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Posts posted by ManifestedISO


    I voted no, mainly because such issues tend to vampirize another interesting subjects. Besides, they are already getting studied to death in other works.

    It's also been done before in Arcanum, Dragon Age and The Witcher and it didn't bring anything new on the table. Especially in Witcher games where it's an unavoidable part of the setting. 

    If P:E want to be something new and original, they should deal with more advanced issues, like communitarianism, globalization and soft-power, where a dominating country is supplanting other cultures for its own. Instead of blatant bigotry, it should go further, not telling you the world think women are the weakest gender, but why has it come to this. Maybe there is a good reason behind this. Maybe it was all born from a desire to protect said women from wars, diseases or whatever.

    Come to think of it, P:E won't have a dark setting so it probably won't happen. I'm thankful for that.


    Personally, I really like dark settings when they're executed well. A well-executed dark fantasy setting can create a great mixture of horror and dread. A poorly-executed dark setting just tries to go as over the top as possible purely for the sake of one-upping other works. I'm not asking for Columbia or Golarion here.




    I can't tell if you're endorsing Columbia, or not. I haven't yet finished Infinite because the setting seemed to beat my brow with its themes and names and images that come from real life. That player who got a refund because he objected to an unavoidable, unannounced in-game religious incident is an example, albeit extreme. Perhaps the "ending" will change my attitude, but I guess racism and bigotry, etc., are better dealt with when part of a less recognizable setting. I mean, I was totally emotionally involved in the plight of nearly every individual and race on the Citadel that my paragon FemShep character encountered ... but it was fun because I had a choice, in a world far removed from this one. So if P:E does something similar, I think it could be a productive force for tension in the game world. Something that makes me want to resolve it, not avoid it like in Columbia.     

  2. Update by Tim Cain, Senior Programmer and Designer

    An unencumbered monk can be a terror on the battlefield, a nightmare that just won't seem to die, no matter how hard he gets hit. Blows that seem like they should kill him only serve to make him stronger.

    Trust me, you are going to love playing a monk.




    Sounds good, I'll have that. :)  I  hope the other classes have similarly unique paths to becoming a nightmarish terror on the battlefield. Dual-wielding lightly-armored for the win. 

  3. Which is in Europe. And Switzerland is NOT Sweden, my American friends.


    Aww damn, and all this time I've been putting Swiss cheese on Swedish meatballs. :)


    I am from San Diego, CA, U.S., although I worked today in Irvine, CA near the Spectrum ... not too far away from Obsidian, I think. It's awesome to know I live only a few tens of miles from where my favorite upcoming game is being made. Woot!

  4. Scrum is a development methodology based around short iterations (sprints). One of the hallmarks of scrum are short (~15min) daily meetings with the team where everybody gives a short status update (what have you done yesterday, what are you going to do today and what problems are there, if any), this meeting is often just called "scrum" or "daily scrum".


    There's a lot more to it if you're interested.

    Oh wow, how interesting, thank you. That really lends an air of pre-production insider value to the documentary video.



     More green-shirt girl!! :)


    Wait.. What?? What did I miss!? Guide me, oh enlightened backer!!

    some (i'd like to think only a minority) people behaving incredibly immature on the final video-stream during the kickstarter against a female obsidian employee wearing a green shirt at that time

    I don't remember an incredible amount of immaturity--maybe in the alternate stream comments. I just remember it was fun watching the final countdown stream and the instant celebrity of an attractive female dev. As I recall, Adam even mentioned it to the room.   

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