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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Ohmigodohmigodohmigod new pledge rewards for Reading Rainbow. Special events where you bring your little one to a private children's book reading session, hosted individually by William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorn, Robert Picardo, Kate Mulgrew, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden, Jeri Ryan, and did I mention Patrick Stewart!


    First round of tickets go up today 2pm PST, more later. Pretty much you have to bring your son or daughter, since of course the whole project is to get kids into reading, so if you don't have any, hurry up and go make one. Trek for the win. 

    • Like 1
  2. Game Informer press people who saw the demo thought it reminded them of Skyrim. Must be valid.



    Ben: I love it. The demo reminded me of Skyrim, but in some strange ways it seemed more lifelike. The world seems denser. I liked the part where the party was wondering through the forest and they got attacked by a bear. A moment later they were fighting bandits and then getting a side quest from an old beggar woman. I also love how the environment reacted to the battles. You could see the trees sway when a dragon passed overhead and a wooden dock started to fall apart after it had been set on fire.



    • Like 1
  3. Had no idea there was a world-building element in Marvel Infinity. I wonder could I create my own battle between Elektra and Black Widow ...




    Similar tools allow players to build castles, towns, and complicated platforming challenges just as easily. Avalanche says the toolset even lets users automatically build entire Toy Boxes from scratch – including terrain, enemy characters, and collectables.


    The Toy Box is deeper this time around, with sophisticated new tools that give creators additional freedom. Highlights include the ability to connect Toy Boxes together through doors; customizable inventories and the building blocks required to create and manage in-game economies; and user-configurable NPCs. If you’re paying attention, those could be used in tandem to create simple RPGs.




  4. Same, my interest has cooled right off a cliff. Urgh, what is this strange tone they're going with ... 


    Whatever, I hate that they know I'll buy it and play it, and play it again, no matter what they do. That's an evil power to hold over people.


    Wait, what if I didn't buy it ... what if I ... I ...

  5. Oh, eh, never even seen that key, down there all longitudinal-like, let alone used it. Let me try it. 


    Oh wow, it worked perfectly first time.


    And again. 


    I like that it's the bottom-most, right-handed key. How 'bout that, numpad--while slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose.

  6. Find and listen to a good podcast in a specific genre you enjoy, say with two or three hosts who speak well, and have interesting things to say about stuff you love. Make a drink, add music in a new tab, fluff the couch cushions--all while interjecting your own comments (even if they can't hear you, because it's a recording, from people thousands of miles away, who are probably sleeping while you're drinking and fluffing)--and it can feel just like being at party where everyone is witty and comfortable and having fun. Boom--no regrets, no hidden puke, no proximity pathogens from strangers, no carpet stains, no damaged glassware, no trips to DUI jail.


    Although--podcasts don't bring girls with them. Girls are nice. Maybe you should go to the party. 

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  7. I'm going in spirit. In my own way, not in the true event spirit of sweaty dudes with lanyards dangling over muffin-tops. Will watch Sony's conference Monday night, then just hang back and take a dip in the announcement ocean. 

  8. Am i right in reading the subtext, Shumacher is still in a coma ?


    What, no, yes he is, but Porsche returning to Le Mans has nothing to do with Michael. No new information about Schumacher since April:



    “Michael is making progress on his way. He shows moments of consciousness and awakening. We are on his side during his long and difficult fight, together with the team of the hospital in Grenoble, and we remain confident,” Kehm said in this morning’s statement.


    Schumacher has been breathing without the aid of machines for several weeks and this latest bulletin would not have been issued if the family did not believe that there was something behind it. They would not want to create false hope.
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