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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. Sounds like the ferengi have come up with a way to scam credits from humans in this sector. Something is not right with that project. 


    Hopefully I'm wrong. The "@format" for film and video these days is definitely an option, but something about Renegades is triggering a yellow alert on the bridge. 

    • Like 2
  2. I would say that it is impossible to have a multi-platform game in which the PC version, the most complex version, does not suffer as a result of the least complex version, the console version.



    Master-race types are just closet airport bathroom-stall console gamers. Don't be scared, it's fun. Chris Roberts disproves your imaginary complexities:




    Roberts said that a PS4 version of [star Citizen] is definitely possible, after the PC version will be complete and stable, as the PC version itself remains the primary focus. Porting to PS4 would be pretty easy as CryEngine already works on the console and there would be no need to compromise anything important. After all, the more players the better.


    If Star Citizen can go PS4, so can Eternity. 



    Tim went on a tear and got most of the backend systems for the player stronghold in place. There are a ton of really fun things you can do with your stronghold like sending companions on missions, buying rare loot off of merchants, building upgrades, and even purchasing hirelings to defend your keep from attack. Watching Tim's stronghold get robbed blind because he has low security and high prestige never gets old.


    Seriously looking forward to this. Thank you for including it. 

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    New Game Informer article, it's about Morrigan. First page is character history, second is what's in store for DA:I.

    I'm late to this party but my God, could that article be anymore fawning and unctuous?  What kind of game journalism is this?  Why don't they just let BW write some ad copy and send it in?



    Yes, it could be ... hush, your rich parents are influencing what you say.  :grin: Journalism is dead, only opinions are valid now. 



    And Seinfeld IRL was right, using swear words is just a crutch under a weak act.    

  5. Each class gets its own Exploration 'Toolbox' in DA:I. The example given was mages being able to piece together a ruined bridge.


    "Exploration Skills" has a nice ring to it. Hmm, so, if after an evening romancing Vivienne, a female mage character could wake up and freely explore bits of Orlais on horseback ... repairing ancient bridges and excoriating the trolls beneath them, at will. Sounds good. 

  6. How do cross-platform game-save results work ... are they linked to my online profile, or do I have to play the same game series on one platform to get the carry-over fuzzy fun good times loyalty reward dialogue in Inquisition. I ask, because I read today that Morrigan will be somewhat influenced in DA:I by past choices in DA:O.   

  7. You guys can never guess which pic was the absolute favourite (for my little group of women) of the ones posted in this thread so far.


    Ralph Fiennes



    And what? More than ten percent of Russians are gingers? I seriously thought my kind were exclusively from Britain, that is so weird. 




    While I'm here, Patrick Stewart always makes me feel safe, protected, kind. I find that attractive. 



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  8. A 'naked waist' is what life is all about. 


    If Inquisition releases in Q4 next year, I'm curious when Bioware will reveal the super-secret brand new IP Jessica hinted at, before or after? I'll go ahead and assume the new project has about a year in development already, so if the three-year dev cycle holds true, we might see Inquisition Q4 2014, new IP Q4 2015, new ME sometime 2016. Bam, annual release schedule. 


    PC gamers getting an optimized version; “PC actually is different, especially from a controls standpoint”, trying to “recapture the very tailored experience of DA:O on PC”


    40 gig download, bring it.






    Actually, at the speed of my internet, 40 gigs would take about 5 days. No problem, I'll play the console version while I wait. 

  10. IMO the idea of multi-monitor setups is to engage your peripheral vision while staring straight ahead. I would think the whole point is to move your eyes, not your head. That 4K setup looks like it was only put together because it could be. 


    That was before we learned about the next generation of consoles, hence the title of this thread. 


    I hope they do it. I need only the slightest of excuses to buy Project Eternity again, and a PS4 port would be a delight, I'm certain. Surely the target resolution for P:E is 1080, the same as next-gen consoles, so the TV/monitor thing makes no difference. If it isn't, no problem, I read hundreds of pages of text in Skyrim on my TV. And the PS4 touchpad is both a swipe and a button, just begging to be utilized. Truly, I hope Obsidian says nay to the PC-only high-horse.  

  12. Season 4 blu-ray release of Star Trek: The Next Generation today, woot! 



    Thanks to TrekCore.com for the image. Top row is the uneven color-timing of standard definition across four episodes. 

    Bottom row is remastered, high definition. Engage!




  13. Good lord, Far Cry 3 on the PC is glorious. FOV and draw-distance are astonishing. Some superb textures, too, along with the addictive gameplay. Even the sound design is very engaging ... "oh my god!! i'm gonna find you, ****a!"  Not this time, pal. *click*   :lol:  

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