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Everything posted by Cultist

  1. Capable, but sterile. But of course nothing is beyond Dark Gods' powers... In books there were slaaneshi traitor band called Violators under command of hedonistic Dradnought.
  2. Nice update. So far it looks like: Dyrwood - anglo-saxon\germanic Valian Republics - Italic city-states(?) Aedyr Empire - greco-roman Jxamitl - slavonic
  3. Every time see this, I inevitably remember My Immortal. Warhammer 40k fanfics are one of the worst EVER. On general, everything fan-made in Wh40k that is not ironic and mockery is ridiculously awful, with few exceptions.
  4. not me, but was one of the least...offensive pictures from where I took it.
  5. Like... destroy the Sith, Control the Sith or unite dark and light sides of the Force?
  6. Star Wars is screwed
  7. One of the first guys who made it in a Kickstarter. Very interesting numbers out there, especially about resource allocation in crowdfunding projects compared to traditional retail and kickstarter survey about backers. Personally, I would like to see the same video from Obsidian and see RPG backers statistics. I was surprised to see that 81% built their own PC(like me) and 69% of backers are over 25 years old. Numbers part starts at ~15:00
  8. That was cover from 1987 or 1993 edition. AD&D fared no better in terms of covers back then) Also, if you want to paint dystopia, then raindbows and rabbits are not the best option to do so/
  9. Warhammer40k: Age of Strife Combat - EVAN MOAR AMAZIN BUTTANZ!!!!!111oneone Amazing dialogues, THREE(!!!) options to choose from: Option 1: Ok. Option 2: I agree Option 3: I wunt to be a demun. Great characters and writing in the best traditions of Twilight. Also, according to our surveys, Wh40k setting is too grim, racist, intolerant and gloomy, and as BioWare strive to expand their playerbase, the setting was changed to bright, tolerant and cheerful.
  10. Ah, good old "if [X] made [Y]" I suppose there wil be BioWare version: And CDProjekt version
  11. I prefer riddles and puzzles to be dependant on my logical ability and intelligence, rather than how good my hearing is or how quickly I can press buttons or similar physical features.
  12. Fallout: Torment Outfall: Torment.
  13. What annoyed me in Baldur's Game, NWN and several othe RPGs is a completely inadequate rewards. You kill 30 foes, loot several thousands gold and get 200 gold a as a reward for quest completion. Worse still, if you are presented with two options - kill'em all and solve conflict diplomatically often diplomacy is less favorable as potential rewards many times weaker than what you got from violent solution(loot).
  14. I can deal with it all right and generally don't like the idea of "appease everyone" as it results generally in being bad for everyone. The point of this post is to ask to stay away from such sound-based puzzles if possible. For example, Paradox Interactive had once a duscussion about their game menus and colorblind people and ways to make menus in colors that are ok for colorblind and other players. Also, Deus EX approach seems best for me, when player can either solve the puzzle and open the door, or bash the door or bypass the door due to, for example, good dexterity, or hack it, simply put, have alternative solution based on his playstyle.
  15. You are twisting my words. It took me two guns and two vigors to complete Infinite - I never changed anything because there was no need to. In B1, I had to use various guns and various plasmids to be effective, there was no universal solution. Your upgrades were limited. You could play as stealth, melee, tank , trapper or other builds, they were equally effective. Also, point me where I talk about "RPG elements you're claiming were in Bioshock"
  16. The game was overhyped and, sadly, devs failed to deliver. It is beautiful but very shallow. - Weapons are unspeakably dumbed down. Two weapons, plus severe lack in variety is very disappointing. - Lack of task variety, it's in practice, battle, battle and more battle. Compared to nnumerous different tasks in Bioshock 1, Infinite is broke. - Lack of weapon upgrades. All you get in more accurate, more damage, more clip. - Singular developement path. No options for melee builds, stealth builds etc. Even with melee-empowering equipment. t least story someho compensate this flaws.
  17. Not quite. People hate EA because they fail at everything they do - They fail at introducing new ideas when they are needed, like with template fps with autoregeneration or other stagnated franchises. - They fail at preserving best aspects of their games, overhauling thing that were not broken and sweeping them away completely in favor of risky experiments. They overhauled Syndicate, discarding traits that brought it initial popularity, they ovehauled Dragon Age, turning it into a slasher, same story with C&C, Red Alert. People would not be so angry if EA actually improved the games they earned with company acquisitions. But they ruin franchise afte franchise, spawning unsuccessful low quality games.
  18. Every time I remember games, companies and franchises they ruined, I open this image and everything looks a bit brighter.
  19. Why? I mean, let there be pop and let it be heavy metal and such. I'm fine with CoD-like games as long as CoD Crowd is not spreading into other genres I like and spoiling them as they did with DA franchise.
  20. Morrowind. Get a easily skippable message that you cannot win. RAGE for all the time you wasted on leveling skills obly to know that you skipped a message stating that you lost, but can play on.
  21. Ah, I've found best example of this issue. Aquaria. Awesome and beautiful game with bittersweet ending. But several sound puzzles make it almost unbeatable for some, because you play as a kind of siren girl and all your spells are songs. And you have 8(EIGHT!) tunes to choose from. So at some point game will play a melody you have to repeat to advance. Needless to say, that people such as I are very thankful for internet solutions\walkthroughs.
  22. Bull****. It's not graphics that is killing game industry, it's developers, who think that graphics>gameplay. Graphics were secondary even in FPS - people are forgetting about CoD yet still playing Team Fortress 2 with their outdated graphics, and with RPG it bocemes even less of importance. ADoM, Dwarf Fortress and other rogues RPGs has ARCII graph and still popular. Planescape had horrible, horrbile grapics for their time, Fallout 2 and BG2 were released at the time of massive 3d acceleration implementation and managed to hold only due to high-quality 2D-drawing.
  23. I like puzzles a lot, especially challenging ones. But with one exception - sound puzzles. By "sound puzzle" I mean something that requires repeating some sound to progress. For example - you hear several tunes and have to adjust switches on some mechanism to match the tunes heared. In sci-fi it's "hear button sound and guess the code by sound" uch puzzles are rare, yet somehow manage to squeeze their way into the games from time to time. I hate them with passion. mostly because I am extremely bad with defining different tunes, to me they sound mostly alike. And judging by feedback on various forums, I am not alone in this. Saddest part is that some people have very nice hearing and simple can't understand how others could mistake one tune for another. Yet I hope if such puzzles are planned for PE, then maybe they could be changed for more versalite kind of puzzle without removing challenge for players?
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