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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. That is so weird, I thought you were linking to this. A genetic variant causing people to see the world both more vividly, and negatively. They think half of most caucasian people have it, much less in others. 


    No wonder I see every little bad driving infraction on the freeway and get upset about it. It feels like hyper-vigilant negativity radar. 

    • Like 3

    Do we really need to go over the history of New York, San Francisco, etc.?


    Didn't horrible things happen to the Chinese in San Francisco in the 19th century?



    Insular culturalism was probably at its height in that age here. Every race present in North America  ... Chinese, Japanese, Irish, Black, Native American, Mexican, et al ... had horrible things thrust upon them. 


    The cold light of day on this subject was written by Ronald Takaki, called A Different Mirror. It is both remarkable and astounding, and disturbing, but not without hope.             

  3. The Stanley Parable..


    This is pure art, to say that I'm impressed is putting it very mildly.


    Cool! I love the official description for that game. I think I must have it, while it's on sale. 


    Edit: and ... downloading now. Thanks for the tip. 

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  4. Horoscopes are just someone's ambiguous opinion. Fortune cookies, on the other hand, are real, down to the last letter of each word. I had one tell me I would be surrounded by luxury and wealth--and sure enough, here I am, working laboriously in a coastal community surrounded by wealth and luxury. Stupid fortune never told me I would be part of it. 

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    Had to do a double shift on the 'shop floor' today. My finger ends are all busted up, and I think one of my fingers might have actually started to melt. The nailbed looks distinctly weird.


    Wound up being 'standing up straight' tired. That phase where you're quite capable of doing the same over again, but if you don't remind yourself of this fact by standing up straight, shoulders back, you'll begin to slouch and then deflate like a party balloon.

    Working on Saturdays is a goddamn sin.



    Nah, it's OK. I quite like a good bit of physical work. You get your objectives and *bam* you're off. You either get it right or you don't!



    Me too, today, but it's still a sin. Especially for free. But it was at my mate's house, whose wife is from Brasil, and can cook with all the passion and skill of a professional. I was already 'standing up straight' tired yesterday, so today was more of a warm-down. The pasta chicken pesto made the work seem less like work. Obrigado, Camila! 

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  6. So the weirdest thing happened with Pacific Rim. I watched it first and didn't really love it. Like I mean, a waste of a script. Then I learned it's a genre movie ... designed purely for fun. So I changed my expectations of plot, dialogue, and character--the pesky grown-up things I thought were critical--and tried it again. All of a sudden, I had the best time. Like a kid again, watching Condorman. :)    

  7. The best 'long-term for gaming' solution (price to performance) is a smallish SSD for the operating system (Windows 7) and a regular hard drive for game storage (Steam library). That way, you never have to worry about upgrading the drive installed with Windows, and can concentrate on future-proofing the other (much easier) components. Or leave them all in place for each build, like I do. 


    Being able to play new games in a year depends on the resolution of the monitor. If it's 1920x1080 or less, that 7870 will have no problem supporting High and sometimes Ultra graphics settings, likely for two years or more with good driver support. In some game benchmarks, it's even surpassed the 7950, slightly, while using less power and making less noise/heat. The extra GB of frame buffer memory shouldn't matter too much at 1080 resolution or below, but more is usually better. All of that means nothing if the price is right, however.     

  8. SSD for the OS, definitely. Humanoid is right about the way it feels, like I mean night and day faster. Like dial-up and broadband faster. I swear games get sympathy speed, even though they're loaded on the slower HDD. 


    I kinda think the 7950 is too much and a little hot for 1080p gaming, but two hundred bucks is a damn good price. Still, I'd save even more and get a 7870 or 7850 on super sale ... and drop the CPU cooler, and lower the power supply to 450 or 430, but stay at least bronze certified. I'm also convinced it's definitely worth getting 1600 RAM, over 1333. Every (most) review I see on Anand shows a big jump in performance between those two, but much less from 1600 to 1866.


    I gotta say, there is only Newegg. Sniping the right part for the best price is fun and rewarding, but I only get that feeling from Newegg. Except for that tax thing, now.    

    • Like 1
  9. I agree with samm on the audio/video receiver. They're so versatile, you'll wonder how you managed without, and for not much money.


    Every device can be plugged in to the receiver: speakers, TV, gaming PC, Xbox, blu-ray player ... even my headphones jack right in the front. I just switch inputs on the remote when I want to change activities. It's capable of Bluetooth, but I don't utilize that part. Just about every port is available: USB, digital optical, HDMI, audio wire, RGB, analog, AM/FM antenna, etc. I like to hear Pandora through 5.1 when I vacuum. And, other stuff.


    If you're interested in a stereo speaker setup, a soundbar might be suitable. You could plug it in to the TV and then choose "external speakers" on the TV menu, if you elect to forego a receiver. That way, you could also send the audio/video signal from your HTPC to the TV with HDMI. I heartily recommend a receiver, though. Mine is a Yamaha, less than three bills, on sale. Newegg has great deals usually.      

  10. By pushing the burden of existing off to a mythical entity, even partially, you have less worries in your life. 


    And less pain. When my brother died suddenly, my mom's burden of grief was reduced by her belief that he is still alive, floating around the universe somewhere, unseen. 


    Which I think is why superstition finally did overpower logic ... because facts and rationality don't give us a hug when someone dies. 

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