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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Its a laptop, but its way better than what is necessary to run Shogun 2. A lot of people have the same problem, the result of the graphics chip switching software crap that both NVIDIA and ATI use. Basically the game is using the Radeon 8750M card but detecting it as the Intel 4000, which doesn't have Dx11 so its blocking the Dx11 settings. There is no fix for it apparently.


    Is it true the switch to integrated is to conserve power when the laptop is running on battery? I read a question/answer about the 8750M/4000 software switch and it said to plug in the laptop's AC power cord while playing games and the discreet card will work correctly.  

  2. These guys, droll rollin' paragraph skillz.




    The Wii U is the ultimate argument for Nintendo's decline as a hardware maker. The system's embarrassing monster of a controller has a 6-inch LCD, a touchscreen, motion controls, 15 buttons, a D pad, two analog sticks, a stylus, stereo speakers, an infrared port, a webcam, a microphone, a headphone jack, a volume slider, a charging port, a rumble pack, and—in case they missed anything—an accessory port. This isn't a cohesive vision of the future of gaming that will improve Nintendo's games.





    So, Nintendo, the first thing you can do to win those third parties back is to get it together and make some modern hardware (and a modern online infrastructure wouldn't hurt, while you're sprucing things up). Keep the controllers you need to make your own first-party games special, while making it easier for other developers to boost your library's numbers. You might have to take a loss on that fancy new hardware for a while, but hey, you're already losing a bunch of money. At least this could give you something to show for it.


    How We'd Save Nintendo

  3. Oh, god, jesus, the winds are here already. Two high-pressure systems are battling a stormy low-pressure spinning the opposite direction, and the entire conflagration is grinding hot wind and zero humidity from the Great Basin right into my window. Record-high mid-nineties at the coast, this week, all week, low-100s in the inland valleys. Air conditioning is ... not available, and I have to work outside with my Mexican friends. Well, more like acquaintances. If I don't come back, tell the Austrian I hope he finds an armed girlfriend, and the South African, a pleasantly bi-sexual feminist. Speaking of cats, where did Lady C disappear to ... :o  

    • Like 5
  4. 20th Century Fox owns distribution for Ep. IV in perpetuity, which means forever, as was expounded upon at length in the Ars article above. Empire and Jedi rights will go to Disney in 2020. George Lucas has nothing to do with it anymore. The only way we get a blu-ray theatrical release is if Disney pays Fox to do it, or Fox does it themselves.

  5. They don't owe us a central feed, but even the illusion of one would go a long way. A successful macro is already available ... the official Playstation Blog updates daily, as does the personal twitter-feed of their worldwide-studios president: reliable updates delivered to one location often, from a personable guy who happens to be the ultimate authority.


    It's quite nice to hear from the actual horse's mouth, rather than a herd of gophers. I wonder what you call a group of rodents, anyway. Probably not 'herd'. Probably, 'forum'.  


    The theatrical releases of the films were last made available to the public as companion features on the DVD special edition releases in 2006. The sources for the DVD transfers were digital videotapes, which, as SaveStarWars.com explains, were created in 1993 via telecine from an interpositive struck from the original negatives back in 1985. The same telecine was later given the THX treatment and used as the source for the 1995 Laserdisc release of the trilogy, which up until the DVD release in 2006 was considered the definitive reference version of Star Wars on a home video format.


  7. This was both encouraging and depressing, but very informative.







    However—and this is a pretty big however—without someone empowered to actually go to the vaults and assess the state of the negatives, we can’t know for sure what does and doesn’t exist. It is possible—unlikely, but possible—that the original bits that were cut for the special edition really were tossed into a fire or something, and the new special edition-conformed negatives may really be all that exists after the restorations.

    Even if that’s the case—and, again, that case appears unlikely—a fully restored HD original trilogy isn’t at all out of the question. Enough original sources are available besides the singular "original negative" to perform a full digital reconstruction in 4k or 8k resolution.


    • Like 2
  8. There is nothing funny about bipedal bald eagles.




    And in case you correctly noted it is incorrect to wear our flag, the manufacturer says:



    He will come with the cape but it will be a very slightly altered version of what is shown here so that it’s not an actual American flag. We don’t want to offend or upset anyone by using the actual flag for something other than in was originally intended.


    • Like 2
  9. God, well I tried to get Bound by Flame at retail, but it was nowhere, at two places. So I came home and read two more reviews and felt some relief for not buying it. I have a feeling the game will be free for PS Plus members at some point anyway, so, I'll wait. 


    Back now to waiting for The Last of Us: Remastered in summer, which I learned today will use high-resolution character models found previously only in cut-scenes for PS3. 

  10. NFL .com is a place where the comments section is worse than youtube. I couldn't have been more embarrassed to be a Chargers fan, but whatever. They appear to have drafted a feisty scrapper with bum knees and a can't-ride-this-ride height. But, it's fine, no problem. 

    • Like 1

    Bound By Flame launch trailer:



    I'm happy to see they've continued the tradition of hilariously bad voice overs.


    I'll be interested to hear impressions of this game if anyone here winds up getting it.


    I have it pre-ordered from GMG


    Was only 27 bucks



    EDIT: FUSWJT-B1DU64-JBV8UY 20% off code for GMG that I used. Hopefully it still works




    That's a good price. It shows fifty bones on PSN and only 34 on Steam, but, available now PS4, PC not till Friday. Would like to play this. 



    Edit. Oh, Steam says only 14 more hours 


    He is a plot driving character, and very rarely do plot driving characters work as viewpoint characters.


    It's why Frodo is the main character of Lord of the Rings instead of Aragorn - the viewpoint character is the character who the plot happens to, not who drives the plot. It's why everything Indiana Jones does in Raiders of the Lost Ark is pointless and all he does is react to what other people are doing. It's why the first Matrix movie works when Neo is still the guy stuff happens to, and the Matrix sequels don't work because Neo is the Superman who makes stuff happen.


    Hmm, that is a cogent bit of illustration. And now that you mention it, I see it everywhere in character stories. It explains why, for example, despite my enjoyment, Sam Flynn in TRON Legacy was a viewpoint character that also drove the plot right off a cliff.   

  13. You guys that know a lot, about important stuff, are the blue kree people from the Guardians of the Galaxy universe ... and do they look sort of monstrous. Enough to steal away their lost child who grew up to be a pretty good-looking female agent of SHIELD who doesn't know who her parents are, nor her own heritage, but is actually more of a TV plot device in advance of this summer's Guardians movie ...

  14. No worries, I personally know six-hundred thousand Germans alone, waiting to buy PoE, day one. Whole families, together, eating bratwurst, drinking beer, playing Pillars of Eternity. And for every one European buyer, there are two in Eastern Europe, sharing vodka and kielbasa. This game will be a success on the coattails of good writing, alcohol, and tasty sausages.  

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