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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. ^^ It says the PC would be 90% human ... I don't know what the proper ratio must be to qualify for cyborg-ness. The whole game concept sounds pretty solid, though, I like it. Well, except for the title. 


    Who is Jason Schreier and how does he have access to design documents from inside Obsidian ...

    • Like 1
  2.   Tomb Raider is probably too new to get a really steep discount but if it does...  


    $17.49 on Amazon for the next three days, if you're a Yankee. I assume it's for a Steam download. 

  3. Just finished a novel by Alan Furst titled Dark Voyage ... historical fiction about a Dutch sailing captain in WW2. Well-written, but low on emotional payoff considering the setting and characters. 


    Now I've gone back to the beginning of everything, Dragons of Autumn Twilight. I'll never not enjoy getting to know Tas, and Raistlin, and everyone in the Dragonlance universe. I'm hoping Sony's teaser announcement today has something to do with Dragonlance, 'cause I am a well of enthusiasm for things that will never be: 






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  4. I love the character Angi, the Nord archer living alone up in the mountains. They really could have done a lot more with her.


    What the ... not in 600 hours have I seen that character. I just had to look her up on the wiki and now I'm gonna go find her in real life. Or, I mean, the game. How cool, thanks. 

  5. So I went to a home in Rancho Santa Fe, here in San Diego County, walked through the doorway, looked left and saw a gold flagpole trophy. Turns out, it belongs to a Giant named Aubrey Huff. I was suitably impressed to see it in person, as well as with Aubrey's personality--he gave me a fist-bump, and I'm a nobody.  :w00t:


    You could pay a whole extra $20 (?) to get the expansion as part of the kickstarter, so it's not exactly been sprung on people. Though it needs the fulfilment/ redemption method(s) to be up and running to actually, well, redeem it. There's also been a fair bit of talk about whether or not any sequel to PE would use KS, which was a pretty strong indicator it would be a 'franchise'.


    Oh, yes, I see it now. I opted to add-on a black Obsidian T-shirt, instead of the expansion pack. Probably because I knew I could always download the latter, but may never get a chance to own the former. See ... forgetting things can be like a free bonus when you remember them! 

    • Like 1
  7. Not once in nine months have I heard mention that Project: Eternity could become a "long-running" franchise. Until now. Which is why I'm posting. Now. 



    Regardless of how well Project Eternity does beyond the contributions of its backers, however, there are already plans to begin work on an expansion after the completion of the first game.

  8. Woot! At least the heat wave is gone, mostly. I didn't know this until he told me, but my history professor once said the U.S. was actually born when the first version of the Constitution was ratified, not on the day the colonies told the king to get stuffed. 

  9. Sharing RAM between GPU and CPU probably won't make much difference


    I see few are reading the articles I quote. It won't be simple simultaneous read/write. It says the GPU will also be used as a resource for compute calculations, including ray tracing for audio, texture decompression, physics and particle simulation, collision detection, AI, and world simulation. Dismissing GDDR5 as EOL already is just silly.   


    Do you happen to know if offloading the processes onto the GPU requires developer work or not?



    No, I don't. I can only find generalized statements. Mark Cerny from Sony has said that "time to triangle," or the time it takes a developer to achieve a working engine, is down from 6-12 months on PS3, to only 1-2 months for PS4. Surely that implies minimal, if any, developer work differentiating CPU/GPU processes in hardware.  


    Console games are made by the lowest common denominator, in other words the hardware limitations of the XBOne are the ones you want to look at. 


    I know nothing about game software development, but I suspect they don't aim for the lowest minimum requirement across multiple platforms. Surely there must be a customization process. Skyrim was unplayable on PS3 for many, yet most Xbox 360 owners encountered a much smaller litany of quest-breaking bugs, corrupted/missing saves, etc. 






  12. Least expensive and most powerful when adjusted for inflation and processing power compared with other platforms (or consoles, rather, in that Ars article).


    The PS4, on the other hand, shows what a difference $100 makes as far as historical comparisons. Sony's new system is the cheapest one the company has ever launched when measured in real dollar value, and it hovers right around the median inflation-adjusted price for consoles historically.


    I'm starting to sound like a shill, perhaps, and using absolutes like "platform" and "ever" may be reaching, but the hardware specification list is turning my nerd crank and making my PC sit up and act like a jealous sibling ... and the PS4 baby hasn't even been delivered yet. I just think the potential for developers to really do something special is finally here, for the masses, at a price cheaper than a new mattress.  

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