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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Digital books are digital. Can't turn pages and they don't smell of newly-printed ink.


    Speaking of which, I just secured the softcover compendium of IDW's run of G.I. Joe: Cobra Civil War, including Snake Eyes solo series because ninjas.


    220d9e8b-4574-4851-840a-52feddb23b8e_zps        8945b967-ce49-4a3f-a701-bd415f375505_zps

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  2. Who the hell, where did you get that. That was the best rewind decomposition voice-over ever. And from an Australian, sounds like. Seriously I'm tripping out right now.  :dancing:


    Calling back to a PS1 game, too. Dude did some research. Wait--all that in just the last few hours, no way, this guy has to be official to somewhere. Like a Sony Studios guy. Looks frickin' cool though.


    Wait, oh yeah, it's E3. I bet they show that whole rest of the clip at that theatre-release thing Sony is doing. *sniff* New IP, I can smell it I think

  3. I don't know if you Brits that are interested can get American programming, but there's a two-hour NOVA doc on how the seafloor off Omaha and other Normandy beaches is being mapped with high-resolution imaging. They're also bringing veterans out to sea, down into a submersible to see the very ship that was blown up beneath their feet on D-Day. Goes into a lot of the tech used, Higgins boats, transport ships, etc. It is incredible.



  4. If 'crumbly' is an adjective for comedy, then I think it describes The Wil Wheaton Project--I laughed for the most part, even as some bits fell off. Still pretty good effort for a premiere Talk Soup-style half-hour. The Neil DeGrasse Tyson bits were the best, drunk and stoned, haha. 


    If you live in the US, the episode is up on SyFy already. 7/10 Wil watch again.  ;)

  5. Signed headshots are sold out. Now I have to back it purely for practical reasons. Where's the fun in pragmatism, I want a Geordi autograph dammit. 


    Edit: Wow, I'm pretty sure it jumped a quarter-million in the last hour-ish. My only Kickstarters ever, PoE and RR. 

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