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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Thousands of millions of years in isolation on this magical rock ... what are the odds we find others similarly stranded. I've heard of the Drake equation, but speculation pales in comparison to the actual event. Imagine! First contact ... I hope I'm alive to see it.    

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  2. On my idiot box I've been watching the entire series of LOST again. It's mostly better than I remember ... Sun is straight-up badass gangster, and Kate is so freaking buff. Jack is totally American psycho, and Richard Alpert is as swarthy and Mediterranean as always. For having been spread out over six years, the show is surprisingly coherent season to season, with a lot of little rewards for attentive viewing.


    Evidently, they were not all dead to begin with. I just started Season 6, so we'll see if that jives with what I remember from the series finale.  

  3. Christians, Nazis, and stoners all celebrating Sunday. Now if only gas prices would take a similar break from reality ... frickin' $4.40 a gallon for regular.   

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    We’re trying to capture the look of games like Icewind Dale and Baldur’s Gate, where it looks a little less overtly fantastic and a little more realistic. In a lot of cases we looked at 2nd Edition D&D art by people like Larry Elmore, Keith Parkinson, and Clive Caldwell.


    Of course, his name is Clyde Caldwell--the third member of the holy quad of dragon artistry. :geek:  Jeff Easley is the missing name, but I can understand why his work might be more "overtly fantastic" than Josh was looking for. Either way, it's exciting he mentioned these guys. Hundreds of hours, have I spent admiring their collective work.


    PoE has all the potential to become my Number One Game of All Time.  8)





    Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is probably the best of the 3 that I've had

    What's the point of that? Just drink bourbon. It is, frankly, an insult to the bourbon that you're drinking a substance whose only appeal is that it licked Bourbon's bathtub after Bourbon got out.





    Didn't see this due to preferential ignorance. The man drinks plenty of bourbon, enough to appreciate nuance of flavor and variety of source, unlike hairy-palmed nut wetters. 


    woop, forgot to say what I'm drinking. Still the Angry Orchard. I like 'em, but liquor-ish apple flavor gets old, kinda. I don't know, not really.

  6. I know, I'm late, for Cap 2, but it was worth waiting for in IMAX 3D when only a handful of other goers are in the theatre. I just cannot do crowds of seat-kickers in confined spaces. 


    I frrrickin loved The Winter Soldier. Bucky Barnes' arc is compelling and emotional, for me, but I'm nerdy like that. Coulda done without seeing Agent Carter, as she was. Her role in the first movie was beautifully inimitable, and heart-rending ... but it felt strange this time. I don't think I've ever seen more vehicles practically destroyed on-camera in any other film.  :aiee:

  7. Snow in April, cowboys in North Dakota ... all of these things are not like the other.  :no:


    I'm slightly shocked at the beheading of Stefano Domenicali, the F1 Ferrari team principal. Sure, they say he quit ... but, you know, Italians. Chinese Grand Prix this weekend ... sounds like an oxymoron. Can't wait for the series to return to Europe. India, China, and Russia need to not be on the racing schedule.  


    TR reboot has taken a turn for the worse. I ended up in the island equivalent Somalia, a level called shanty town. I think I killed about a hundred people there, and besides all the killing there wasn't much to do in the level.


    The optional tomb (in a game called tomb raider?) took me 5 minutes to complete. In fact all the optioinal tombs aren't really whole levels, they're a single physics based puzzle and a few jumps until you reach a relic and you're done. Some of them look very nice, but they're so short the can't really be considered a significant part of the gameplay experience.


    In fact the gameplay is 60% shooting 40% (opitonal) exploring levels for scavenger hunt quests. If you don't do the optional stuff its almost a straight up shooter.


    Some of the design choices fall into the "why did you bother" category, like the skills and weapons upgrades. There are a lot of them at first, and there's the illusion that you're picking one or the other whereas you'll get almost everything inevitably. My weapons are fully modded and I have a ton of salvage that I can't spend on anything. Other modifications will unlock in time, but really, its a case of "we can't let you miss any of the content and/or not let you have something and make you feel bad".

    What it really is is timed unlocking of new abilities and weapons disguised as customization i.e. choice on the part of the player, where there in fact is none.

    It left me feeling somewhat cheated. 


    Even though I'm having fun, and the story is still doing a good job of holding my attention, the game isn't really tomb raider. Its what I assume Uncharted plays like  (I don't have a PS3).


    This very much mirrors my own rant on the game some months ago when I played it, except you did it in a much more calm and rational manner, whereas my rant was a lot more bitter and hate fueled.  The game skews heavily toward everything I hated about the Tomb Rider series (combat) and away from everything I loved about the series (exploration, puzzle platforming).  It's a well made game, but it's a cover shooter masquerading as a Tomb Raider game, not actually a Tomb Raider game.



    I remember the expletive you used wanting the game off your hard drive.  :biggrin:


    I dig Lara, always have, probably always will. Except Angel of Darkness, which doesn't count. I'm hoping this Playstation Now thing will let me play the blocky originals on PS4. 


    Not playing anything, right now. I never had a PS3, so The Last of Us on PS4 in June is what I'm waiting for, at the moment. 

  9. Doggerel ... what a good word. Haven't heard that one since, maybe literature class(es).


    You know at the end of this year, Inquisition and Pillars will be vying for my attention. DA first, probably, then PoE ... which means I have to play and finish Dragon Age in a romantic hurry in order to enjoy the hell out of the real game I've wanted since forever. Or 2012, which is the same thing.   

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