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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. ^^ Exactly, I just bought The Walking Dead. I'm intrigued at the idea of "short story video game fiction." Also I want something to substitute for The Last of Us, until I can finally play that game on a PS4. 

  2. Watched the latest episode of Table Top, with the lovely Jeri Ryan, the fantastic Kari Wahlgren, and the awesome Wil Wheaton. Jeri and Wil are from Voyager and The Next Generation, of course, but it wasn't until I looked her up, that I realized where I have heard Kari's amazing voice. Here's a clue: 

    "One of the quickest ways to make some coin in Skyrim is to clear out some of the wealthier homes of their valuables. If you're interested, I could point out a good place that could use a little housecleaning. What do you say?"





  3. Wait, I just saw Craig Ferguson, a Scot, interview Sir Anthony Hopkins, whom I believed to be English, but no, turns out, a Welshman. My ancestry is from the highlands ... no wonder I can't believe the southern accent. 


    I've sort have been pondering a big decision the last few days. I think I need to play Skyrim a little while and clear out my head.


    Whatever you do, don't propose. ;)



    He'll need the Amulet of Mara for that, silly. 

    • Like 1
  5.  your windowless 1976 Dodge Ram Van.


    The ultimate felony vehicle. Murder van, for short.  :huh:


    I appreciate a good receiver, and I can still disassemble an A2 in my mind, from as far back as 1990, but I think neutrality goes a long way, these days. So, heads.  

  6. New word: underailment. Means two things, one, you're feeling sick, or two, the act of returning a thread to its OP.


    I have not played Dishonored, but I have played the balls out of Skyrim, and there is a new nexus mod that gives your Skyrim character the powers from Dishonored, including teleportation and slowing time. And the army of rats thing, too. Can be done by quest or console command. Now I kinda regret not buying DH for $10 on Steam ...



    As for the Mormon comparison, not sure how well it stacks up. For some reason I always compared Mormons and Sikhs, finding they had more in common.



    I think it's based more on how at the time the Mormon Prophet "discovered" those extra Commandments under his field and formed his wacky cult. That's how it was generally perceived by a lot of people of the time. One of those crazy nutjob things. Just like Scientology gets viewed by a lot of folks now. Not to have a crack at Mormons. I've known a few and they're quite devout and sincere in their belief and they generally don't try brainwashing and abusing folks in that manner.


    It's just that shift brought about by time. What society at large in one time frame perceives as a crazy, minor cult... Come back a few decades/centuries on and it's an expansive and non-crazy world religion. Just like Christianity after Constantine decided to back it... If it hadn't expanded into the Roman Empire's state religion and sank hooks into the political movers and shakers, would it have become what it has?


    One of the reasons its always hard to split religion and politics. Where influence and power goes...



    You are amazingly astute, for not having grown up in mormonism, unfortunately as I did. The power of money and politics is quite far-reaching in Salt Lake City, measured in millions and even billions, when considering all of their "holdings." The real tragedy, however, is the vast gulf between how the church actually started, and the history it tells the members. Oh, and the disintegration of families, from within and without, due to an unreal foundation.    

  8. Awfully precarious bridge to the castle, there. If those big dragon things drop out of the sky, like in the trailer, I fear it will be impossible to reach the mutton and ale waiting in the grand hall beyond, to say nothing of the ravenous harem. Bring on the Inquisition!! 

  9. Civ5, CK2 co-op, and LOL.



    Also, acronyms.





    Ooh, may I slip in a slightly pedantic post-it here that makes no difference to anyone, anywhere. I didn't realize this until I read through that epic NSX forum thread a few years ago, but words like NASA are acronyms, where something like NWN is an initialism.


    Still waiting on Far Cry 3 to hit bottom price, so I loaded up my Xbox copy ... oh, man, is it muddy and weird. A 256MB frame buffer vs. 2GB is massive. Feeling pretty chuffed at the moment for putting together this PC just for P:E.   :sorcerer:


  10. Oh man, it's anything but boring. A modern U.S. Navy aircraft carrier back in time at Pearl Harbor!? With Kirk Douglas? Awesome.


    No, I think time-travel as a device is uniquely interesting. Because it is practically impossible. the audience has to suspend more than disbelief. In fact, it's fun and easy to accept alternate laws of physics, where the arrow of time has two points and paradoxes are the phenomena that become impossible. Redundancy works beautifully, too, just as Spock and young Spock have discovered recently, so to speak. :geek:    

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