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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Michael Schumacher is awake and out of the hospital. The family is saying nothing except he has a long period of rehabilitation ahead. 


    Schumi lives on the same day Tony Gwynn dies ... damn it is rough to have sports heroes. 


    Yeah, the uniform thing gets me a lot in games (and movies) because it's not exactly harder than a quick google search to get right


    True, me too. Which is why I enjoyed how they do rank in the Captain America movie, where it takes place in WWII. They took all the uniformed characters and made them part of a separate group--still U.S. military, but technically not required to strictly adhere to historical uniform codes. The costumes still have officer and enlisted rank insignia, but also additional emblems and pieces. I thought it was a great way to stay true to correct insignia and still make a fun movie--and also to get an unranked recruit all the way to Captain in such a short time. Those 1940s MP uniforms are badass, too.  

  3. Sacre bleu! One of these announcers is making my ears bleed. I don't think she's ever used a microphone before.


    Pretty incredible to see sun and rain on the track simultaneously. Dusk approaching, night racing soon! 

  4. Alright I'm going for Webber in the Porsche. I like Wurz in a Toyota, too. I have to also watch Corvette Racing, because America. And I'll keep an eye on Fisichella in the Ferrari just for old time's sake. 


    The official website has a live picture, just under five hours to go. The announcers are in French, so this should be weird and fun.  :disguise:



    Doesn't mean it's not still their game, and their studio isn't still a business.


    They actually always say that this is our game, so why we couldnt see it, if it ours?

    You're getting confused by semantics.


    It's our game in the sense that this is what we want vs. Call of Duty 67.



    Lephys wanted me to say CoD 67 came out only a month after Call of Duty: Route 66 Edition, Mother Road to Destruction   >_<

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  6. The rodentary gentleman may be relieved to know Nintendo acknowledged Metroid fans by saying 3D and 2D versions are in early planning stages. 



    So it has been a while since we released the last one and we’re having discussions internally about what we can do next. So at this point we have two different types of Metroid games. We have the Prime style of Metroid game and we have the more traditional style of Metroid game. We feel that we do need to take care of both of these styles of play. And the hope is that at some point in the near future we’ll be able to share something about them.

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  7. I love getting involved with the fortunes of certain teams during the early hours ... it really pays off at the end of such an incredible feat of endurance. 


    No cable in the house, I'll have to see about streaming what I can ... but it's just not the same. 

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  8. I'm still barely 1/360th of the way through Black Flag, my save game sitting idle. I guess because I try (want) to play it like Skyrim, or Dragon Age ... scouring the 'sandbox' and quest-completing each area ... but it was never meant to be played that way. I can't figure out how to have fun as an 'assassin' with a 'creed'. If anyone knows, please give me a hint.


    Strong female characters are more interesting to me, anyway. My fledgling comic collection is developing a pattern: Black Widow, Elektra, Wonder Woman, Tomb Raider, She-Hulk ... but also G.I. Joe and Captain America for some dude variety.

  9. We don't need to shy from the depiction of sexuality, or pull our punches when it comes to the effects of violence on individuals and communities. The people of Pillars of Eternity, as in our world, are multifaceted, and prone to the same virtues and vices. They might hold superstitious or bigoted beliefs, or covet their neighbour's wealth. They might visit brothels or indulge in narcotics after a long day.



    My dark paladin is very pleased by this last statement and amusingly brings his hands together, touching fingertips in villainous fashion.

  10. I'm almost sad and angry now that I've spent half a grand on that project. i feel betrayed, sorry.



    Good ... good ... feel the anger, the betrayal ... taste the bitter streaks, the poison of regret ... let it flow from your eyes ... all that money! ... every promise written in stone ... wasted! ... abandoned to the most unworthy dogs in the street! Like ashes to the stars!

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