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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. The Smiley Top Eight! Hello to all the gecklings, geeks, SW fanatics and general denizens of the Obsidian Community The Mod Squad would like to invite you to participate in the first Smiley event ... after much rancour, debate, tail slashing and mayhem, we have decided that 42 smilies are not enough - we want 50!!! So ... we would like to invite members to recommend smilies in the following format: 1 2 3 We'll leave the thread open for a while and in that time hopefully we'll have a lot of input and suggestions. The thread will be closed and all of the smilies lined up and (depending on volume) each member will have 8x1 votes. And thus, the addition of the Top Eight. The general intent of the Forum Guidelines applies to suggestions and member's interaction. As well, only suggestions that are accessible through open source/communal smilies may be considered. We don't want any Rule's Lawyers to come a knockin'. So please don't throw the sand after submitting your ideas. If this process works, the Mod Squad would likely open up a rotating Top Eight removal/addition. Constantly pruning and adding smilies - fun, eh? Well start your smilin' and get to suggestin' Respectfully, Fionavar
  2. OS (Core/Codecs/Drivers) [*]AMD Athlon
  3. Yes - thank you for choosing to share with the community here. Though I can appreciate to self-divulge, I am also conscious that such a thread may be seen as inappropriate by some of the our members' more senior/guardian counterparts. So as usually with certain threads, do please feel free to share such items in a more private fora. Respectfully, Fionavar
  4. Remember to play nice Steve ... like be respectful and not condescending. Take look here barbarian708: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=43178
  5. Patches & Utilities Strategy (Turn Based) Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg (1.04)
  6. Derailment detector ... is well detecting ... have we run the dating course to the AotS?
  7. My big problem is not so much the competition at all ... it's more the lax coding for single-core 32-bit ... what has actually been written for dual-core 32-bit ... need alone 64-bit? Nothing ... ? Tech's good, but with not software to back it up we have a detente with no way to demonstrate quality ... does that make sense?
  8. V for Vendetta I need to process some of it, but I have, upon initial impression, really enjoyed the pacing and the space to digest a lot of the 'sub-text' that is presented in a manner that remains accessible I find.
  9. Thanks LostStraw - you have hit o two things of import for me. 1) The 1:1 ratio is apparently quite important for the Conroe, and; 2) The o/c you outline is pretty much what I was thinking of doing with the E6600. And if, as you say, for the extra 40$ I may have a little bit more flexibility/band-width access than it does seem a small extra at this point. What I would really like to know - and it's all rumour until they show it - is whether that BIOS will have to wait for a Rev 2 of the SFF architecture ...
  10. I am not sure whether this was directed at me Hades? If it was, what struck me was not the mechanics of the game, to be honest, as opposed to the ... spirit ... myth ... je ne c'est quoi ... that pervades each of the stories/plots. This will take more time to articulate, but each of the stories have a depth that allows the tale to be universal - though 'sci-fi.' For me, at least, the thread between DX, FO, SS, is the plausibility that allows for the suspension of reality ... which I guess, at the end of the day, is what a good story should do.
  11. Reasons for a SFF: Smaller footprint, sound level. If gaming notebooks were still not at a 1000$ premium for still slower components then that's what I would have gone with. Really I do not upgrade units, as much as replace them every 2-3 years. So this is the logical route for me at least.
  12. Yep - the premium would be 40$ more. The reality is I just do not know if I'll evermake use of the 800. The timings would be the same - 4-4-4(5400)/3(6400)-12(5400)/15(6400). From what I understand though is the only advantage with the 800 (@ 800 and not timeclocked) would be the faster timing, not bandwidth usage. Apparently Conroe does not take full advantage of the bandwidth (due to the north brdige being of the CPU die). Or so my readings seem to imply ...
  13. That's a very provocative thought. I've always seen a connexion that stems from System Shock, Deus Ex and Fallout, but I never thought of it quite in this way. Thanks for that observation ... I'll have to do some reflecting about this.
  14. Utilities Asus PC Probe (2.23.06) Hardware Monitor BitTorrent P2P Protocol Core (Linux/Windows4.20.9/Mac 4.4.1) CachemanXP (1.2) Shareware RAM Manager CCleaner (1.32.345) Freeware Windows Optimisation CPUID Freeware ClockGen ( Overclocking CPU-Z (1.36) Hardware Detection PC Wizard (2006.1.69) Advanced System Information PerfMonitor ( System Performance Monitor ERUNT (1.1j) Registry Backup ExploreXP (1.07) Freeware Windows File Manager Fraps (2.7.4) Freeware/Commercial Benchmark/Screen & RT Capture freeCommander (2006.06a) Freeware Windows File Manager HdTach ( Benchmark memtest86+ (1.65) Open Source Memory NTREGOPT (1.1j) NT Registry Optimiser RegSeeker (1.45) Registry SiSoftware Sandra (10.105) Benchmark/Diagnostic SpeedFan (4.29) Freeware Hardware Monitor TUGZip ( Freeware Archive Manager WinRar (3.60) Shareware Archive Manager Note: Full update of Utilities Section
  15. Software Gaim (1.5.0) Open Source Multi-Protocol Instant Messanger Notepad2 (1.0.12) Freeware MS Notepad Replacement PopTray (3.1) Open Source Mail Notifier Utilities [*]BitTorrent P2P Protocol
  16. Okay I need some Geckling know how ... here's the skinny ... The SFF SD37P2 is on the Intel 975X platform that is supposed to be able to use 533/667/800 mhz DDR2. the SFF is capable - at the moment - of only 533/667. Long story short, I know they may be releasing a future BIOS for 800. I want to go ahead and purchase the rig this week (my partner and I have been sharing the notebook and we need our space now ). So ... there's no guarantee the 800 will run on the SFF ... so should I go with the 667 or get the 800 and down-clock it? Thoughts on Conroe and performance levels when not doing excessive o/c? A current discussion I have going for background: [H]ard|Forum
  17. Well I think that we have indeed at the end of this thread. I'll be seeing a few poeple shortly. Remember, making it personal, resorting to flaming and baiting is not tolerable. Please reflect on this the next time you feel emotions overwhelming what you are typing.
  18. I believe that we have arrived at the terminus point ... please exit at the centre of the bus ...
  19. Perhaps it is not a matter of refuted or debating - one's POV is not necessarily up to be changed, but there may be a place to see another's POV, even should you not share it. The difference is being able to hear another person without feeling their perception is an attack on your own. If we cannot discuss the topic at hand without civility, perhaps it is time to move on ...
  20. Thread Pruned: Could we TRY not to make such discussions personal? If we can't do that, I guess it's time to swish the tail again ...
  21. Geckling Links (Open Source Games) Wikipedia Thread to discuss games is here in C&C.
  22. Wikipedia Note: I've also added this to the The Tech Files under the Geckling Links. Has anyone had any experience with any of these games?
  23. Utilities Fresh Devices Freeware (Registration Req.) Fresh Diagnose (7.42) Benchmark
  24. Welcome back Ludozee - enjoy your hiatus from AO here in the sandbaox
  25. Take care Krookie. My very best and prayers to you, your mom and your relations in what must be a difficult time.
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