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Kaftan Barlast

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Everything posted by Kaftan Barlast

  1. Socialism > Paganism
  2. We Swedes are the best at celebrating May 1st. You go out in crappy weather with boring signs about stuff like "reduce tax on kitchenware by 2% no later than 2035!" and then you listen to politicians talk in parks about why the tax on kitchenware is unreduceable.
  3. There sure is alot of incest on this show. Wasnt it enough to have ONE brother/sister hookup?
  4. Can you grief and mess with people? Or is it boring and childproof?
  5. NES games were way too hard for me as a kid. The only one I ever managed to finish was Chip&Dale Rescue Rangers, the rest was just unplayable. I recall none of my friends ever made it past the beginning of lvl2 on the simpsons game
  6. Well, why didn't other devs saw those same guys doing cool **** and buying them up first? Digipen has their campus in Redmond, while Valves main office is a stones toss away in Bellevue. Valve guys probably went to the digipen expo and liked Narbacular drop so much they hired the guys to do Portal.
  7. Im just saying Valve didnt do it. They saw some guys doing cool ****, bought them up and sold their game with a big VALVE logo on the box. No balls necessary.
  8. There are some in singleplayer aswell. Although they're much easier than they were in Portal. Speaking of which, have I gotten smarter since then or is Portal 2 easier than the original game?
  9. It's fun that Valve's really good games; Portal, Left 4 Dead etc. were all made by people outside Valve who were assimilated into the company. But its Valve who gets all the credits for being inventive and awesome. I mean, they probably are awesome compared to corporate slaves like DiCE, but.. things are.. you know?
  10. Because they didn't use that particular segment in Episode 1 nor in the original Half-Life. And because that section sucks. It is not part of the working formula. I'm not sure you know what I'm talking about. I was writing in general terms, I dont remember anything from Ep2 other than shooting bugs and being on a train in the beginning.
  11. HL2 was an FPS, comparing it to a puzzle game like Portal is like saying a hammer is better than a cloud. Half-life is half-life, there is no reason why they would change a working formula. Thats why they make other games when they get other ideas, rather than try and squeeze new gameplay into the old games. And Im one of those people who dont get why HL2 has such a good rep. It was a good game, not special or great in any way. Left 4 Dead and it's sequel are the best FPS shooters they've made, IMO.
  12. Peter Molyneux is only good at comming up with ideas about peripheral and irrelevant game features like "trees growing in real-time!" and "if you push Y you get to watch a cutscene!"
  13. Game development is a team effort, more so than filmmaking or similar. Thus, I dont believe it's right to blame or salute one guy for the whole thing
  14. Rihanna from Homefront is nice. Quite conservatively dressed aswell, for the sexually inhibited amongst us
  15. I don't know why you'd confess to putting the best poster (LoF) on ignore. He's so dreamy~~ Monte couldnt handle the truth, so shut the door to the kitchen and boarded it up with planks. And now he cant even grab a sandwich
  16. IGN only gave Homefront a 7.0 while they handed out a 8.5 to CoD: Black ops, which was a sub-par FPS in every regard
  17. I was expecting that and Im not disapointed.
  18. Oh crap, I hate it when games dont end and wrap up properly. DLC and episodic content scams are the devils handywork. ..I dont mind the linearity though. It would have been a completely different and much better game if it had been like STALKER, but an old-school shooting spree is good enough. It helps make each encounter/scene/stage feel more unique wheras freeroaming games often get confused and off-pace
  19. I got Homefront on a whim. I was shocked by how good it is! I dont know about the story because Ive only played an hour but the gameplay is solid, it looks really good and it runs really smooth. It seems one critic must have had an axe to grind and then everyone else just followed suit.
  20. When I design women, I do a quick sketch then I ask myself 'is her ass big enough?' If it isnt or if Im not sure, then I'll make it bigger. Then I repeat the process until it's done. This how the whole industry operates [quote name='Sven-
  21. Everybody is popular with their grandmothers. Is this because Granny loves/loved you? You leave my grandmothers out of this!
  22. Portal wasnt a full game, so it would have been daft to expect more. But the sequel is apparently a fullblown game, which may or may not be goodn instead. It's not like you would'nt get sick of physics puzzles after a few hours
  23. This is one I'm not getting into PERIOD! This isn't a case of sloppy porting. You're just a big wuss.... ya wuss! Come on and show us that you've got a pair, you pommy bastard!
  24. She's 38. That's okay, she doesn't find you attractive either. Yeah... I agree Hey, Im usually quite popular with older women
  25. What I found especially atrocious about the graphics was the post-processing. They had a really nasty mix of edge blur and sharpening that was really awful. Must have been a derranged AD. ..like when I was doing the CG for a an ad, the client requested that we rendered the raw frames it using catmull-rom filtering. We just said "No, we're not doing that. Trust us, we're professionals" and that was it.
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