or Stalin, most people doesn't see that politics behind, its just protest and most people don't know against what anyway
  18. Big hits for sure, two handed sword doing 70sh hit on regular attack is really satisfying, Also I can use him much more offensively and still be relatively safe while when I played monk I was constantly pulling out of fights. Fighter just stay here whole fight taking punishment and dishing it to others. He is always my last man standing
  19. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201607181043178514-nice-terror-hollande-civil-war/ Sputnik news, really? :/
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