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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. My dad and his wife stayed in groovy new six-story pool-top hotel here in Oceanside. Monday was the first cool, cloudy day in weeks that saw 100 degrees on the coast.


    I still haven't removed the plastic film covering the backside of my phone where the camera lens is, because I don't know.



  2. Hit up 333 Pacific while the 'rents were in town. Well, one 'rent and his wife, but she's cool. 


    Normally I don't like bleu cheese, but this Kobe beef meatloaf made me realize I really don't like it. Riddled with mold, indeed. The potatoes and asparagus were good, but the whole dish was a sodium bomb. 



    • Like 3
  3. Is it good or bad we haven't seen Allan. Is it crunch-time ... how long before release do games go gold, nowadays. Do you think he thinks about us when making notes, like, I wonder if those Obs romance nutters will get a kick out of how many polygons this under-boob has ... 

    • Like 2
  4. Good luck. Korean should be just fine.


    Some entertaining and/or honest translations. Please check display port of graphic card for compatibility with Monitor, Because monitor be unable to support all display ports of your PC. Copyright © All Rights Reserved. 

  5. If I wanted to power a display on the moon I could see from my house, then yes, I would SLI a pair of 780Ti's. Other than that, doesn't really make sense. Sure looks cool inside the case, though. 


    Can we do the monitor next ... this vicarious build is pretty fun.

  6. I'm sorry, it should be called, By The Way Godzilla Is Technically In This Movie.


    Even in 3D and with Bryan Cranston, there was little to no character interest coming through the screen--made double anti-exciting by sparse monster fights.  

  7. Exactly, and tantamount to another post I posited and posted elsewhere. If The God can manipulate time--arguably an external authority--what is the point of creating a universe based on time. Snapping your god-like fingers to separate the continents really devalues the magnificence. I mean everything I've ever done worth anything took a long-ass time and felt really good to reach the end. I can't imagine any entity achieving god-like satisfaction (And It Was Good ...) from waving a wand of creation.  Makes me think anthropomorphism extends to deities, too.  

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