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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. In this Kotaku article from a while back, Feargus said they were being contacted by Warner Bros (amongst others) to do an RPG with them.


    Yikes, that article shines a light on the cutthroat business of publishing. I have a whole new level of respect for Obsidian, as well as a stronger dislike for the entitlement crowd.



    My fervent hope is that Obsidian was able to take North Carolina and revive it with a different publisher. All that work for an original IP, plus the grief of layoffs, should not be in vain. If it's true that MS cancelled that next-gen game, I would love to see it released exclusively on the PS4 and PC.  



    If it's a license, a Star Wars license, please let it be Knights III.  :yes:

  2. Oh yeah, wow, I just finished it ... it is nothing like The Walking Dead. Z was fun, but not nearly as bang-on scary real as Georgia's walking dead. Nice to see Foxy in basically a cameo appearance ... Matthew Fox as a "parajumper" with only one line--unless I missed him earlier in the show. It's funny because I'm also finishing Season 2 of LOST at the moment.  

  3. Uh, well, because the device had to be manually set to detonate at the point of origin. Matter/anti-matter can't just be beamed willy nilly.  :no:


    No, I don't know, but I do know CG animation is so beautiful these days, it forgives a lot of story miscues. I mean the Enterprise just looks gorgeous, and heavy. Depth-of-field animation blows my mind. Those long shots of future San Francisco ... my god.


    Gonna watch WWZ now, see how it compares to TWD.    


    Today I sat blinking at the screen as someone explained to me that:

    "Than" is old English and we don't use it anymore since after the new millennium.

    And that therefor they are correct to replace it with "then".


    What smugfunt told you that?



    Smugfunt ... funtwit ... how great is this word as a prefix and suffix.    

  5. Oh my god Sleepy Hollow! Outstanding. Amaze balls cast, some really cool camera shots, and funny. Best thing is it's not over the top. Revolutionary War history as a backdrop to 2013 with a strong female lead and a sci-fi/fantasy/scarethecrapoutofme theme. Big thumbs up, and I only heard about this show yesterday.   

  6. I thought it was good


    It's just one of those things, I dunno if there is a name for it, where over familiarity with a thing can sometimes make it hard to overlook errors regarding that thing. No matter how small or inconsequential they may be and not at all relevant to the point being made.


    Anyways, now that I've ruined it I'll just shut up now


    I would have been forced to point it out if you hadn't. :huh:  No harm, no foul anyway. I'm sure the photo doesn't match the story, which was likely made up. It's not brainwashing, it's rank and respect and propriety. Damn funny joke, no matter what.  

    • Like 2
  7. I was expecting 60-70 points on the board in Seattle, but no. And all the announcers admitted they thought Philadelphia would put up 70 against the Chargers today, but no, thank the ghost of Dan Fouts. Who is still alive. Damn Dan Dierdorf couldn't hide his preference for the Eagles, not at all like Phil Simms calling the Manning Bowl and somehow keeping it impartial, even with his old team on-field. Next week the Titans will fall to the Chargers.  

  8. Oh, woops, I see that San Diego has lost the last six road games versus NFC opponents, and they're about to play in Philly, who hasn't won at home for a year. I'm sure SD will also break the consecutive streak of the last four opponents at Philadelphia's season home opener going on to win the Super Bowl. *sigh*




    Tonight I'm having Steak and Potato wedges with my famous homemade Cheese sauce, I have got the Cheese sauce recipe down to a fine art so it will be delicious :yes:


    Would you dare to share the art, please. A delicious cheese sauce could have infinite uses.  :yes:



    Absolutely and you a right a good cheese sauce can be very versatile and can enhance most meals. You will have to experiment a little to get the right consistency that suits you. I generally use a good mature Cheddar and I sometimes mix in a Swiss Cheese like Gruyere. You can use any Cheese that suitably melts but you obviously can't use Cheese like Halloumi as it won't melt. Make sure all the Cheese you will use is grated


    The recipe is based on the standard white sauce recipe and once you have made  it a few times it will become easy :)


    • Heat a small pot on medium heat
    • Use 1 Tablespoon of Butter and let Butter melt but don't burn it
    • Add 1 Tablespoon of flour to pot
    • Whisk the flour and butter for about 2-3 minutes. You want to allow the flour to be properly integrated into the butter
    • Start pouring in milk slowly and whisking. Don't pour all the milk in one go, pour and whisk.,,,pour and whisk You'll notice the sauce almost immediately starts thickening as the milk is added. This is fine. Just add the mild slowly until the sauce is not liquid but slightly thick
    • Then start adding the Cheese in batches and whisk
    • The sauce should thicken nicely
    • I add Mustard Powder, Paprika and White Pepper to flavour but you can add any spice that suits you



    what you got there is pretty much the classic welsh rarebit cheese mix... save that dark beer is used instead o' whiskey. add dollop o' dijon mustard and worcestershire.  we would also recommend cream or half & half 'stead of milk... if you got it. 


    HA! Good Fun!



    Wait, I don't think whiskey is the same thing as whisking.  :no:  Although I do have a fantastic dark ale that was brewed with pecans, wheat and rye, with one quarter aged in bourbon barrels. I love the idea of using half & half, too, even though I already drink gallons of whole milk all the time. I love dairy, which is why I'm curious about a versatile cheese sauce, thank you for sharing.

  10. So if special teams is on the field, set up for a field goal, and the defense even touches the center, apparently, after the snap, that defender can be called for a personal foul, resulting in an automatic first down. Which is what happened last night against Houston, whose field goal turned into a touchdown, bringing the Texans within 7 of the Chargers, humiliating San Diego into complacency. Houston ended up winning by 3 points. Now the NFL says that the unnecessary roughness penalty was simply "incidental contact" and should not have been called. Damn opening weekend.  


    Next week SD is in Philadelphia, so if the Cowboys wouldn't mind beating KC that weekend, I promise we'll even out the Eagles. Maybe. I hate going 0-2.   

  11. Fastest-ever touchdown in Chargers history, +15 secs. Later, longest-ever run by QB Philip Rivers, an eye-watering 18 yards. Finally, third game in Chargers history, up by 20 or more points, only to lose in the end. Texans clicked off yardage in the 4th like an unobstructed, billion-barrel oil tanker down the Rio Grande.



  12. Cautiously optimistic about tonight versus Houston. After all the wild shenanigans this weekend, there is every chance the Texans will give us some good false hope for the year. Or they will crush the Chargers and I'll go back to licking batteries to feel excited about the season.  

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