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Everything posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Oh wow, so that fire guy is confirmed godlike ...
  2. Not really an answer, but Josh recently acknowledged the opacity of some mechanics during the developer commentary videos, saying there is much from under the hood that needs to be communicated more clearly to players.
  3. Does that mean I could have donated and still kept the D&D title ... oh, no, I blew it.
  4. I'd like that a lot. I didn't do it before 'cause I love how they use D&D magic-user titles.
  5. Cool, yeah I know she did my favorite green aumaua barbarian, too!
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcrbGAhRdsQ I'm watching now to see when the comments are made, so you don't have to It's at 38:00
  7. Katrina's good people, she also performed the violin solo for the score in the first game.
  8. wish: to plunder a waffle iron in the hold of a pirate ship
  9. I see Sgt. Shady was first in the comments. SneakySands
  10. Now 900k, what is happening.
  11. Yeah you can see Justin seated in the video, in the shot of them waving. At least I assume that's the Deadfire team. No GSG that I could see. Man I am excite for this project.
  12. Nice, wasn't me, I'm like sixty-five hundred'th in line. I hope they don't run out of hoodies.
  13. A direct sequel, does that mean Deadfire is a high-level campaign ...
  14. ooh close-ups, beautiful. Aloth has increased Athletics. Who is the lovely next to him ...
  15. Wonder if that Adra Dragon I put into Falanroed will show up and lend a hand ...
  16. Obsidian's twitter is doing a tease thing tonight, too!
  17. I wondered that, too. One of my favorite bits from the old D&D Dragonlance novels was when the god Paladine took the form of a befuddled mortal wizard, literally setting events in motion.
  18. Is that Readceras ... is Eothas come to claim the throne ...
  19. Could probably set your clock by mock imitations by now.
  20. When they run out of States, they'll adopt National Parks: Project Yosemite, Channel Islands, Cabrillo, Death Valley ... there are fifty-nine of them.
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