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Posts posted by ManifestedISO

  1. I don't think Robocop needed a remake...


    Robocop is to Detroit what Rocky is to Philly ... and the tattered, bankrupt city (in real life) could use a morale boost. A new movie might help the tiniest bit. There was a successful Kickstarter for a statue of Robocop in the city.  

  2. Pretty underwhelming TV commercial for Xbox One. I got the impression it was aimed at rabid NFL fans who don't play video games? The ad was a lot like the Surface tablet, trying to create an air of sexy usefulness around a product everyone will need in order to be happy and enjoy football and have good skin and fun parties and a nice house and lots of friends, but no video games cause those are for kids not football fans wut

  3. I honestly hope Manti Te'o destroys the field for the Chargers and silences that unfortunate breach in wisdom for good.  


    New coach, new GM, and some new player prospects ... if Rivers can control his turnovers, and if anyone shows up to defend the pass rush, *facepalm* SD could challenge Denver for the AFC West. But because I want that to happen ... it won't.  

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  4. Infinite was a repetitive poo-poo platter, I thought. But that was on Xbox ... I suppose I should download the PC version before I comment. It was free, anyway. 


    I thought game studios are like movie studios, in that they hire for a project, then layoff after it's completed. Temporary contract work. 


    Edit: I see now they let go of just eight people. I would think Irrational employs many more than that. Still sucks to look for work. 

  5. I'm not a campaigner, but I was pretty dumbfounded to read a scathing review of Rome II. I assumed it would be a complex, fun, ingenious game ... but, no. Tedious, boring, time-consuming, apparently. Ars Technica usually reads well, too, so I believe 'em. 

  6. First time ever in Borderlands 2. Video quality is exceptional, like a well-textured comic book in 3D. Kept picking up several new weapons--but I didn't realize you have to go into the inventory to swap out. Went all the way to Lvl 6 with a revolver. :) 


    Not sure about the re-spawn thing ... went back through some areas before continuing elsewhere, and everyone came back to life. Good for XP, I think, but sort of rankles my completionist tendency. Superb sound design, too. 

  7. Oh wow, so the comparison to Far Cry 3 is only partially correct. There are multiple keeps in Inquisition, like camps on that crazy island, but unlike FC, the Inquisitor will employ Agents at each keep after seizing control, to carry out various missions related to the Inquisition. So eventually there will be a network of keeps under control of the PC. Interesting. 


    And the return of pause-and-play combat, for all platforms ... I am very happy to see this.  

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  8. 2013 tech market business plan spotted on a coffee shop napkin:


    1. Crowd-fund Android game console

    2. Bork console launch

    3. Irritate, enrage consumers; alienate developers

    4. Scratch forehead

    5. Initiate exclusive "double-the-money" incentive

    6. Fabricate game title

    7. Fabricate independent developer

    8. Fabricate multiple backer profiles

    9. Crowd-fund fabricated game title

    10. Act innocent

    11. Repeat 6-10

    12. Cash check




    As of this writing, the campaign has raised $78,340 from 137 backers. That's just under an astounding $572 pledged by each backer -- and that's a sharp decline from earlier in the campaign, when the average pledge was $626 per person. For comparison's sake, the average pledge per backer for Double Fine's adventure game, Project Eternity, and Wasteland 2 -- some of the most highly funded video game Kickstarter campaigns to date -- was $38, $54, and $48, respectively.





    Adding further fuel to the fire is the fact that many of the backers used newly created profiles on Kickstarter. As noted on NeoGAF, among these are different profiles that have the same name as each another, and some which share the same last name as MogoTXT CEO Andrew Won. And, despite the large amount donated by backers, very few of the higher donation tiers have been chosen, meaning these individuals decided to pass up the rewards they were entitled to.



    Bay Area tech business practices


    I think Ouya is in on the whole thing, having started a fake game development incentive to get the market up. Fake, as in they are acting as both sellers and buyers of consoles and games.  

  9. Whew, coming up with a self-preemptive eulogistic post-script wouldn't be very appropriate for my last day. We middling punters likely will go out in a sputtering blaze of red debt and black regret if the mien holds true. I think I'll be inclined to ask, "This better be a ****ing long nap."     

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