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About Eldmore

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    D&D MTG fantasy arts & video games
  1. A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

  2. Just make some big portrait and the crop the image later on. You don't need the dimension to start working on a portrait
  3. Yeah like some heartfire expansion, marry a women and turn her into a vampire and adopt children! No please don't put anything like that into this game... Once I finish reading a book I close it unless I want to read it again.
  4. I wish I could play the game tomorrow but I'll have to wait at least 2 years
  5. Agree with tagaziel there. I never been. Great fan of names with symbol numbers and so on.....
  6. I like vampire, and honestly I'd like to have a part time vampire companion! Like to try to be friendly and all, then an ambush to turn you into one of them. Yeah I'd like the idea
  7. Each race should have different deities to give them a back story. Or maybe each race could have different point of view or tradition/ religious ritual
  8. You got a good point there I Want my second playthrough to be harder too. Maybe a new game+ where you actually start of with your character as a lvl 1 with higher difficulty setting and reduced loot
  9. Board game.. That's something I never considered before, interesting.... Mixed with gambling, could it be possible? Everything is possible......with enough budget I'd probably ruin myself at gambling.. Gotta make sure I save my game every once in a while...
  10. I'd go with with a female elf priest. Just because they usually so annoying... We need those annoying one
  11. Board game.. That's something I never considered before, interesting.... Mixed with gambling, could it be possible?
  12. Feed me more...

  13. I love new game + feature but not in this kind of game Like rjshae said it's a JRPG thing
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