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Everything posted by Fionavar

  1. All SPAM eventually retires to the AotS ... thanks for the opportunity to add yet another entry to the Obsidian pantheon.
  2. I have queried admin. For those with problems, a snapshot/error code would be helpful to troubleshoot the issue. Thanks to everyone for your care and assistance with the deus ex machina
  3. Time's like this it seems all is fleeting ... or perhaps this thread is an example of too much without a sound place to put it?
  4. Could we try to articulate our thoughts without the use of disparaging references? We can try this, I'm certain ... FLoSD.ObE
  5. I would suggest that you approach Obsidian directly in this regard. http://www.obsidianent.com/contact.html
  6. Is it me or is there a wee bit too much nattering/baiting/flaming going on? I think we'll send this to the AotS and hope that some of the behaviour here was merely a blip ...
  7. Hmmm disappointed ...
  8. Hmmm ... I had a long cute remark for this thread, but I suspect it's readily evident why this has graduated to the AotS ...
  9. Well it would seem we have arrived at terminus point ... 10 pages, I'm impressed
  10. I think the shizzle just ran out of sizzle y'all ...
  11. Let's see whether I can be proven wrong and this subtle reminder will get us back to some semblance of constructive and on-topic posting ... I remain skeptical ... so prove me wrong
  12. Off to the AotS ...
  13. Thanks EnderWiggin for taking the time to keep the list up-to-date! As long as the list stays current and posting is constructive and respectful, let's pin this
  14. Thanks to everyone who has helped in this matter - it is much appreciated.
  15. Part 12 has begun here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=36215 Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion in a constructive and respectful manner. Respectfully, Fionavar
  16. Please feel free to contribute to the ongoing discussion. There is a lot of interest in this topic and keeping input centralised and presented in a clear and articulate manner will have more impact and influence than posting to the contrary See previous threads: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Note: As the ongoing discussion has found a new home in C&C and the transfer of Part 11 seems to have become corrupted to a certain extent, a brand new part 12 is here for constructive and respectful participation.
  17. Wow - now that's derailed!
  18. Well ... I am not certain about why, but I am certain about my patience being exhausted ... seems that there is a certain something in the air. I'll close this thread and hope this behaviour stops here. If it does not, perhaps some time outs will be required. :?
  19. Is it me or is the troll-moon out in full ... let's TRY to post constructively, or perhaps its timeout time in the Sandbox? FLoSD.ObE
  20. Well I would say that we have arrived at the chatter box stage ... is there any hope in moving to the toipic at hand or should we graduate this one to the AotS?
  21. Thread Pruned. Please do try to avoid baiting/flaiming and language infractions - I have to get out of the roost then ...
  22. Closed!! See: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=36067
  23. Well I have to admit that the thread has slid from topic to playfulness and as I am feeling frustrated with the recent posturing of some of our regular denizens, I am going to close this thread. I would like to heart-fully thank all those who have shared their challenges and affirmations. For those who have been playful - also thank you - without humour and fun I would be long flown my scaled coupe ... and for those itching to push the boundaries as change occurs, I hope you can find the needed patience prior to posting. Respectfully, Fionavar
  24. WOW!!! How can I say that am I not only disappointed with the poor treatment of one another, but I am equally saddened to see members berate one another in such a fashion as new community members try to figure out their roles as mods! As it is clear that you ALL know your actions in this thread, I'll play tag through PM. For those NOT contacted, perhaps some reflection as to what has gone on might be of use to help future threads not end up where this one has ... /drama over :?
  25. I guess that would be me, and then I can take it up with him - or he can take it up with me when he gets a warning for spamming too much. Doh! or as any good geckling would say, "01000100011011110110100000100001"
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