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Posts posted by ManifestedISO



    The Big Bang Theory was originally put forward by a Catholic priest.  The modern debate is whether it is random or there is some sort of intelligent design at work.


    Even in medieval times, the church leaned heavily on classical works by Aristotle and Ptolemy, not the bible, for science.


    But yes, I was expecting more examples like long term evolution and stem cell research.  I went over it quite a bit in class.


    Technically though, there are still Christians out there who do take the "God created the earth in six days and rested the 7th" literally. They exist on the fringe, certainly, in the direction of the sort of Christianity where people hide their television because they don't want the neighbours to know they have one. But they still do exist.


    To be fair if there was an all powerful creator and that creator created time, the Big Bang through life on earth could have taken 6 days AND also lasted millennium since the natural flow/evaluation of time would mean nothing to an entity who could create it and thus manipulate it at will.



    If time means nothing, constructing infinite complexity would also mean nothing. At least I think so. Easy come, easy go, right.  

  2. My GPU is MSI, I love the looks of it. Like a titanium shroud over dual fans, pretty cool. But at least Joanne speaks English, since she's probably from Glendale or something, unlike the lotus blossom up there. Still, can't help but think the world needs more women handling their own input/output devices.


    Did Keyrock pick a monitor yet, that's the component I'd most like to see. I was eyeballing a Dell for awhile but never went through with it. 

  3. http://arstechnica.com/science/2014/05/submerged-skeleton-suggests-early-humans-only-found-the-americas-once/



    Deep within a flooded cave in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, along with skeletons of saber-toothed tigers and giant sloths, scientists found the oldest complete human skeleton yet discovered in the Americas. The skeleton of a teenage girl, nicknamed Naia, was first found by a team of divers exploring the Hoyo Negro cave in 2007. The deep pit, part of a complex cave system, reaches more than 100 feet below sea level.


    The DNA evidence linking her to modern indigenous Americans and the morphological evidence consistent with other skeletons studied from the same era strongly supports the idea that the Americas were only colonized once and that, subsequently, the new American populations evolved in their new landscapes.




    Turns out the Americas were settled originally only once, through the northwest from Asia. There was some debate, but this is quite a discovery, particularly for those of us who were told unequivocally indigenous Americans originated from the east, specifically the Middle East, micro-specifically Israel. The foundation of mormonism rests entirely on this belief, that a small family sailed west across the Atlantic, a few thousand years ago, originally settling and populating the continent--including a westward migration to Polynesia. This was literally the Word of God, and therefore true. The church recently amended the implication by saying Native Americans are among the descendants of this family. But, of course, now we know they are not. They were never "they." The Nephites never existed, nor did the Lamanites. Gandalf is arguably more realistic than Nephi, sorry.  



    • Like 3
  4. Is there a secret dialogue between food packaging engineers and consumers ...


    I'm in the middle of destroying a bag of Chewy Chips Ahoy Brownie-Filled cookies (since, you know, the Governor just declared San Diego County in a State of Emergency), which has a tray with three rows of five cookies each. I enjoy four per sitting, with milk, obviously, but then somehow that always leaves only three at the last. 


    I wonder if they go so far as to develop a "typical portion" template, or if it's all just uninterestingly random. Pepperidge Farms does it right, with their Milano Double-Chocolate ... three vertical stacks of, I think six per level. Those are slightly smaller, however, I usually pound a level at a time. I do earn my treats, in case you're judging. Like I mean physically demanding work. And I also heard a diet high in dairy actually bonds with some fat cells that exit your bio-system's back door without being stored. It was a show on PBS, actually.  

    • Like 1
  5. Today so far I have avoided being burned. Thank god and jesus h. christ for firefighters and police officers!




    I live where the 78 meets the 5. It is armageddon right now. Evacuations all over North County. 

  6. Saw a number of peak performances in one film today. From actors, photography, costumes, writing, you name it.


    Spike Jonze's her stunned me into silence, made me laugh, cry, and feel better knowing people deal with fear and love pretty much the same. Amy Adams is an effortless delight, as is Rooney Mara, somehow expressive and withdrawn at the same time. Olivia Wilde is still my girl, and her scenes were shot in a way not hard to imagine being there, with a true babe, getting slightly drunk at a swank, future-LA dig. Joaquin and Scarlett ... you have to see it to really believe it. Such a unique story, it's hard to convey.


    The science-fiction element is well-implemented, and I never felt disappointed with plot direction. Some excellent comedy, too, unexpectedly well-timed. Color, costumes, and the style of Los Angeles in the "slight future" were great ... double-length trouser flies and all. Blu-ray extras are limited (no commentary), but are good quality and feel more like extensions of the film.           

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